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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Sorry erinp, but that just sounds like more Tabloid bollocks, to me.


She likes to lift her top and flash her boobs. It's one of her hobbies/habits. Again, nobody dies. 

But you are saying that as if it was normal and acceptable behaviour! You know full well it is not.

Well, there are situations where it wouldn't be acceptable, obviously, but from what I've heard, she does it on nights out and people laugh about it.


It sounds like this latest incident was part of a task and an actor saw her bra. Not a big deal.


Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Originally Posted by Avalon:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Normal and acceptable behaviour within the BB House possibly? Not so much in Morrisons.

See, I don't think it's acceptible even there.

How many of us women or women you know flash themselves on a regular basis in front of even their best and longest known friends and aquaintances?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Doesn't seem like she does it for fun to me, she always ends up miserable afterwards....

that's true.. I think it's all a bit sad and pathetic tbh.     Such a need for approval and to be 'loved'  - and she thinks making people laugh at her will bring her that.    It smacks of all those OTT people in their audition videos that say 'people will love me, I'm crazy and funny and zany'  People who hang those tickets on themselves, very rarely are... and that's Denise to me.


 Last night she was totally over the top when she left the bedroom and was blaming Michael for saying she was snoring which he never was the twins, she made such a big melodramatic scene out of nothing, she hated the fact the Brits left the house before the Americans .. IMO .. why is Michael still here etc,I would say she was an opinion..not getting her fix on a regular basis is starting to show,she is a typical alcoholic.. in denial ..and will  blame anyone for her actions to justify her behaviour..Michael..alcoholics are self absorbed and are sympathy seekers like most people with addictions it is never their fault,its  their personality and the justification is found wherever they can get it.I felt sad for Denise when she was in the garden it was not nice viewing ..but not sorry for her..sorry for her family having to watch their wife/mum going into meltdown.. anyone who let's her behaviour go un-noticed are not her friends, they are enablers, by accepting her behaviour they are allowing her to carry on.. real friends would take her to one side and be honest with her.... 


Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

Denise nominated Michael the very first week.

Her reason?

"Because he has not asked any questions about ME!" Because to Denise, everything is about her.

She then went all out to friend him - I think because she wanted to be able to boast that she had a friend in Hollywood. When it didn't happen, when he made it quite clear that he was not interested, she turned bunny boiler and would not leave him alone.

Re the topless thing - well she flashed an 19 year old lad, knowing that the chances are her "vulnerable" 10 year old son would hear about it - again under the influence of drink.

I don't like her - she is not as famous as she thinks she is and IMO she brings nothing to the house but moaning and drama.


Incidentally - where was her husband on eviction night? Why was he not there to potentially support her?

Don`t know the answer to that Eileen but I completely agree with your post.


Denise is her own worst enemy.. will she ever learn? I hope so, but I doubt it. 




Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Who said anything about scary?

We're talking about acceptable and appropriate behaviour - or lack of.

OK, is Aimee's picture appropriate and acceptable?

I think it is. 

If Aimee's avatar was of Aimee it would NOT be appropriate and acceptable.


Isit appropriate? For this CBB - Yes.

Is it acceptable? Not really for the long term, but it is so small it can be overlooked in the short term.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

Denise nominated Michael the very first week.

Her reason?

"Because he has not asked any questions about ME!" Because to Denise, everything is about her.

She then went all out to friend him - I think because she wanted to be able to boast that she had a friend in Hollywood. When it didn't happen, when he made it quite clear that he was not interested, she turned bunny boiler and would not leave him alone.

Re the topless thing - well she flashed an 19 year old lad, knowing that the chances are her "vulnerable" 10 year old son would hear about it - again under the influence of drink.

I don't like her - she is not as famous as she thinks she is and IMO she brings nothing to the house but moaning and drama.


Incidentally - where was her husband on eviction night? Why was he not there to potentially support her?

Don`t know the answer to that Eileen but I completely agree with your post.


Denise is her own worst enemy.. will she ever learn? I hope so, but I doubt it. 




Hi Scotty.

To be fair Michael has tried to be friends as well to an extent but she kept wanting him to "open up" to her and kept waffling on about "cracking the veneer".


Why would he, an established hollywood star, even think about confiding all his fears and worries on TV to a total stranger?

Makes no sense at all to me.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Who said anything about scary?

We're talking about acceptable and appropriate behaviour - or lack of.

OK, is Aimee's picture appropriate and acceptable?

I think it is. 

If Aimee's avatar was of Aimee it would NOT be appropriate and acceptable.


Isit appropriate? For this CBB - Yes.

Is it acceptable? Not really for the long term, but it is so small it can be overlooked in the short term.

Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Sorry erinp, but that just sounds like more Tabloid bollocks, to me.


She likes to lift her top and flash her boobs. It's one of her hobbies/habits. Again, nobody dies. 

The bloke asked her about flashing, so she did it again and everyone found it funny AND she wasn't drunk 

Still doesn't make it generally acceptable bahaviour.

Did they find it funny? Or did they titter politely in embarrassment?


Asking about ones proclivity for flashing does not mean that you actually want to see it!

They all seemed too find it funny in the clip i saw on FB, even the fake host said i liked that

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Who said anything about scary?

We're talking about acceptable and appropriate behaviour - or lack of.

OK, is Aimee's picture appropriate and acceptable?

I think it is. 

If Aimee's avatar was of Aimee it would NOT be appropriate and acceptable.


Isit appropriate? For this CBB - Yes.

Is it acceptable? Not really for the long term, but it is so small it can be overlooked in the short term.

Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?





That's why i thought it was acceptable as a avi as some have women in bikinis on here as their avi

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?


A bikini is not underwear or bare flesh.


Not sure what you're trying to get at there.


And I am aware that part of our ideas of decency and acceptable behaviour are shaped by our society, but obviously not totally, otherwise we would all think the same and we would not be having this discussion!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

Denise nominated Michael the very first week.

Her reason?

"Because he has not asked any questions about ME!" Because to Denise, everything is about her.

She then went all out to friend him - I think because she wanted to be able to boast that she had a friend in Hollywood. When it didn't happen, when he made it quite clear that he was not interested, she turned bunny boiler and would not leave him alone.

Re the topless thing - well she flashed an 19 year old lad, knowing that the chances are her "vulnerable" 10 year old son would hear about it - again under the influence of drink.

I don't like her - she is not as famous as she thinks she is and IMO she brings nothing to the house but moaning and drama.


Incidentally - where was her husband on eviction night? Why was he not there to potentially support her?

Don`t know the answer to that Eileen but I completely agree with your post.


Denise is her own worst enemy.. will she ever learn? I hope so, but I doubt it. 




Hi Scotty.

To be fair Michael has tried to be friends as well to an extent but she kept wanting him to "open up" to her and kept waffling on about "cracking the veneer".


Why would he, an established hollywood star, even think about confiding all his fears and worries on TV to a total stranger?

Makes no sense at all to me.

Hi Eileen,

I`m not sure if her behaviour towards has as much to do with him being an established actor, although I can see an element of that, I think it`s more that she fancied him, he wasn`t interested and the claws came out. She desperately wanted him to know about her, ask about her, like her, and used the "cracking his veneer" as a way to get him to talk about her. She just doesn`t get that if she hadn`t pushed him as far as she did..he just might have asked.


Edit: I couldn`t finish my post cos the vid got in the way.  


Anyway, yes, Michael has tried to be friends with her, they get it sort of sorted then it backfires when she has a drink. She brings it all back up again ( not the drink )

Next day she obviously regrets her behaviour but goes on the defensive and blames him.

Same old same old. Sad really. 


Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?


A bikini is not underwear or bare flesh.


Not sure what you're trying to get at there.


And I am aware that part of our ideas of decency and acceptable behaviour are shaped by our society, but obviously not totally, otherwise we would all think the same and we would not be having this discussion!

I'm referring to what you said about Aimee's avi being unacceptable post CBB, i was saying if that's the case then anyone who has someone in a bikini as their avi should be the same

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Who said anything about scary?

We're talking about acceptable and appropriate behaviour - or lack of.

OK, is Aimee's picture appropriate and acceptable?

I think it is. 

If Aimee's avatar was of Aimee it would NOT be appropriate and acceptable.


Isit appropriate? For this CBB - Yes.

Is it acceptable? Not really for the long term, but it is so small it can be overlooked in the short term.

Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?





That's why i thought it was acceptable as a avi as some have women in bikinis on here as their avi

Don't worry about it Aims it's  totally fine hun xx

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I dont think it is the going topless as much as her reasons for doing so ..she said she thought she would give the boys a treat her husband and so sons must be embarrassed hearing her say that.

i tend to agree marg.


 and for those getting all narky about   it and references to  age, it's a sad fact of life that our bodies start to degenerate after the age of  30, and it's generally accepted, be it right or wrong, that young bodies with skin that fits  looks  more appealing than old skin that doesn't  fit anymore.


it maybe unfair, but that isn't going to change.


loved reading the thread, im thinking its all been part of denise game plan, the michael/denise saga has kept us all watching, people voting to save her and michael, denise appearing in papers for many reasons. negative positive its all good for denise, if she has a problem and theres no game plan then perhaps her watching bb back will make her think alittle. good luck to denise, but also good luck to michael.

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I dont think it is the going topless as much as her reasons for doing so ..she said she thought she would give the boys a treat her husband and so sons must be embarrassed hearing her say that.

You talk a lot of sense marg... if she was on a beach on holiday nobody would bat an eyelid.     It's the reason - and she actually verbalised it, so there's no doubt why she did it - THAT'S the bit I find a bit icky - not the sight of her boobs.     FWIW I find it just as icky you drunk lads dropping the drawers and young girls getting the boobs out when they're p'd out of their heads too.    so sue me....




You are approached by an interviwer who asks for a few minutes of your time and explains that they are conducting a survey about women with breast implants.


You immediately whip up your top and display your breasts (with or without bra) and proudly show off to all and sundry your augmented or natoral accoutrements!


Yes or No?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

That's why i thought it was acceptable as a avi as some have women in bikinis on here as their avi

It is acceptable, Aimee.

Absolutely nothing wrong with it. 

 it's been there longing enough for Lori too tell me too change it, so i guess it's only a few that have a problem with it 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



You are approached by an interviwer who asks for a few minutes of your time and explains that they are conducting a survey about women with breast implants.


You immediately whip up your top and display your breasts (with or without bra) and proudly show off to all and sundry your augmented or natoral accoutrements!


Yes or No?

Is this in the street, a pub, sitting at home, or a task on BB? 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?


A bikini is not underwear or bare flesh.


Not sure what you're trying to get at there.


And I am aware that part of our ideas of decency and acceptable behaviour are shaped by our society, but obviously not totally, otherwise we would all think the same and we would not be having this discussion!

The  Avi i'm referring to on here seem's to be more that just a bikini pic IMO

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

 Last night she was totally over the top when she left the bedroom and was blaming Michael for saying she was snoring which he never was the twins, she made such a big melodramatic scene out of nothing, she hated the fact the Brits left the house before the Americans .. IMO .. why is Michael still here etc,I would say she was an opinion..not getting her fix on a regular basis is starting to show,she is a typical alcoholic.. in denial ..and will  blame anyone for her actions to justify her behaviour..Michael..alcoholics are self absorbed and are sympathy seekers like most people with addictions it is never their fault,its  their personality and the justification is found wherever they can get it.I felt sad for Denise when she was in the garden it was not nice viewing ..but not sorry for her..sorry for her family having to watch their wife/mum going into meltdown.. anyone who let's her behaviour go un-noticed are not her friends, they are enablers, by accepting her behaviour they are allowing her to carry on.. real friends would take her to one side and be honest with her.... 


Totally agree Marge....

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aimee's profile picture is just not that scary! 

Who said anything about scary?

We're talking about acceptable and appropriate behaviour - or lack of.

OK, is Aimee's picture appropriate and acceptable?

I think it is. 

If Aimee's avatar was of Aimee it would NOT be appropriate and acceptable.


Isit appropriate? For this CBB - Yes.

Is it acceptable? Not really for the long term, but it is so small it can be overlooked in the short term.

Well in that case anyone with someone in a bikini should get the same treatment surely?





That's why i thought it was acceptable as a avi as some have women in bikinis on here as their avi

Don't worry about it Aims it's  totally fine hun xx


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