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Anyone else feel stuck in the middle of it ?

Many are concerned (rightly so imo) that the BNP seem to be gaining in popularity due to the current political climate.

And who is responsible for said climate ?

Well in the 12 years reign of New Labour we've seen our freedoms diminish at an alarming rate, hard won freedoms paid for by the blood of our ancestors."

Central database, I.D. cards ??!!

Well, is having these systems in place really a move in the right direction ?

BNP is a ridiculous direction to take but that established.. What VALID alternatives ?, any other party will no doubt continue down the same path, despite what they might promise or how good they are at kissing babies. What value does a politicians promise hold ?

Is anyone else concerned about the future, no matter who's in the driving seat ?

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Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ~Orchid~:
Just because of the political climate, that is no excuse to vote in Nazi's. Vote 'Green' or something or stay at home.

Of course it's not but my point is can we really trust any of them ?

Of course we can't. They are a bunch of scheming, self-serving liars as the expenses row has revealed. But either you vote for a fringe party or don't vote at all. I don't really see what voting for the BNP is going to do except cause political and social uproar.
I usually give political or religeous threads a wide wide berth.... but here goes.... my concerns...

..with the current level of public outrage at our politicians, resulting in a more widespread voter apathy than I have ever previously known, I am really quite worried about the BNP.

They are loving the desperation the credit crunch has created and all these recent corrupt MP reports and resulting public anger... and on forums and in RL I have been really really shocked at the level of support the BNP seem to be getting.

I think its important to still vote to ensure the BNP don't end up being the real winners in all this, and end up sneaking in the back door and gaining power in the EU or our parliament.

And with that, I am now scarpering out of this thread and into something way more shallow and safe!

(welcome back OP xx)
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Deegs:
I mean, seriously, who the hell would willingly vote BNP? Other than, perhaps, Trisha/Jeremy Kyle show wannabe types. Thankfully, these truculent & resentful "I know me rights! Mad" people are in a very miniscule voting minority.

Sadly, I know of a lot of support in my area.

Its true. And it seems that its no longer something to keep a secret... BNP supporters seem to be supporting them openly and with pride! Frowner
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Deegs:
I mean, seriously, who the hell would willingly vote BNP? Other than, perhaps, Trisha/Jeremy Kyle show wannabe types. Thankfully, these truculent & resentful "I know me rights! Mad" people are in a very miniscule voting minority.

Same here, I noticed today only 2 doors down had Vote BNP posters in their front window, not surprised to be honest.
Sadly, I know of a lot of support in my area.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I shall vote Green,anyone who thinks that a vote for the BNP is a "protest" vote are sadly lacking brain cells.

That's a given.

Point is though is there any way out ?

All the major parties have a fascist agenda.

Who's to say the greens wouldn't start to 'compromise' if they were to gain more power ?, power which corporations can buy.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

It is very sad to me that you can still hold so much hatred for one person when so much damage has been done to us all by the Labour government since its been in charge.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I shall vote Green,anyone who thinks that a vote for the BNP is a "protest" vote are sadly lacking brain cells.

That's a given.

Point is though is there any way out ?

All the major parties have a fascist agenda.

Who's to say the greens wouldn't start to 'compromise' if they were to gain more power ?, power which corporations can buy.

Now then, now then....Wiki is as reliable a source of "knowledge" as my big left toe.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Deegs:
I mean, seriously, who the hell would willingly vote BNP? Other than, perhaps, Trisha/Jeremy Kyle show wannabe types. Thankfully, these truculent & resentful "I know me rights! Mad" people are in a very miniscule voting minority.

Sadly, I know of a lot of support in my area.

Its true. And it seems that its no longer something to keep a secret... BNP supporters seem to be supporting them openly and with pride! Frowner

A friend of mine lives in North East, England and said they were surprised by the support the BNP command there. People are openly BNP and even boast about it on Facebook accounts. Frowner
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Deegs:
I mean, seriously, who the hell would willingly vote BNP? Other than, perhaps, Trisha/Jeremy Kyle show wannabe types. Thankfully, these truculent & resentful "I know me rights! Mad" people are in a very miniscule voting minority.

Same here, I noticed today only 2 doors down had Vote BNP posters in their front window, not surprised to be honest.
Sadly, I know of a lot of support in my area.

A lot of people around here support it because they believe that the BNP will bring back fox hunting, and that's basically their livelihood.

Where one of my friends works, almost everyone there is voting for them Disappointed

There's also a hell of a lot of young people, even younger than me, who openly support the BNP. But when questioned about their beliefs they've NO idea what they stand for, they just say they agree with them because 'mummy and daddy do', which is incredibly worrying.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

It is very sad to me that you can still hold so much hatred for one person when so much damage has been done to us all by the Labour government since its been in charge.

She fecked us up in Scotland,she had no MP's up here to lose,so she brought in the poll tax a year before the rest of the country,as an "Experiment" etc.Decimated the big industries up here,she is loathed.I make no apology for hating her or her legacy.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

It is very sad to me that you can still hold so much hatred for one person when so much damage has been done to us all by the Labour government since its been in charge.

I tend to agree. I really wince when someone says that about her. There is no point having that attitude when two so called Labour governments have continued with her crackpot market led policies.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

It is very sad to me that you can still hold so much hatred for one person when so much damage has been done to us all by the Labour government since its been in charge.

She fecked us up in Scotland,she had no MP's up here to lose,so she brought in the poll tax a year before the rest of the country,as an "Experiment" etc.Decimated the big industries up here,she is loathed.I make no apology for hating her or her legacy.

And has the Labour government been good for you and your area?
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

It is very sad to me that you can still hold so much hatred for one person when so much damage has been done to us all by the Labour government since its been in charge.

I tend to agree. I really wince when someone says that about her. There is no point having that attitude when two so called Labour governments have continued with her crackpot market led policies.

That's why I'm voting Green.
I will be honest here the B NAZI P scare the hell out of me, BECAUSE they apeal to the politicaly ignorant and the dim, with their knee jerk reactions to the problems in our country,

and it is EXACTLY these fears that the German nazis played on in the 1920s n 30s,
I know that anyone with any intelligence can see them for what they realy are, but the number of people I know personaly who say that they (the scum) seem to be the ONLY party that has the British peoples interests at heart is shocking,

its got to the point where, when talking to some of my friends we tend not to "go there"

MY fear is that they will us into a civil war, cause you can spout democracy and "freedom of choice/speech" to me till you are blue in the face,
I know that I am NOT alone when I say we WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN, no matter what it takes they WILL be stopped, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I will be honest here the B NAZI P scare the hell out of me, BECAUSE they apeal to the politicaly ignorant and the dim, with their knee jerk reactions to the problems in our country,

and it is EXACTLY these fears that the German nazis played on in the 1920s n 30s,
I know that anyone with any intelligence can see them for what they realy are, but the number of people I know personaly who say that they (the scum) seem to be the ONLY party that has the British peoples interests at heart is shocking,

its got to the point where, when talking to some of my friends we tend not to "go there"

MY fear is that they will us into a civil war, cause you can spout democracy and "freedom of choice/speech" to me till you are blue in the face,
I know that I am NOT alone when I say we WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN, no matter what it takes they WILL be stopped, Nod

Too bloody right!
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I've always voted Labour,but alas not now.There is no way in hell I'd vote Tory.I've the champagne on ice when auld Maggie pops her clogs.

I know its probably not "pc" to say so Katty but I myself am waiting for that "glorious" day, I WILL party like its 1999 hehe,
I hope to God they dont try to pull some sort of lady Di type national mourning, state funeral bollox on us, cause I wont have it, nor will many of the people I know, I hated her THEN I hate her NOW Nod
old hippy guy

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