Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
Originally posted by tupps:
errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..
and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!
i just used what the police said
whatchoo sorry for ya silly..
there were quite a few shootings that winter.. they probably all morphed into one as far as the papers were concerned..
its awful
I can remember on our first day at uni being sat down by our tutor and told that although there was a reputation for Nottingham and guncrime, it mostly happened in two areas which we should avoid, and was usually a form of gang crime. Since then the stabbings have started and with so much stuff happening in the city centre its scary- when I left my brother on sat night the last thing I said to him was "Get into a taxi, phone me when you get in, don't go near Halo." The daft sod then decided to walk home
lied to me via text and then told our mum the next day. She went mad at me thinking I had let him walk home
, so I sent him a message yesterday having a go. Fricking idiot- I'm the youngest, I'm not meant to be the most responsible!