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Reference: suzybean
My Sarf London neighbours came over to us when we moved in with a card and a bottle of wine. They always remember my kids' birthdays and Christmas. There are still some real salt of the earth types in Lahnden.
It's the 'done thing' where I'm from, to welcome a new neighbour.  It forges lifelong friendships in most cases!   
If I was still in London Saz I'd meet up with you for shopping!!

Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better today... I've sent away for an information pack from the place Ditty told me about (and I tink it was Dan J that provided the link ) and I think I'll start doing ju jitsu one night a week, maybe even 2 if I really like it I used to scuba dive years ago, so it might be worth looking into that again too

I also keep threatening to learn Arabic so I can spy on B and see what he is saying about me

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