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Exactly, but she's a woman, so she must be manipulating him!

She is manipulating him, just because you don't agree doesn't mean she isn't. Btw, I think I burnt my bra at least a decade before you so don't start with the women's lib. In this case I believe in it when I see a truthful and honest woman, not a person like Josie.
cologne 1
Reference: cologne
She is manipulating him, just because you don't agree doesn't mean she isn't. Btw, I think I burnt my bra at least a decade before you so don't start with the women's lib. In this case I believe in it when I see a truthful and honest woman, not a person like Josie.
More orders from you?

I'll discuss what I want to discuss, thanks.

Anyone with half a brain can see that she has developed feelings for him, due to mixed signals on his part. If you assume that she is lying, or being in any way dishonest about it, then I'll assume that it's due to your hatred of her, clouding your judgment.
More orders from you? I'll discuss what I want to discuss, thanks. Anyone with half a brain can see that she has developed feelings for him, due to mixed signals on his part. If you assume that she is lying, or being in any way dishonest about it, then I'll assume that it's due to your hatred of her, clouding your judgment.
I'm sorry blizzie, but I can't see where I've given any orders and I haven't asked you not to discuss anything. You have a different idea of her from me, but just as you feel you have the right to invade every possible thread with your hatred of Ben, I can voice my opinion of Josie. Is that alright now madam?
cologne 1
Reference: cologne
Btw, I think I burnt my bra at least a decade before you so don't start with the women's lib.
Sounds like an order, to me!

The vitriol aimed at Josie on this forum, for imagined manipulation and dishonesty, as well as her weight and personal habits etc. does not compare to the amount of criticism Ben is receiving from the few people on here who see his faults and dare to comment on them.

BTW, where did I mention Ben in my post?
"Jealous, desperado, minge, bitch. bunny boiler"

I think they have all been mentioned on here at some point
Which is why, imho I think she is genuinely worried that she's making a narse of herself,  rather than that she is in machiavellian overdrive as most on here seem to think. If I'm right(???) that would also explain the 'Me, me, me' response to JJ's little dramatic outburst,  v conveniently staged by him at a time when just about every hm was nearby, for maximum effect and hence maximum cringe factor for her
Super, I think you can be "in love" and also be manipulative.  I just feel she enjoys getting her own way, she enjoys making him squirm and enjoys all the attention he then gives her when he thinks he has upset her.  Maybe, it's part of her insecurities as to why she acts that way, similar to his insecurities.  I just don't think it is a particularly attractive trait and if she is serious about the relationship, she may find she loses it.
Reference: Supes
Which is why, imho I think she is genuinely worried that she's making a narse of herself, rather than that she is in machiavellian overdrive as most on here seem to think. If I'm right(???) that would also explain the 'Me, me, me' response to JJ's little dramatic outburst, v conveniently staged by him at a time when just about every hm was nearby, for maximum effect and hence maximum cringe factor for her
That was exactly what she was doing and why she was saying "Can we just stop talking about it now?", outside the diary room.
She realises how it's coming across, even if others in the house are telling her she  hasn't done anything wrong and is being given mixed signals.

She just wanted the ground to swallow her up and I don't blame her.
Either she has genuine feelings that aren't reciprocated in the luurve sense or she's being manipulative
I don't think it's either or soopes. Obviously she feels something for him, otherwise why make all this fuss. Can you imagine her and him on the outside? Could she get away with having him on a leash the way she does in the house? No. The whole thing is a complete nonsense. Her hormones are raging with unrequited sex and he, well, I don't really know what to think about him. It ain't love on either side, whatever.
cologne 1
Reference: LL
I just feel she enjoys getting her own way, she enjoys making him squirm and enjoys all the attention he then gives her when he thinks he has upset her.
But she's the one who has to give him attention, not the other way round. It's not as if she is the one having histrionics about the situation.

She's also the one squirming with embarrassment about it. He's happy to carry on snuggling his 'sister' in bed, knowing she wants more.
Not so blizzie. He follows her around the place like a little lap dog and comes when she calls him. She is calling the tunes and holds the leash - reins him in when she wants.
Point in case after the falling out. She leaves to go to the kitchen, he follows. She leaves to go to the bathroom, he follows. She goes into the toilet, he waits. She comes out and leaves the bathroom despite him pleading to listen to him. Pathetic behaviour from any person, man or woman.
cologne 1
see i see it differently........they have a row he goes to the d/r sobbing he can't cope or stay there if josie doesn't talk to him...they bring her in.she sees how 'upset' he is.she backs down............the other night......she said she didn't want to sleep with him anymore..he breaks the fire exit door and goes.then he comes back.and she relents again cos she doesn't want him to be upset...then he told her.'i'm not moving beds'.she said 'ok'.he says.'you're not either'..........he turns on the tears and has these 'breakdowns' cos he knows that's the way to control her
see i see it differently........they have a row he goes to the d/r sobbing he can't cope or stay there if josie doesn't talk to him...they bring her in.she sees how 'upset' he is.she backs down............the other night......she said she didn't want to sleep with him anymore..he breaks the fire exit door and goes.then he comes back.and she relents again cos she doesn't want him to be upset...then he told her.'i'm not moving beds'.she said 'ok'.he says.'you're not either'..........he turns on the tears and has these 'breakdowns' cos he knows that's the way to control her
That's how I see it too.....

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