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had so many don't undserstand, i hardly come on here any more, to complicated. also cannot reply to people's post individually. sorry but Iam old and not an IT expert; need something user friendly please!
Reference: forgetmenot
cannot reply to people's post individually
I've seen your post. I did try to send you a private message (dialog) but your profile settings prevented me from sending you one. This could be the reason why you can't reply to people's posts individually. If I am right, this is what you need to do. Make a note of these instructions before you start.

Position your mouse over the Livecloud logo at the top l;eft of the page so that a little menu appears.
Click on "Manage Your Settings"
You should now see a screen headed "Manage Your Permissions"
The last item is called "Send Me Dialogs". Generally this will have a tick in the World column. I'm guessing that you don't. So you need to put a tick in it. This will mean that anyone can send you private messages. If you don't feel comfortable with this, you can choose not to tick it, but put a tick in the Buddies column or some of the other columns (which are a form of even more restricted Buddy). However if you use the Buddies or other columns, you will need to set up the members you want to talk to as Buddies. It is simpler just to stick with the World column. If in the extremely unlikely occurence of someone sending you an unwanted message, you can blacklist that person so thay cannot send messages to you.
Once you've done this, click on "Update Permissions" and you should then be able to send and receive private messages.

To send a private message, from the Livecloud logo, click on "Your Dialogs".
Click on "Start Dialog".
Before typing anything, you need to select a participant first, so click on "Add Participant". Although you can create a dialog before choosing a participant, when you come to post it, you find that you cannot and it is then too late to add a participant, so remember to choose a participant first.
The screen will default to showing those members you have set up as Buddies, but you probably will want to click on Network Members. In the Filter box, type at least the start of the name of the participant and click Go. You will then see those members which fit your choice. It can be a bit tricky if the name is used by lots of people, so it can help if you can recognise their avatar. Double click on their avatar and click "Continue with Dialog Creation". You should see that the participant has been added to the Participants list besides yourself.
You can add other participants. You do need at least one, you cannot send one to just yourself.
You can now start the dialog. At the minimum you need to enter a heading in the Subject box and your message in the Dialogs post box. The preocedure is the same as for an ordinary posting.
Once finished, click "Publish Now" and you have sent your private message.
Your participant should get an email with the the first few lines of your message. By clicking on the More, they will go to the Livecloud site and see the whole message.
After this first message you and the participant can send each other messages in the same way as on these forums - they work in very similar ways, except only you and the participant can see the messages. To get to existing dialogs, under "Your Dialogs" click on "All dialogs". This shows all the dialogs you have created - this works in a similar way to the forum topics pages which you are familiar with.

I hope this answers your question, but if not let me know,
El Loro
Reference: Lori
Well said, El Loro. Didn't occur to me that she might mean dialogs... Thanks for that!
Thanks, but it remains to be seen whether she did mean dialogs. Incidentally, I think I am right in that a participant has to be selected before entering any text in the dialog including the Subject box. The fact that you can enter text without a participant, try to post it and then finding out you can't is a weakness. As far as I can see you have to come out of the creating dialog screen, losing all you have done, and start all over again. Refreshing the screen doesn't sort this out as I have tried. Yes, one can copy the posting before leaving, come back in and paste it back in, but it shouldn't be necessary.
Either it should not be possible to any any text before choosing a participant, or better be able to select a participant once text has been entered.
Thanks for listening.
El Loro
I'm not sure if things have changed, but the last time I was creating a dialog and tried to post it before I had chosen a participant all that happened was that I got a wee  info box popping up saying, 'You must choose at least one participant.' I okayed this box and I was back to my message with the 'Add Participant' on the left, and was able to proceed as normal, I'll just try it again now and report back.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
And I've just sent Fluffy a PM back, and this time it worked fine. So now I'm completely bewildered unless it was due to me selecting forgetmenot who doesn't seem to have dialog permissions set on.
El Loro
Lori, the mystery is why El Loro is now getting the same rsults as me with the dialogs, but wasn't before.  He was slightly bemused by mine saying (ID:Silverfish)because he didn't know that my ID was not the same as my username.

El Loro, I've now attempted to send forgetmenot a dialog. I didn't lose my message just got a wee message in red saying 'You do not have permission to send the following users dialogs: forgetmenot (forgetmenot)' and forgetmenot's name was removed from the list of participants.

PS The reason forgetmenot's name is given twice is because it is listing both the Username and the ID (in brackets)

If you look up the list of members you'll see both the username and ID, you'll see that in most cases they are the same. I like to be different!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I like to be different!
But you'll always be Fluffy to us!

After the above postings, I repeated my attempt to send a PM to Forgetmenot, initially without choosing a participant. After composing the message, I tried adding Forgetmenot and this time I succeeded. Obvously when I tried to post it, as before it was rejected.
So I can't repeat my trifling problem at will, but I have experienced it before, so it is obviously a transient problem which makes it impossible to work out why it happens.
El Loro
Hi Jenny,
Hover over the Live Cloud logo at the top left and click on 'Manage your stuff' from the drop down menu. The time zone panel should be about mid page.
Click on the down arrow at the right end of the Time Zone panel and choose GMT+1. Remember to click the 'Update Settings' button at the bottom of the page.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Lori et al... I'm having problems with the edit again now... permanent cogs again. It does work if I just refresh while it's still cogging though... Safari 4.0.5 and Mac OS X etc etc!
It does work if I just refresh while it's still cogging though..
oh yeah... I always have to do that too!   I'd kinda got used to it...

ermm.... WinXP Chrome etc

(nearly forgot my rank & number then!)
OK, I'll pass on the word about the editing. 

Hyper, the smilies are loading for me (I'm in Safari at the moment).  What are you using?
Anyone else having trouble with the smilies?
OK, I'll pass on the word about the editing.
Personally other probs here come and go with time but the Editing problem remains constant, any time soon that it can be fixed would be good news 

Windows XP. IE.7
Yellow Rose
Lori, please read this post as it contains important findings about the spinning cogs problem.

As I and others have said, the editing issue is frequent, though sometimes it works OK. The one thing I have noticed though is that I have never experienced it when editing my opening post on a new topic no matter how many times I re-edit it. For instance on my election manifestos thread, I re-edited that post many times without ever having the spinning cogs problem. This clearly indicates that the problem rests with subsequent posts.

However I have been doing some testing this morning and what I have found is that the spinning cogs problem seems to occur on my subsequent posts where I have not initiated the opening post, but seems not to occur on subsequent posts where I have initiated the opening post. This seems to be the case whether I am editing a posting on the first page where the first post is shown, and on later pages even though the first post is not shown.

Although like Yellow Rose I am using Windows XP (Professional service pack 3), I am using Firefox so the problem does not seem to be browser related.
El Loro
Hi, all:

I've just researched this in our bug-tracking system.  Apparently the bug has been fixed in the version that is very soon to be released.  If it looked like it was fixed before, that was just a coincidence.

El Loro:  Thanks for all the detail--if the "fix" doesn't appear to be complete (which we won't really know until we release to you), we'll refer to this again.
Had this just before midnight UK Time..

The webpage "" cannot be found

DNS error occurred. Server cannot be found. The link may be broken.

<form action="" method="get">Suggestion - search the Web:

<input id="akw1" name="p" type="text" value="talk gagajoyjoy" /> <input name="type" type="hidden" value="yahoo_avg_hs2-tb-webdns_uk" /><input name="fr" type="hidden" value="yhs-avg" /> <input class="sbutton" type="submit" value="Search" />

Are you looking for:
2.Phone7.Carphone Warehouse
3.Mobile Phone Insurance8.Link
4.Free SMS9.Dial a Phone
5.Cheap International Call10.Talk Talk
<label class="search_labelnoimage" for="akw2">You can try again by typing the URL here:</label> <input id="akw2" name="q" onkeypress="return noNumbers(event)" type="text" value="" /> <input class="sbutton" onclick="JAVASCRIPT: Redir();" type="button" value="Go to URL" />

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Other options to try:

  • Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
  • To attempt fixing network connectivity problems, click Tools, and then click "Diagnose Connection Problems..."
  • See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set Microsoft Windows to examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings (if your network administrator has enabled this setting).
  • Click the Back button to try another link.

How to disable the URL Error Redirection?

Hi, Real:

Yes, we had a DNS issue on this end, which has since been fixed (as evidenced by the fact that you could post above.)

Sorry for the inconvenience...and the frustration.

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