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I like FB, I find it easy and I don't find it intrusive because you do get to control who can and can't see your pics/posts etc. When I get a friend request from someone I don't know I check mutual friends and there are nearly always peeps I recognise from here on the list. Trouble is, they don't always put alternative ID's on their profiles.
Queen of the High Teas
I've got a few from people who needed to level up on such things as Yo & Mafia wars..which I dont play!.........but I guess as long as they behave themselves it don't really matter......I've never had any troubles over there...tend to just chat with my good friends such as the Lovely Sunset & Pickle am not really fussed!

I have a lot of peeps I don't 'know' on mine now because of Mafia and Vampire Wars. As for the forum peeps, if I got a friend request but didn't know who they were I just messaged them before accepting asking who they were as I am proper rubbish at guessing!
No one has ever been offended to be asked so I would ask if I was you Queenie.
Although remembering who is who some time later  is another problem

Veggieburger offline 4027 Forum Posts Today at 1:31 PM (Edited: ) I have a lot of peeps I don't 'know' on mine now because of Mafia and Vampire Wars. As for the forum peeps, if I got a friend request but didn't know who they were I just messaged them before accepting asking who they were as I am proper rubbish at guessing! No one has ever been offended to be asked so I would ask if I was you Queenie. Although remembering who is who some time later is another problem
have you seen you have a pm up there ^^^
I'm there on my C4 forum ID but real life friends have recently asked to add me and I felt bad not doing it so I added they think I'm a bit of a loon usuing a fake name and having people with weird names on my fb!
That's one of the reasons I stopped using my forum ID account. I think a few of my RL f&f were starting to think I'd gone a bit 'funny' by having an alter-ego.  
Queen of the High Teas
I do the same as most people...if I get a request I look to see if we have mutual friends.I 'know' most of the people on mine..and like Queenie I like the fact you can just delete them if you want at anytime.For that reason am not too worried about thoroughly checking someone out.Have had the odd request from a name I dont know and have no mutual friends and I just ignore them.
I like FB, I find it easy and I don't find it intrusive because you do get to control who can and can't see your pics/posts etc. When I get a friend request from someone I don't know I check mutual friends and there are nearly always peeps I recognise from here on the list. Trouble is, they don't always put alternative ID's on their profiles.
I don't have my screen name from here on my profile

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