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Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter also look's nothing like me, she is her dad's double (poor sod)  she is lucky though, her dad's side of the family all have lovely eye's and long eyelashes 

I think you do look alike - from that pic you posted from her prom

we are both blonde that's about it 


My three kids (when small) were almost identical .........................blonde hair blue eyes (my husband and I could be brother and sister)- I'm very fair like my mum - my sister is polar opposite very dark like my dad.


She has three kids like me - the oldest two are very dark - the third is just like one of mine sister and her husband are both very dark - her youngest gave way to nudge, nudge, wink, wink jokes but's in the family.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

I don't think I look like my mum or dad but my 2 sons look like me and my youngest son has my dad's gorgeous blue eyes.  I take offence if someone tells me I look like my mum

I hate it that everyone say's my daughter look's like her dad  it's the first thing everyone say's when they see her though 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My three kids (when small) were almost identical .........................blonde hair blue eyes (my husband and I could be brother and sister)- I'm very fair like my mum - my sister is polar opposite very dark like my dad.


She has three kids like me - the oldest two are very dark - the third is just like one of mine sister and her husband are both very dark - her youngest gave way to nudge, nudge, wink, wink jokes but's in the family.

My brother is dark haired and i was nearly albino until i was about 21  yet my daughter was never as fair haired as i am and her skin tan's were i go red 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Do you look like someone in your family? or has your family have a strong look and all look alike?


I look nothing like my mum, dad or brother  i think i'm the milkmans 


My daughter also look's nothing like me, she is her dad's double (poor sod)  she is lucky though, her dad's side of the family all have lovely eye's and long eyelashes 

Everyone now says my daughters are my spit. I can see it sometimes. 


Also when they answer the phone, everyone mistakes them for me lol


, but when you see photos of us all at the same age, its  

Ev (Peachy)

I was at a party a couple of weeks ago .....................I didn't know many there but the guy who used to fix my washing machine was there. He introduced me to his little boy (aged about 7) - I said oh I'd have known that - he's the image of you. He smiled ..........................later he took me aside and sad 'he's adopted'. He was smiling from ear to ear ..............awwwwwwwwww - I'm glad I said it - I really could see a similarity.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Do you look like someone in your family? or has your family have a strong look and all look alike?


I look nothing like my mum, dad or brother  i think i'm the milkmans 


My daughter also look's nothing like me, she is her dad's double (poor sod)  she is lucky though, her dad's side of the family all have lovely eye's and long eyelashes 

Everyone now says my daughters are my spit. I can see it sometimes. 


Also when they answer the phone, everyone mistakes them for me lol


, but when you see photos of us all at the same age, its  

I'm like that with my two nieces - Joanne and Angela. I've go no prob knowing who's who in RL, but on the phone boy, do I get them mixed up a lot of the time 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I was at a party a couple of weeks ago .....................I didn't know many there but the guy who used to fix my washing machine was there. He introduced me to his little boy (aged about 7) - I said oh I'd have known that - he's the image of you. He smiled ..........................later he took me aside and sad 'he's adopted'. He was smiling from ear to ear ..............awwwwwwwwww - I'm glad I said it - I really could see a similarity.

He would have been chuffed hearing that.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think most of my family have some resemblance..even those with facial hair as we are all getting older 

Not content with taking over the world, now women are growing mustaches.

  Where did you get my Big Brothers photo?...........

Dont you mean your big sister

No!, I don't know why you might think that 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think most of my family have some resemblance..even those with facial hair as we are all getting older 

Not content with taking over the world, now women are growing mustaches.

  Where did you get my Big Brothers photo?...........

Dont you mean your big sister

No!, I don't know why you might think that 

Syd ,the picture I posted is of a hairy female,I got it off the hairy female site.

I look like a taller version of my mum. At my dads funeral some relatives I'd not seen for ages said it was quite a shock seeing me there cos my mum had been dead for 8 years at that point. My oldest and youngest children look exactly the same...they are like twins seperated by 10 years. My 2nd son looks like my younger brother did when he was younger (though he didn't look like either my mum or dad, dunno where his looks came from). Everyone says me and my daughter look alike but I cannot see any resemblance whatsoever. If I look at pics of me at 18 there is no way you'd think we were related at all. Mind you, I don't look related to my brothers and sister either.

My two boys have different Dads and they are both the image of their Dads in build, hair and looks etc except that my oldest has the shape and colour of eyes from my side of the family.

I have a photo of my two when the oldest was 19 months and the youngest was new born and there is now a photo of my two grandsons where they look so much like that photo.



My three were like triplets when they were younger there is only three years four months between all three of them.


When my second son was born it was like having the exact same baby again! My oldest grandson is the spit of his dad - the younger one is very similar although there is some of his mum there. When I look after my two grandsons it's like having my boys all over again!


I remember years ago when my daughter was about seven - my sister was sat with her and she turned to me and said 'How spooky -I feel about nine years old and I'm sitting next to you my little sister again.'

Soozy Woo

They say that myself and my sisters are the spit of each other and depending on which side (mum's or dads) of the family we're with they'll say 'oh you're the spit of your mum/dad'

truth is myself and my sisters have different colour hair and eyes we are all different in height and body shape and have different shoe sizes, we do have the same nose, smile and chin. We have the same wit and caring personality and the same short fuse when it comes to certain things.


I have inherited my maternal relatives eyes (big brown/hazel with long lashes) and my children have them too though daughter's are a lovely seagreen colour. 


I do worry that so many people think she looks like me. Neither of us can see it aside from the eyes but it's giving her the idea she's ugly when she is absolutely stunning. Thankfully BOTH have their father's high metabolism - they can eat complete crap in industrial quantities (or would if I let them!) and not an ounce of fat anywhere.   

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

awww cariad why would she think she's ugly if she looks like you????

I don't help I admit as I have a fine line in self deprecation honed after years of experience.  In fairness I was well on course before anyone first said we looked alike. As I said - eyes aside neither of us can see it and I will concede I am perfectly happy with my eyes. They are rather nice. 


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