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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The normal interpretation is that they find a few special families who either abuse the system, or who are unable to run a household, and try to stereotype everyone. They'll probably go for pensioners next.
Though TBF I'm watching the footie!

I hear what you are saying, Joe, but sadly there are more than a few abusing the system. The welfare state wasn't set up to give lazy gits a fee ride and it infuriates me that they get away with abusing it.

I feel that I need to qualify this and say I have no problem whatsoever with anyone claiming benefits because they are in a position where they need help.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The normal interpretation is that they find a few special families who either abuse the system, or who are unable to run a household, and try to stereotype everyone. They'll probably go for pensioners next.
Though TBF I'm watching the footie!

I hear what you are saying, Joe, but sadly there are more than a few abusing the system. The welfare state wasn't set up to give lazy gits a fee ride and it infuriates me that they get away with abusing it.

I feel that I need to qualify this and say I have no problem whatsoever with anyone claiming benefits because they are in a position where they need help.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The normal interpretation is that they find a few special families who either abuse the system, or who are unable to run a household, and try to stereotype everyone. They'll probably go for pensioners next.
Though TBF I'm watching the footie!

I hear what you are saying, Joe, but sadly there are more than a few abusing the system. The welfare state wasn't set up to give lazy gits a fee ride and it infuriates me that they get away with abusing it.

I feel that I need to qualify this and say I have no problem whatsoever with anyone claiming benefits because they are in a position where they need help.




Yes, agree Yogi. Those that really need it should get it and I wish the system would make it easier to identify and get these people the help they need.





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
The CSA sent me a letter the other day to say they were changing the way they collect payments and seeing as I had arrears of ÂĢ6144.66 they were writing to me to see if I would like the new company to manage my account or would I like it written off



I said write it off of course
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
The CSA sent me a letter the other day to say they were changing the way they collect payments and seeing as I had arrears of ÂĢ6144.66 they were writing to me to see if I would like the new company to manage my account or would I like it written off



I said write it off of course


Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
The CSA sent me a letter the other day to say they were changing the way they collect payments and seeing as I had arrears of ÂĢ6144.66 they were writing to me to see if I would like the new company to manage my account or would I like it written off



I said write it off of course



When daughter knew the amount she suddenly knew his address
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
The CSA sent me a letter the other day to say they were changing the way they collect payments and seeing as I had arrears of ÂĢ6144.66 they were writing to me to see if I would like the new company to manage my account or would I like it written off



I said write it off of course



When daughter knew the amount she suddenly knew his address


Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The normal interpretation is that they find a few special families who either abuse the system, or who are unable to run a household, and try to stereotype everyone. They'll probably go for pensioners next.
Though TBF I'm watching the footie!

The BBC gets tons of flack for its supposed lefty bias yet these programs have mushroomed since the coalition took office.


Is it any co-incidence that the owner of C5 is Richard Desmond, who owns the Tory loving Daily Express?


One thing I will look forward to, should Ed Miliband win the next election, is TV companies will stop trying to sell government policy with impunity.


I don't live too far from Gt Yarmouth and the town's a town in decline yet it has a Tory MP. 


This is a link to the MP's reply - a Tory MP's reply.


Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
As you know I read t'eye. I would like to see more programmes about tax avoidance and evasion just to even things up like. There are some significant amounts involved.

 I have no problem shouting at the tax avoiders too.

But you'll never see those programs because the tax avoiders are stinking rich and aren't desperate to play ball because they don't need the promise of fame.


Years ago, I recall a comment about an interview with a homeless man.  The interviewer asked the homeless man how he satisfied himself.  Could anyone imagine an interviewer asking, say, Jeffrey Archer how he satisfied himself in prison?


The tax avoiders and evaders aren't going to show anyone around their pads while the narrator explains how their fiddled taxes and deals with the inland revenue have bought their mansions and fleets of sports cars.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by machel:

I would like a program about those other scroungers that live (partly) off the state:

The house of lords with their expenses and subsidised meals and drinks etc

Me too.


And those scroungers are the worst, because they are educated and have mates in high places,and there's  a lot of them, in politics,the city,business, the media, law enforcement....etc,etc..... all scuttling about getting their  snouts in the trough and feeling imune from criticism,because the tv/shows like this, keeps us all on message, and comatose to what's really going on.


Whereas the parents and families on this tv show, were probably brought up in the much the same way as they are bringing their children up.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by machel:

I would like a program about those other scroungers that live (partly) off the state:

The house of lords with their expenses and subsidised meals and drinks etc

Me too.


And those scroungers are the worst, because they are educated and have mates in high places,and there's  a lot of them, in politics,the city,business, the media, law enforcement....etc,etc..... all scuttling about getting their  snouts in the trough and feeling imune from criticism,because the tv/shows like this, keeps us all on message, and comatose to what's really going on.


Whereas the parents and families on this tv show, were probably brought up in the much the same way as they are bringing their children up.

exactly... annoying though it is, the percentage of people in receipt of 'crazy' benefits is tiny - and tbh, the cost of weeding them out would probably be more expensive than the money that would be saved.   Far better prospect would be getting the real thieves.  Not that that's likely to happen.


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