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Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Anyone still keeping up with this series?


I'm just catching up with episode two.




The dog  

Snaffling the ears?

That was great.


Loving it so far. Had to google who Grandma was, President Logan's wife from 24.

Originally Posted by Sezit:

Series 2 is the prelude to series one. The little girl is the grown up pregnant police woman in series 1, and of course her dad is the chap who owns the diner in series 1 , he is the policeman in series 2 Confused yet. 

Anyway, one of the best things n the telly for a very long time.

I am confused from your post and I don't even watch it Sezit 

Last edited by Moonie
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:



No one?

Bloomin' ell !!!!

Ah, where is Eugene ?


You rang?

Yeah; I think my immediate reaction was that it was a tribute to "The Colbys".

I was looking around  fan discussion sites and the reaction's been a bit mixed. Most of the hard-core fans point out that it had been signposted earlier in the series. Also you've got to bear in mind that this set in 1979 - not long after "Close Encounters" came out, and at a time when there were infamously "real life" UFO sightings in North Dakota and Minnesota - something the Coen Brothers were clearly playing with.

With hindsight, my only real problem was that it was used affectively as a Deus Ex Machina rather than just a joke...

Eugene's Lair

Well! All I can say is I loved it. The explanation of the spaceship came from my son. He said that from the very beginning there were subtle references to aliens and spaceships, like when Peggy ran over that guy. Stickers on the wall of the garage/shop. And the fact that it was a story being "narrated" from a book by Martin Freeman, who was in series one. It is a case of Chinese whispers. When we humans tell a story we all add bits and dismiss bits, and so consequently things are never actually as factual as we think.

Another thing my son pointed out was that, Native Americans have their haircut when their fathers die, Hanze asked Peggy to cut his hair, So, the head of the Fargo family was his dad,Otto Gerhard, which I had guessed anyway as it was said Otto just took Hanze off the streets!  He was so degraded and insulted all the time he was with the Gerhard family, that in the end when he asked Peggy to cut his hair and said he was tired of this life, I think he meant the Gerhard way of life and that is why he finished off the members that he did in the end.

Just my opinion E. C. x


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