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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
My dad died, but fathers day doesn't upset me any more- I light a candle for him and wish everyone else have a lovely day I do often wonder what I'd buy him if he were alive.. I'd love to buy him dinner and have a chat

One of those big havanna cigars my dad liked and he was partial to a glas of wine.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I don't want to turn your thread into something too moody, but father's day is marred in our family because my granddaughter's father killed himself on that day; that and with his birthday being on Christmas day, he left a hard legacy was us.


thanks syd. She copes very well by leaving all sorts of thing on his grave, it's the dates that make it harder.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
 I'd love to buy him dinner and have a chat

Me too.........reckon we would have a lovely chat too...........



It's been twenty one years ..............I often wonder what life would be like if he was still around. He was the archetypal patriart of the family all went a bit crazy when he died. I think he'd have been so proud of his grandchildren and would have loved all of his 8 great grandchildren who he never met. I'll be thinking of him on Fathers Day ............58 years old is no age to die didn't seem soooooooooooo young the.


It does now!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
 I'd love to buy him dinner and have a chat

Me too.........reckon we would have a lovely chat too...........

Thinking about it more......I would love to talk about our past with him, and his past with him, things that we were to busy living to discuss......

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I no longer have a dad (physically - but he's still here in my mind and walks with me every day)


but, my children still have their lovely dad (thank the lawd, coz I am married to him!), and I will give a lot of thought to the presents that I will buy him and wrap up and give to them to give to him

Your Dad is with you and your husband and Grandchildren through you, and you remembering 

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

This is my 1st Fathers Day without my Dad. Dreading it.  Hate seeing all the Fathers Day card displays in the shops and the related advertising.  (Was the same last year when I lost my mother at New Year.)




Oooooooooooooooh thats hard - losing both your parents so close together 


I'm very lucky to still have my mum ...................she more often than not drives me mad but I don't know what I'd do without her!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

This is my 1st Fathers Day without my Dad. Dreading it.  Hate seeing all the Fathers Day card displays in the shops and the related advertising.  (Was the same last year when I lost my mother at New Year.)




i cant cheer you up on that one-but dont be miserable-think about all the good stuff x

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

This is my 1st Fathers Day without my Dad. Dreading it.  Hate seeing all the Fathers Day card displays in the shops and the related advertising.  (Was the same last year when I lost my mother at New Year.)




Awww SB..... Just try to  concentrate on all the good times you had together.... 

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

This is my 1st Fathers Day without my Dad. Dreading it.  Hate seeing all the Fathers Day card displays in the shops and the related advertising.  (Was the same last year when I lost my mother at New Year.)




I know how you feel.My dad died in November so it's my first Fathers day without him too,it's heartbreaking that instead of buying him a card and present I'll be buying him a wreath and going to his grave.


Never know what too buy my dad, but i love him too death, he is one of those men that will do anything for you but you try and buy anything for him he will go into one all mighty strop


Daughter on the other hand has now started too call her dad by his name instead of dad, she's old  too make her own choice's but i think it's so sad

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


well BIG UP to our old men eh?


dont get down

Too right pirate


Let's not be sad - if they were like my dad they were all flipping brilliant


Even tho he got on my wick by taking my makeup off me, and my cigs, and made me stay in, and turned Top of the Pops over.........

Originally Posted by pirate1111:



i miss mine

i will always love and adore mine

couldnt understand a f*cking word he said mind

but he was MY dad

off to listen to blondie

my dad once got my mom to phone me to tell me DEBBIE HARRY

was appearing in coronation street

it wasnt

it was debbie arnold




close though

If there was a like button I'd be hitting it Brilliant post  


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