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errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..

and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!
Originally posted by tupps:
errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..

and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!

Sorry didn't make myself clear, was thinking back to when I was young,(dark ages), kids used to get into fights etc, but people didn't seem to get stabbed or shot the way they are now. I remember a youngster dying in my home town when I was young as a result of a fight, he fell and hit his head on a kerbstone and that was awful, but nothing like the way it is now.
Funny enough I drink in the pub just down the road from where it happened (The Old Angel), and my mate came in and told me all about it, then 2 CID officers came in to have a word with the landlord. I had to leave coz I had to go meet a mate, but I saw it on the local news, not many people were talking about it in the pub though. Luckily the night it happened I was at a party somewhere else, coz normally I drink where it happened, as someone said, strange that it should happen in the Lace Market, coz that's where a lot of nice bars are, you wouldn't expect it round there.
Originally posted by tupps:
wasn't saying that to you petal..

there has been a fatal shooting in Notts post September 2006 because there was a gang excution outside the flats where I lived a few months after that.. the copper told me when I was asking him wtf the access was blocked..

That must have been scary, especially when you realised it was a gang execution, a lot of these are done as drive-bys and then innocent people get hurt.
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by tupps:
wasn't saying that to you petal..

there has been a fatal shooting in Notts post September 2006 because there was a gang excution outside the flats where I lived a few months after that.. the copper told me when I was asking him wtf the access was blocked..

That must have been scary, especially when you realised it was a gang execution, a lot of these are done as drive-bys and then innocent people get hurt.

It was a bit weird seeing Police all over the place and the guy who got shot, his 4x4 was still there with its door open and a bit of claret on the windscreen. But rather a gang execution than some random shooting.. sounds funny but when I was told that it made me feel a little less OMG than if I'd been told it was some random nutter who just popped a passer by or something.

My brother was on a night out in the Lace Market around that time.. winter 2006/07 and him and his mates were walking to a bar and some guy rushed past them and into a guy walking in their direction. The guy just then walked a couple of paces and collapsed. My brother and his mates went to him and the guy that had rushed by just randomly stabbed him as he passed. I think he was a student from another city who was visiting mates. It was in the local paper.. not sure if the guy who was stabbed recovered.
Originally posted by tupps:
errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..

and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!

i just used what the police said Ninja sorry
Originally posted by Poolshark:
Funny enough I drink in the pub just down the road from where it happened (The Old Angel), and my mate came in and told me all about it, then 2 CID officers came in to have a word with the landlord. I had to leave coz I had to go meet a mate, but I saw it on the local news, not many people were talking about it in the pub though. Luckily the night it happened I was at a party somewhere else, coz normally I drink where it happened, as someone said, strange that it should happen in the Lace Market, coz that's where a lot of nice bars are, you wouldn't expect it round there.

I used to frequent the Old Angel quite regularly
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
Originally posted by tupps:
errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..

and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!

i just used what the police said Ninja sorry

whatchoo sorry for ya silly.. Hug

there were quite a few shootings that winter.. they probably all morphed into one as far as the papers were concerned.. Crazy
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
Originally posted by tupps:
errrr.. that's not strictly true.. a few months before I left Notts (this was post September 2006 and in the winter of 2006/2007) a guy was executed outside my flat.. shot dead.. I remember it well because I had to convince one of the coppers that I lived there and was 'escorted' into the bliddy underground car park..

and my flat was in the bliddy Lace Market!!!

i just used what the police said Ninja sorry

whatchoo sorry for ya silly.. Hug

there were quite a few shootings that winter.. they probably all morphed into one as far as the papers were concerned.. Crazy

its awful
I can remember on our first day at uni being sat down by our tutor and told that although there was a reputation for Nottingham and guncrime, it mostly happened in two areas which we should avoid, and was usually a form of gang crime. Since then the stabbings have started and with so much stuff happening in the city centre its scary- when I left my brother on sat night the last thing I said to him was "Get into a taxi, phone me when you get in, don't go near Halo." The daft sod then decided to walk home Angry lied to me via text and then told our mum the next day. She went mad at me thinking I had let him walk home Frowner, so I sent him a message yesterday having a go. Fricking idiot- I'm the youngest, I'm not meant to be the most responsible!
Originally posted by tupps:
I remember when I moved down to London a couple of people at my new place of work asking me if I felt ok about being in the big city with its crime and all.. did I feel scared or intimidated.

I'm like errrrr, yeah I've just moved from the gun crime capital of the UK so I reckon I'll be alreet.. Crazy

Laugh I love the whole "yeah well I live in Shottingham so there"
When I was on holiday we met some people from Wales, when they found out we went to UoN they started with all the guncrime jokes but out only response was "not been shot yet have we Razzer"
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
its awful
I can remember on our first day at uni being sat down by our tutor and told that although there was a reputation for Nottingham and guncrime, it mostly happened in two areas which we should avoid, and was usually a form of gang crime. Since then the stabbings have started and with so much stuff happening in the city centre its scary- when I left my brother on sat night the last thing I said to him was "Get into a taxi, phone me when you get in, don't go near Halo." The daft sod then decided to walk home Angry lied to me via text and then told our mum the next day. She went mad at me thinking I had let him walk home Frowner, so I sent him a message yesterday having a go. Fricking idiot- I'm the youngest, I'm not meant to be the most responsible!

I lived in the Lace Market. Lovely area but.. kind of borders Sneinton and St Annes.. so sometimes (as in the case of the fella who was shot outside my flat) they follow them or chase them out of those areas and where do they end up in next.. yep.

A friend of mine was coming to visit me (from darn sarf) and I told him, when you are driving around the city don't flip anyone the bird or get road ragey because someone could just draw up to you at the next lights and 'bust a cap in yo ass'. He thought I was joking. Errrr..

It is generally safe but best to avoid certain areas and keep your wits about you. And I'm from Notts and I wouldn't do anything other than get a taxi at the end of the night.

I'm painting a great picture of Nottingham aren't I Laugh
Laugh I always get a taxi, I know students walk home to Lenton, but they are at least going in the opposite direction to St Annes.
We drove through Sneinton the other week...scary times haha, we locked all the car doors and made sure to be staring straight ahead. A little bit like when we drive through the Meadows.

I think together we are painting a very vivid map for people of where to go and not to go
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
Laugh I always get a taxi, I know students walk home to Lenton, but they are at least going in the opposite direction to St Annes.
We drove through Sneinton the other week...scary times haha, we locked all the car doors and made sure to be staring straight ahead. A little bit like when we drive through the Meadows.

I think together we are painting a very vivid map for people of where to go and not to go

and yet you go along a little further from The Meadows and you're into West Bridgford...

and St Annes.. sandwiched in between The Lace Market and Mapperley Top.. two of the more expensive areas..

you are never far from 'de ghetto' honey chile.. Valentine
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I just come out of rock city and look proper hard innit Ninja nobody messes with a rock chicka

You have a bonus too.. stokey accent. Not toooo removed from a Notts accent and Northern so that you don't stick out like a stuuude and have the local chavvys thinking you are ripe for jacking. I've always felt sorry for those Home Counties med students who may as well have a sign saying 'I'm not from round these parts take my ipod' around their neck.

I don't have and never had a Notts accent.. but gawd love me I used to trowel it on whenever I was in town and things looked dodgy.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I just come out of rock city and look proper hard innit Ninja nobody messes with a rock chicka

You have a bonus too.. stokey accent. Not toooo removed from a Notts accent and Northern so that you don't stick out like a stuuude and have the local chavvys thinking you are ripe for jacking. I've always felt sorry for those Home Counties med students who may as well have a sign saying 'I'm not from round these parts take my ipod' around their neck.

I don't have and never had a Notts accent.. but gawd love me I used to trowel it on whenever I was in town and things looked dodgy.

Laugh true
and coming from somewhere very close to the roughest part of stoke I know not to wander round town with all my valuables on show.
I have a friend who ties her camera to her wrist , and then walks around texting...I'm like are you desperate for a mugging?
I've just got back from the pub and a girl who hangs around with us who is in the medical profession was telling us that the people who killed that lad also went to the A and E at the Quens Medical Centre looking for someone who got stabbed ana he was with the lad who died, apparently there were armed police at every entrance of the hospital. It's worse than the news are making out, but honestly folks Nottingham is not as it seems, please don't be put off visiting our city, I can think of worst cities.

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