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Chicken, those of us who suffer with depression and mental illness know how overwhelming and hopeless things can seem so you have my sympathy.

Did you ever get sorted out with a counsellor or cognitive behaviourable therapist? They can really help you to get a degree of perspective and give you coping mechanisms that may provide even a small bit of relief when you feel that you are in a downward spiral.

Of course, they can't wave a magic wand but, when you are in the dark, they can provide a tiny light.


did you ever get your pains looked into ??  maybe a visit and a chat will help there 


book to have a chat with your personnal tutor as well  regarding your uni work - many others will be feeling the pressure as well but a chat just might help you settle the anxiety you are feeling 


you have come so far - you just need a little reassuring push to get you to the end 

Originally Posted by MrsH:


you have come so far - you just need a little reassuring push to get you to the end 

Ain't that the truth


I bet if you asked your compatriots at uni they would all say that they are feeling the pressure. It's a horrid time for you all ... you've just got back from Christmas, nice warm house, nice full fridge ... there are exams to take, essays to write, dissertations to plan ... and it all seems horribly daunting.


Take a deep breath Chicken, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you CAN do this - because you really can


Think what you have overcome this far ... you are an amazing person


(It's at times like this that Brisket is sorely missed)


Chicken - there is some good advice up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^ re read and take some advice. Believe me you really aren't alone with how you're feeling .......speak to others - don't think everyone has it sussed - they may just hide it better.


And ditto - ditto - seelk out the support of a student counsellor ..........failing that - PM Peter Cat 

Soozy Woo

Chicken, LOADS of good advice up above!


I think that you get low, and then you start to feel a bit better, but you never do anything to help yourself even out (like go talk to someone who can help you with that). So, the next time it hits you, you have to start all over again. There are so MANY solutions for someone in your shoes, but you have to go see someone.


Chicken...   I know you aren't alone in feeling like this...  cos last night Ducky did another 4 and a half hour round trip to go pick up her son from uni to bring him home... cos he too is feeling totally fed up.


She'd only taken him back at the weekend... he had an exam yesterday...  & doesn't have another til the 25th...   so cos he was so fed up he;s come home.


Others have told her that they remember feeling like this during uni exam time..    apparently its very very common to feel like this at this time of year.



Remember - even if you do stuff up your exams - thats not the end. There'll be resits in the Summer. Did it myself my first year at Uni, when I just couldn't concentrate. You'll get through it, it may take a while to settle into your coursework.


Or maybe you should even consider changing your course, if you're not enjoying it?. I know people who did that too and were far happier for it.

Originally Posted by PrawnCracker:

hey everyone , thanks for all the advice! Sorry its taken so long for me to get back to you! I got an essay back the other do and did fairly decent on it so thats spurned me on a bit and im feeling a little happier bout everything! Also gave in another essay yesterday so thats another done and dusted!  

Great news PrawnCracker

Originally Posted by PrawnCracker:

hey everyone , thanks for all the advice! Sorry its taken so long for me to get back to you! I got an essay back the other do and did fairly decent on it so thats spurned me on a bit and im feeling a little happier bout everything! Also gave in another essay yesterday so thats another done and dusted!  

well done   onwards and upwards to the finish now 


I was at Uni - i quit (eventually) and i know the pressure and the strain of it all

My advice - do not let it get out of hand - ask for help (its there). Get organised - it really does help to seemingly cut your workload down

Stay ahead ... even if in the tiniest of ways - do a bit, stop , do a bit more

Work "with" someone who is on the same course - i used to do that too.


Best of luck


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