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Fans want Helen Woods ejected

Big Brother fans are calling for Helen Wood to get the axe from the show after last night’s row with Danielle McMahon.

Danielle and Helen went head to head to a huge argument following the nominations reveal, that saw plenty of insults being shouted at one another.
> Big Brother 2014: Blow by blow account of Helen Wood and Danielle McMahon’s row!
But Helen’s comments have angered many viewers, especially with her previous FOURTEEN warnings.
Amongst the various things said, Helen threatened she was “going to knock her [Danielle] out”, while also told the Catholic to “stop s**gging Jesus.”
Branding her a member of the “God Squad”, Helen also said called Danielle a “fat b***h” who “needed a s**g.”
One Twitter user wrote online: “Wait so Helen said she’d knock out Danielle and she told her to shag Jesus? Where’s the warning from big brother??”

Another added: “Has #bbuk turned a blind eye to Helen’s comment “I’m going to knock her out” threat to Danielle? Are violent threats acceptable? Punishment?”
A third complained to Big Brother’s official Twitter account: “Where is Helen’s warning for the offensive Jesus comment and threat of violence towards Danielle. #bbuk”
However some viewers backed up Helen.
One argued: “If Danielle can freely voice her disgust at gay marriage and being sexually liberated due to her religion, Helen can freely voice her own disgust at Danielle’s Christianity due to having the opposite standpoint.”
Do you think Helen should’ve been warned or even kicked out for her comments? Should Danielle have also been hauled into the Diary Room?
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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I wish they would chuck Helen out, she's truly horrible.

I have no idea why they are hanging on to her but they seem keen to keep her .

Unless they think she will spill some stuff about the Rooney romp, I can't understand why they'd want to keep her in.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I wish they would chuck Helen out, she's truly horrible.

I have no idea why they are hanging on to her but they seem keen to keep her .

Unless they think she will spill some stuff about the Rooney romp, I can't understand why they'd want to keep her in.

but anything she does say about Rooney can't be transmitted becuse of legal issues.


Hmmm this is tough

One spouts anti-gay views based on religion

And another spouts anti-religious views


BB has to make a stand about what can and cannot be said regardless of where its coming from

(that is terrible English - sorry)

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I wish they would chuck Helen out, she's truly horrible.

I have no idea why they are hanging on to her but they seem keen to keep her .

Unless they think she will spill some stuff about the Rooney romp, I can't understand why they'd want to keep her in.

she's also the subject of one of those super injunctions - I thought it was a footballer that had placed it on her but I'm told it's an actor - don't know why but I swear it's His Lordship from Downton Abbey as it's been confirmed he has one in place but not why?



either way I don't like Helen and feel she'll be able to do what she wants with impunity because of her pass to the final [this this is what BB wanted] but equally I don't like hypocrites like Danielle  so both bore me 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I wish they would chuck Helen out, she's truly horrible.

I have no idea why they are hanging on to her but they seem keen to keep her .

Unless they think she will spill some stuff about the Rooney romp, I can't understand why they'd want to keep her in.

she's also the subject of one of those super injunctions - I thought it was a footballer that had placed it on her but I'm told it's an actor - don't know why but I swear it's His Lordship from Downton Abbey as it's been confirmed he has one in place but not why?



either way I don't like Helen and feel she'll be able to do what she wants with impunity because of her pass to the final [this this is what BB wanted] but equally I don't like hypocrites like Danielle  so both bore me 

According to the oracle that is DS, she isn't gagged re Rooney, but the actor does have one of those super injunctions in place. Either way, I'm not interested in hearing about her sexploits, so please boot her out!

Originally Posted by Saint:

Hmmm this is tough

One spouts anti-gay views based on religion

And another spouts anti-religious views


BB has to make a stand about what can and cannot be said regardless of where its coming from

(that is terrible English - sorry)

Also Helen was threatening violence...mind you, if they let bully Conor away with it 

Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Was she bollocks threatening! She was giving as good as she got. She didn't threaten to knock her out at all.

She did actually threaten to lump her one. .it was as she was storming in or out I can't remember which she said something along the lines of I wanna knock her out..


Also if C5 are keeping her in for the gossip factor I really don't want to hear anything about her rooney exploits either. .just the thought of that bloke nekkid makes me want to


Talking of violence tho there was a video clip when Danielle was going off on one and Pauline physically pushed her back to stop her.. as in a no you don't kind of way and not a holding her back way.. I meant to comment at the time I watched it then forgot so now can't recall which one it was. .there were 4 of them in it .. Ashleigh & Kimberley  I think, as well as Danielle and Pauline..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Yeah as far as I'm concerned "wanting to" do something isn't threatening someone. If she'd said "I'm going to knock you out" then that would be a threat.

Like I say, I think she gave as good as she got to the homophobic bull shitter.
Crunchy Nuts

if I saw  someone storming over to another person saying I wanna knock her out I'd be stopping them before they reached the other person as I'd take it they mean them harm. Danielle may be all the things you said but does that warrant someone threatening her?






Mount Olympus *Olly*

I don't like either of them, but tbh, I found Danielle just as agressive in her manner as Helen.   I'd be pissed off too if Danielle had implied I was a slag (that fact that it may be true is neither here nor there)


No matter how much of a fraud Danielle is , I think Helen is a nasty piece of work ....with no redeeming features that I've seen,  so far...and I think she deserves to be thrown out , or at least have her immunity revoked so we can at least stand a chance to get rid of her ! Let's get back to WHO DECIDES , WE DO ! 

Originally Posted by Baz:

No matter how much of a fraud Danielle is , I think Helen is a nasty piece of work ....with no redeeming features that I've seen,  so far...and I think she deserves to be thrown out , or at least have her immunity revoked so we can at least stand a chance to get rid of her ! Let's get back to WHO DECIDES , WE DO ! 

Spot on Baz, people have been thrown out of the BB house for less - and I hold no brief for Danielle, don't come into the house throwing your hands in the air when people swear and then swear like a trooper when you lose your rag, it doesn't go down well with people in the house or the viewers.


 Amazing BS there! Thanks for the vid link erin! 


(Do we know who the actor might be is btw?) 


edit to note. How was Greg Dyke not wanting to lamp her one?! 

Last edited by Xochi

Thanks for the link

I don't understand where she's coming from, she says she tried to get an injunction out against being named herself, yet she admits she had already told people, lots of people going from what she said. So folk already knew about her, they didn't know about him. He obviously didn't go home telling all and sundry he'd just employed the services of a sex worker. Much as I like the guy, I'm not saying he's a saint in all this, but I hate kiss and tell stories of any kind.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
I can't remember where I read it now but I'm sure someone said the actor was the bloke that plays the dad in Downton Abbey, surely that's not right

I just did a google search and found him being named  

Originally Posted by Bethni:

Apparently, Vids, she tried to get one herself years ago....but didn't know what they meant when one was taken out against her gob.

Oh gawd , does this woman have at least one likeable feature?

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

Apparently, Vids, she tried to get one herself years ago....but didn't know what they meant when one was taken out against her gob.

Oh gawd , does this woman have at least one likeable feature?

In a word ....NO !


Just in case there is anyone that hasn’t heard …. prostitute Helen Wood, the one who famously had a threesome with Manchester United football star Wayne Rooney, is now claiming that she slept with a famous British actor. However, the actor concerned has successfully applied to the courts for a super injunction, to prevent the press from revealing his true identity. The actor’s name was replaced in court by the initials NEJ, which is probably meaningless, but other clues to his identity are that he is married, has a child, his wife drives a Volvo, he uses Twitter regularly, appears in a popular TV period drama series, is alleged to have paid £195 for a shag and some sex toy action and  he kisses like a virgin … according to Helen Wood.

To be honest, I don’t blame the bloke for trying to hide his identity. I mean, who the hell in their right mind would want everyone to know that they had emerged from the same tunnel or swung from the same bush as that monkey boy, Wayne Rooney.


As for *Ex Prostitute*(as the media keep calling her)...Horrible Helen....I think that after 14 warnings she should at least have her pass to the final revoked. As for the other hypocritical no mark, she should be given a formal warning for what she said

Oh bugga it, throw the pair of them out, they won't be missed

Originally Posted by erinp:

Just in case there is anyone that hasn’t heard …. prostitute Helen Wood, the one who famously had a threesome with Manchester United football star Wayne Rooney,

Helen had a threesome with Wayne Rooney...did she count herself twice ?

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Just in case there is anyone that hasn’t heard …. prostitute Helen Wood, the one who famously had a threesome with Manchester United football star Wayne Rooney,

Helen had a threesome with Wayne Rooney...did she count herself twice ?

Here they are, she is on the left.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Just in case there is anyone that hasn’t heard …. prostitute Helen Wood, the one who famously had a threesome with Manchester United football star Wayne Rooney,

Helen had a threesome with Wayne Rooney...did she count herself twice ?

Here they are, she is on the left.

WOW, chavtastic. how could Rooney not accept.


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