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Its seems to be the only thing I am focusing on lately. Sree is a nob, of the first class, needs to leave the girl alone, that said, not a fan of Noirin, she could have nipped it in the bud a long time ago but seems to prefer telling him what great mates they are and giving him cuddles. Tell him, not everyone else if you are such good friends.
Well her communication skills are lacking (as are Sree`s) because she was sending mixed messages and not making things clear.
I think it suited her to do this and she found it expedient, but in doing so created a more awkward situation for herself.
Yes Sree is difficult, but how poor and unfair was her handling of it.
I don`t trust her.
I don't like her, I do feel empathy for the sistuation she's in. I think she missed her chance the other night and could have nipped it in the bud there and then. I think she was trying to be tactful when he told her that he was in love with her, it's came back to bite her bum.

I can only see Sree getting more nasty if that's possible, I have a feeling if he carries on he'll be out and not with a public vote either.
I don't blame Noirin for the situation at all but it does show the importance of being straight with people from the start. I don't think she meant to lead him on, she just didn't want to hurt his feelings and it's not her fault that Sree is so UNBELIEVABLY full on.

Having said that I have still gone off her since all this began because of the her recent attitude towards him. I can understand her being frustrated but rather than explain clearly to him what is going on she has just started being bitchy to and about him.
I think Sree has put her in an awful position.
It could be that she would have handled things very differently outside the house, but she must be aware that her reactions are being watched (and possibly misinterpreted), so she's used a softer touch which hasn't worked on the lovesick Sree.

In saying all that, I'm not that keen on her.
Quite aside from the Sree situation I haven't warmed to her. She seems to be very interested in what people she percieves as cool think of her and is willing to lead people on despite them doing things for her in good faith.

I am, of course, referring to the Angel/hunger strike situation at this point where she started bitching that Angel was only doing it for attention.

I personally don't see anything wrong with a little bit of attention seeking but her boast of putting coat-hangers on her nipples seemed a little OTT to me. She seems manipulative and I personally think that she enjoyed Sree's over-attentiveness until it got creepy.

It seems sad but she seems to have little personality beyond that.

However, I rarely ever like women on BB so I'm always going to have difficulty with her! I do actually like Angel though Smiler
I watched and taped LF last night for the first time and it gave me an opportunity of seeing the HMs live instead of an edited version as on the HLs show.

Sree is scary. While he was waiting for Noirin to come outside, he veered towards downright paranoia and unjustified hatred towards someone who he has known for two weeks. His eyes were darting about in a frightening and disconcerting manner and his body language was that of someone who lacks control of his emotions.

Back to OT. Noirin is not my favourite HM, so I am in no way a fan. She treated him kindly and with friendship at the start and she can hardly be blamed for Sree's behaviour developing into an obsession. But she could have dealt with him more firmly when she realised he was getting out of control. I would blame her for that. A good old fashioned slap and two little words would have sufficed, backed up with a visit to the DR to force him to stop. Now he is out of control and she doesn't know what to do. Sree is the ultimate control freak, a complete social misfit and an egomaniac of the worst sort. He would be hard to shift in any circumstance. In the house, it is well nigh impossible to get away from him. I pity her rather than condemn her in this situation. The only way that she will get respite from him is if he would and could latch onto someone else, because that is how he operates. I have seen a clip of him hugging Rodrigo. I wonder if he is the next victim.
Twee Surgeon
As i said in another thread, Sree was the same in the first week with Karly and Sophie, they managed to set the boudaries straight away and Sree got the point. Noirin with her cuddles and chats made the line less defined, i'm not condoning what Sree is doing, but Noirin isn't a victim. She will now have to be forceful and forget about 'looking like goody two shoes' in front of the camera.It's coming, she's about to blow..... but with all the attention on her, where she wants it. My opinion, i know it wont be shared. Smiler
Originally posted by Bethni:
As i said in another thread, Sree was the same in the first week with Karly and Sophie, they managed to set the boudaries straight away and Sree got the point. Noirin with her cuddles and chats made the line less defined, i'm not condoning what Sree is doing, but Noirin isn't a victim. She will now have to be forceful and forget about 'looking like goody two shoes' in front of the camera.It's coming, she's about to blow..... but with all the attention on her, where she wants it. My opinion, i know it wont be shared. Smiler

Hear, Hear!! Well said. She has been giving him mixed messages so no wonder he doesn't know left from right. The whole "I consider you a friend, so give me a cuddle" approach is not working. Whenever I have broken up with a bloke or given the "just friends" speech, I don't end it with "give me a cuddle and a kiss".

Noirin knows exactly what she is doing and knows that it's only Sree's unwanted attentions that make her look "interesting" and worth keeping in the house.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Noireen allowed the situation to develop so she is just as much to blame as Sree. She should know that some men don`t understand the word `friends`.

Sree may have been brought up in a culture that totally disregards women`s rights/thoughts/wishes - so he needs to be reminded.

Yes, and the way he's all over these women would seem to confirm that.

I didn't click on the link, but I have seen the Sree "dancing" video before. From what I saw, he was only copying what the other dancers were doing *shrugs*.

I know Sree is irriataing, annoying and a right pest, but he is trying to fit into a totally different culture than what he was brought up in. Yes, he gets it wrong 99% of the time, but when he gets very distinct brush-offs like from the other women, he has backed off. Noirin has not given him a distinct brush off, but continues to give him mixed messages.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I know Sree is irriataing, annoying and a right pest, but he is trying to fit into a totally different culture than what he was brought up in. Yes, he gets it wrong 99% of the time, but when he gets very distinct brush-offs like from the other women, he has backed off. Noirin has not given him a distinct brush off, but continues to give him mixed messages.

Did you see Ciaron's eviction interview last night? Davina encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin's treatment of Sree. When Cairon refused to do so, Vanessa Feltz piped up "but she's not telling that's she's not interested", to which Cairon began to reply that she certainly had told him she's not interested, but curiously Davina cut him off mid sentence.

The point I want to make is that, with (pretty much) no live feed available to us, we don't have a clue if Noirin has tried to set him straight or not. However, I think Cairon's comments gave us a little bit of insight into the manipulation of the highlights editing.

Furthermore, the fact Davina was encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin, suggests to me that Noirin has been assigned the role of BB villan. They tried to do something similar in BB7 with Aislyene when Spirol was love struck by her, so this is not unprecidented.

I'm not saying you're right or wrong Suzi, because we will never know the TRUTH. BB has certainly seen to that!
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I know Sree is irriataing, annoying and a right pest, but he is trying to fit into a totally different culture than what he was brought up in. Yes, he gets it wrong 99% of the time, but when he gets very distinct brush-offs like from the other women, he has backed off. Noirin has not given him a distinct brush off, but continues to give him mixed messages.

Did you see Ciaron's eviction interview last night? Davina encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin's treatment of Sree. When Cairon refused to do so, Vanessa Feltz piped up "but she's not telling that's she's not interested", to which Cairon began to reply that she certainly had told him she's not interested, but curiously Davina cut him off mid sentence.

The point I want to make is that, with (pretty much) no live feed available to us, we don't have a clue if Noirin has tried to set him straight or not. However, I think Cairon's comments gave us a little bit of insight into the manipulation of the highlights editing.

Furthermore, the fact Davina was encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin, suggests to me that Noirin has been assigned the role of BB villan. They tried to do something similar in BB7 with Aislyene when Spirol was love struck by her, so this is not unprecidented.

I'm not saying you're right or wrong Suzi, because we will never know the TRUTH. BB has certainly seen to that!

You're absolutely right, we will never know the truth. From what I have seen on HL's, Noirin doesn't register at all UNLESS it's in relation to Sree. Which leads me to believe there is nothing interesting about Noirin other than this love/hate relationship with Sree.

Another pretty girl with no substance. It's quite sad, really. She has no personal identity.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I know Sree is irriataing, annoying and a right pest, but he is trying to fit into a totally different culture than what he was brought up in. Yes, he gets it wrong 99% of the time, but when he gets very distinct brush-offs like from the other women, he has backed off. Noirin has not given him a distinct brush off, but continues to give him mixed messages.

Did you see Ciaron's eviction interview last night? Davina encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin's treatment of Sree. When Cairon refused to do so, Vanessa Feltz piped up "but she's not telling that's she's not interested", to which Cairon began to reply that she certainly had told him she's not interested, but curiously Davina cut him off mid sentence.

The point I want to make is that, with (pretty much) no live feed available to us, we don't have a clue if Noirin has tried to set him straight or not. However, I think Cairon's comments gave us a little bit of insight into the manipulation of the highlights editing.

Furthermore, the fact Davina was encouraging Cairon to insult Noirin, suggests to me that Noirin has been assigned the role of BB villan. They tried to do something similar in BB7 with Aislyene when Spirol was love struck by her, so this is not unprecidented.

I'm not saying you're right or wrong Suzi, because we will never know the TRUTH. BB has certainly seen to that!

You're absolutely right, we will never know the truth. From what I have seen on HL's, Noirin doesn't register at all UNLESS it's in relation to Sree. Which leads me to believe there is nothing interesting about Noirin other than this love/hate relationship with Sree.

Another pretty girl with no substance. It's quite sad, really. She has no personal identity.

Clapping Clapping add to that that she seems hell bent on turning the HM's against the blondes and Angel too. Shake Head
Cairon refused to be drawn on ANY of the housemates ,not just Noirin. He was acting like a spoiled child, pretending to be bored with the whole thing. I liked Cairon, i had nothing against him butat one point he actually said ' oh i'm not going to talk then', BBLB and BBBM are ALL part of the BB experience, he must have known he had to take part in the show's when he left. All that bravado about, 'I didn't really audition, i went because i was dressed', Davina pointed out that he had to go to QUITE A FEW auditions and he sulked. He wouldn't speak against Noirin, he never spoke aginst anyone else either. He only spoke EVENTUALLY about Sree as he thought it was because of his row with him that caused his eviction.
After seeing Sree calling Noirin a 'dickhead' I can't take anything he says seriously. He's such a hypocrite.
He has the biggest of gameplan's in there.
Let's be honest, they all have a tactic or two to lengthen their time in the house. How would anyone react to Sree falling in love after only a week.
It's fake...I hope, cos how can somebody that age be like that and never be involved in a relationship before.

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