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Reference: Invalid Fracas
I could kick you with my good leg
...would like to see that!

I did a David Beckham when I was 13....doing mobile dancing.(excercise)...broke my left 5th metatarsal(sp)...had plaster from my toes to my knee!....itched like mad! & had grown what seemed like a years growth of hair when removed 8 weeks later!

The one good thing was the PE teacher had to carry me to sick bay!.....Made alot of girls very jellus!!!!
had plaster from my toes to my knee!....itched like mad! & had grown what seemed like a years growth of hair when removed 8 weeks
I've heard that your skin turns to porridge as well.  Yikes!

Darlo, I can't drink that booze, it would mean another painful trip to the khazie.  2 wees in 24 hours (3 if you count the one in  the bath )

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