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I will give you some fake but totally sincere sounding sympathy Fracas

And a real and not at all fake bottle of the painkillers left over from when I broke my arm - hospital prescription only babies.
Bugger the Ibruprofen, scream long and loud at the fracture clinic tomorrow and get them to give you the heavy duty stuff 
Reference:  Slimfern
It went very flakey! an old persons!

When they took mine off I had to go back out into the corridor to wait to see the consultant.   the sun was shining down the corridor.... and as I frantically scratched my newly exposed arm... all this skin was floating through the air... highlighted in the sunbeams flooding through....

...the other patients weren't quite as impressed with how pretty it looked
A blonde walks into a doctor's office and tells the doctor she's broken every
single bone in her body. "That's impossible!" says the doctor.

The blonde says, "No, it's really true. Look!" She then touches her leg with
her index finger and screams "Ouch!" Then she touches her arm and yells
"Eeeeoooow!" Finally she touches her ribs and can barely maintain her
composure as the tears start to roll down her face. She says, "See, I told
you I broke every bone in my body."

The doctor rubs his chin, then conducts a thorough examination. "Well, miss,"
he tells her, "I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is,
you haven't broken every bone in your body. The bad news is, you've broken
your finger."
fracas offline 2313 Forum Posts Yesterday at 14:03 (Edited: ) Blimey Bo, that sounds terrible! How did they mess it up? How long were you disabled?
They kept me waiting in A&E for 7hours to reduce fracture,couldn't do it then sent me home to return at 6am.I waited until 2pm when they took me to theatre.I was in agony.They sent me home to return to fracture clinic a week later.They didn't XRay it again,just put a permanent cast on.I screamed the place down.The nurse putting the cast on said it didn't look right,so she went to get a doctor he refused to look at it said just to put plaster on.I was in so much pain couldn't sleep or do anything.Got hold of my health insurance to send forms,but wouldn't you know a postal strike,Gp was faxing insurance company but 5 didn't get through,as so many people were faxing mine were getting lost.After 3 weeks I eventually got to see a surgeon.He said usually the bone doesn't fracture right through but in my case it had,right where there is a bundle of nerves.I was black up to my chest.He operated following day trying a new plate and pins developed in USA.When I came round he said he'd had great difficulty as my bone kept splintering.When the cast came off.I was still in pain,but tried to persevere with physio.When other XRays were taken, one of the pins was scraping a groove into the bone when I was trying to move it,as it was too long.So back to theatre to have three pins removed and start back on physio again.I still get problems,but nothing to how it was.I'm frightened to death of falling again.The fall wasn't my fault,I stepped over a puddle thinking it was shallow put my foot down and lost my balance as the water was concealing a large pot hole.I should have sued the council really,but I didn't.I just wanted to get back to normal.It certainly aged me I can tell you.So many people when they saw me eventually asked what on earth had happened to me.Now with the help of Estee Lauder things are a lot better in the mug department.
Ouch Fracas sounds painful.I broke my wrist years ago,they had to reset it twice in theatre,so I would have good mobility in the wrist.Had my "stookie" on for 6 weeks.The arm was  so swollen and black and blue with them manipulating the  bones into place,one doc pulling on my wrist two others pulling my upper arm,plenty of local jabs so I didn't feel it.  The cast actually got so loose in the final week it  was slipping off my arm like a glove.

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