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Anyway, coming back to ME please, fracture clinic wasn't too bad, only about 15 minutes to wait but there was only one doc in clinic and we were kind of rushed through so I just saw the xray over his shoulder, there wasn't blood and guts and shattered bone everywhere, he told I'd fractured me fibular then asked me whether I wanted a cast or a boot.  I sez, you tell me, he said boot, they bunged a boot on, sick note, done.  Nice doc but very busy, and I've forgot to ask loads of things so I hope me foot doesn't fall off.  Hurts like fuck though.
He said usually the bone doesn't fracture right through but in my case it had,right where there is a bundle of nerves.I was black up to my chest.He operated following day trying a new plate and pins developed in USA.When I came round he said he'd had great difficulty as my bone kept splintering.When the cast came off.I was still in pain,but tried to persevere with physio.When other XRays were taken, one of the pins was scraping a groove into the bone
Jesus Bo, that just made me go funny just reading it.  I've been very lucky so far I think, except for breaking my ankle by STANDING UP dammit.  I feel ya when you say you don't want to do it again.
I forgot to ask EVERYTHING, I kind of felt bad for taking up his time, even though I had a mental list of questions, but he had millions of people to see and I'm sure he would have expected me to ask, but the nurses were a bit quick and I had to go back to ask whether I could try and put weight on it.  No leaflet or owt.  I am actually shit in real life.  No, honestly.
The sound's not working on my lappy for some reason, so I'm assuming the rodent is saying supportive things

I have had my first hot meal in 4 days, Tesco liver and bacon and mash, and it was the finest thing I have ever tasted.  I think I'm on some form of enforced diet after this as I'm normally really active in my daily life and I don't want to get too out of condition.
Fracas, I'm glad you've been and got treatment for your ankle.  Reading about your break brings it home how fragile the human body can be and how something like a broken ankle can change everything.  Just stay positive and you will eventually get your mobility back.  If you are normally very active, it must be frustrating not being able to do the things you would normally do without thinking.

Also, that dinner you had sounds lovely.   Here's a hug for a quick recovery
Twee Surgeon
Twee, that's lovely and you're absolutley right, the body can do strange things when you just don't need it, and it reminds you of your vulnera blilty.  I heard about a pal's sister today who's only mid 40s, got real problems and might not be around forever, and I thought that about the fragility of things.  Bloody 40 something
fracas .. You always hear of someone worse off than yourself and it makes you stop and think.  But it doesn't lessen the nuisance of not being able to get around like before.  I have never broken a bone but I can imagine how painful it must be.  It's the shock of doing it and the vulnerability you feel when your mobility is compromised.  But hearing about a 40year old with real problems certainly puts your own problem into perspective.  Your ankle will mend, but some things cannot be mended. 

You are wearing a boot to help the mend.  That could come in handy in Tescos fracas, if someone chances to get in your way in the aisle.  Much better than a shopping trolley to get them to move out of the way and you could always say 'sorry' after you had shifted them with yer boot haha.
Twee Surgeon
If it continues to hurt... really hurt, then go back and tell them.   they screwed me around for months, setting my arm in casts that didn't even cover the breaks...   before finally doing what the original doctors in Gran Canaria had recommended they do the moment I got back to England (pin the bones).

Also.. my mum broke her collar bone and they let her go 'unset' for months, one consultant even telling her she was being soft (even though the bone was protruding through her shoulder) .... she ended up going private, where they immediately put a metal plate in (and said it should have been done months earlier) ..
Ditty that's the kind of thing that scares me, what if it all goes tits up.  I'm kicking myself for not asking all the questions I had in my head, and for not getting painkillers.  Although I think it's hurting more becasue I've had to move around.

Also, and I'm sure ( I hope) there's nothing to worry abpout but I'm getting para about osteoporosis, I just stood on it and it went *crack* and I'm 38 and I don't want to start with all that getting ill crap, not yet.
Top tip... write down all your questions before you go.... clutch that list in your hand as you go in... and don't leave til they let you ask every single one (I would also say write down the answers... or take someone with you.. cos often you can't remember half of what was said when you get out).

Hearing it crack isn't good (in my experience).  I could hear my arm bones click/crack... and I was hearing it from inside my body (shudder)...  but I assumed they must know what they were doing.

As for my mum, yes, she's fine now... it was 20 years ago now... she came of a horse (same as me)... the Orthopaedic Surgeon she had hated horse riders and skiiers, and had contempt for their 'self inflicted' injuries... he treated her like crap.

Coincidently a couple of years later I met a girl at a party who had been through exactly the same thing as my mum (right down to the protruding bone). 

It was a horrible horrible six months for me, cos I expected... everyone around me expected... for me to be ok really... just with a cast on my arm... but I was in agony the whole time... unable to do anything (I was a single mum then, I had to move back in with my parents, and let them look after my kids).

I am not saying your consultant is crap... he may be very good.   But I would encourage you to trust yourself... do not be fobbed off... and be persistent if you feel things are not going the way they should.   Ring the hospital tomorrow and ask to speak to your consultants secretary.   Tell her you need painkillers... she will speak to him, and either get you to go to your GP, go back to fracture clinic... or go in and pick up a prescription from the hospital to take to the hospital pharmacy.
Oh, I'm not saying my consultant was crap, I'm just pissed off at myself for not doing exactly what you said, writing stuff down and that.  But I was expecting a little advice from the nurses to be honest, just about the boot thing and instructions on how to put it back on right, stuff like whether I should be putting any weight on it, exercises and techniques for the compensating limb, I mean they could have given me a leaflet or something.  Or maybe that's for the physios?  Maybe that comes later,  I should have asked!

Like I say, they were busy, but I would have expected some basic advice.  They were talking about their re-banding most of the time, and that's a bit much when you're kind of freaked by the whole thing.

Why the hell would an orthopedic surgeon have a thing against equestrians?  That's a bit Basil Fawlty.  Did he beat her with a branch?

I can well imagine you having to move your everyday husehold to your folks when you had your injury.  It's doing my head in to shift stuff round the house.  Have discovered the wonders of a zipped up hoody.

I am going to end up like Miss Havisham with everything in the kitchen around me, covered in cobwebs!

Off to watch a DVD with me flatmate now, night night xx

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