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from channel 4 Marcus

At this stage in Big Brother, the housemates are usually getting on like a house on fire, with not a bad word to say about each other. Well this year, one housemate is breaking the mould. Marcus has been to the Diary Room this morning and wasted no time in slating every single one of his fellow housemates, not to mention Big Brother. Ouch.

"How are you today Marcus?" asked Big Brother.

"I've been a bit bored the past four or five days," muttered Marcus, slumped sideways in the chair. "Going through the runs was alright, but as soon as we do something you punish us. You need to have a think about what you actually want."

Ah, we had forgotten about Marcus's role as Executive Advisor to Big Brother.

"How do you feel about the punishment?" asked Big Brother.

"I couldn't care less," said Marcus nonchalantly. "The fact that there is a punishment is ****. What the punishment is doesn't matter. Maybe you need to do an announcement over the speakers that you're boring, and say sorry for it."

"How do you think your fellow housemates feel about the punishment?" asked Big Brother, not sounding too worried about being branded boring.

"I think David's gutted," replied Marcus. "You can tell a lot about why people are in it. Lisa a little bit as well, but David's face... he was very angry. I don't think any of the others were too happy about it. They might say they don't give a **** but I think every one of them is thinking about the money."

"I've had fleeting thoughts about it," he admitted. "You can't help it, this close to the end. But I think they've all pretty much worked out how they're going to spend it."

Working himself up into a frenzy of expletive-ridden badmouthing, he continued, "Such tactical voting this week, I can't believe it. What a bunch of lying ******** out there, they really are. I don't give a **** if I go on Friday 'cause I'd rather go, in all honesty, to get away from them. They're just a bunch of bull ********. I'll just be what I want to be, and **** them. I'm bored of this transparent behaviour. Fake ********."

Come on Marcus - tell us what you really think!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Moomin:
Oh so now he's up - he doesn't care if he goes or not?
Just before noms started he said he didn't want to go.

He didnt want to go cause of it only being one week of watching it on the outside left, he would have liked to have gone 2 or 3 weeks ago.

And after yesterdays rows, i dont think he does give a crap whether he stays or goes now
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Marcus, sour grapes! His new best friends voted for him, whilst the one he runs down all the time stuck by him! I have no sympathy for him to be honest, last week he was my second fav, how quickly he moved onto a new best friend Charlie, after Freddie left Confused I really am confused as to where this 'friendship' stemmed!

Dame Ann - this morning every post you have written could have been done by me - You seem to be thinking exactly the same way I am at the moment. Hug
Originally posted by Justafriend:
from channel 4 Marcus

At this stage in Big Brother, the housemates are usually getting on like a house on fire, with not a bad word to say about each other. Well this year, one housemate is breaking the mould. Marcus has been to the Diary Room this morning and wasted no time in slating every single one of his fellow housemates, not to mention Big Brother. Ouch.

"How are you today Marcus?" asked Big Brother.

"I've been a bit bored the past four or five days," muttered Marcus, slumped sideways in the chair. "Going through the runs was alright, but as soon as we do something you punish us. You need to have a think about what you actually want."

Ah, we had forgotten about Marcus's role as Executive Advisor to Big Brother.

"How do you feel about the punishment?" asked Big Brother.

"I couldn't care less," said Marcus nonchalantly. "The fact that there is a punishment is ****. What the punishment is doesn't matter. Maybe you need to do an announcement over the speakers that you're boring, and say sorry for it."

"How do you think your fellow housemates feel about the punishment?" asked Big Brother, not sounding too worried about being branded boring.

"I think David's gutted," replied Marcus. "You can tell a lot about why people are in it. Lisa a little bit as well, but David's face... he was very angry. I don't think any of the others were too happy about it. They might say they don't give a **** but I think every one of them is thinking about the money."

"I've had fleeting thoughts about it," he admitted. "You can't help it, this close to the end. But I think they've all pretty much worked out how they're going to spend it."

Working himself up into a frenzy of expletive-ridden badmouthing, he continued, "Such tactical voting this week, I can't believe it. What a bunch of lying ******** out there, they really are. I don't give a **** if I go on Friday 'cause I'd rather go, in all honesty, to get away from them. They're just a bunch of bull ********. I'll just be what I want to be, and **** them. I'm bored of this transparent behaviour. Fake ********."

Come on Marcus - tell us what you really think!

I think he's finally seen Charlie and Rodrigo for what they are.......Fake B******s
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
So Marcus finaly realises what Siavash has been saying for so long is right. All the block tactical voting. well Marcus you may have been slow but you've got it at last. Shame you've dissed a good hm on the way.

im really not sure they have been told whos up for eviction yet, although i guess they all know from the talk, they werent told yesterday because of lisa and davids task,
i think marcus will have alot more to say when he finds out for certain. siavash too.
Originally posted by Moomin:

Dame Ann - this morning every post you have written could have been done by me - You seem to be thinking exactly the same way I am at the moment. Hug

Just how we see it Moomin, great minds Big Grin I'm lucky to be posting, I've struggled to get on since 2.30 this morning Frowner

I'm still confused as to where this friendship sprang from, it only came about after Freddie left, does Marcus think Charlie's going to win ? It's got me beat Moonin Hug
Originally posted by Barolo:
A well timed diatribe!

He's done this for one reason and one reason only - to canvass support from the public.

He knows, from his membership on whichever forum he uses, how the majority of people feel about the production of BB . . . he's appealing to like-minded people . . . . all part of his game plan! Nod

I agree ... it's been his gameplan all along ... and it was working quite well for him, until he fell into the freddie trap and started to spout off and say that Siavash wouldn't stand a chance going up against him ... Hopefully he gets to meet his hoards of fans on Friday ... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think Marcus is just pissed off that he's up for eviction even though he kissed Team Lisa's arses all week.

Well he told them enough times not to nominate him just because he wanted to go home ... maybe now it's beginning to sink in that they're nominating him because they can't stand him ... Laugh
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
He kisses Team Lisa's ass to their face, while slagging them off like this in the Diary Room.

when freddie and marcus were up, we were told that we got to save marcus hes the only one who can put them all in their places, hes the only one who can handle the gang, i havent seen any of that sadly, he seemed to join them and now they have all nominated him.
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Moomin:

Dame Ann - this morning every post you have written could have been done by me - You seem to be thinking exactly the same way I am at the moment. Hug

Just how we see it Moomin, great minds Big Grin I'm lucky to be posting, I've struggled to get on since 2.30 this morning Frowner

I'm still confused as to where this friendship sprang from, it only came about after Freddie left, does Marcus think Charlie's going to win ? It's got me beat Moonin Hug

I don't understand it at all - they've got absolutely nothing at all in common. Maybe it is the winning thing, or maybe he sees how popular Charlie is in the house.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
He kisses Team Lisa's ass to their face, while slagging them off like this in the Diary Room.

when freddie and marcus were up, we were told that we got to dave marcus hes the only one who can put them all in their places, hes the only one who can handle the gang, i havent seen any of that sadly, he seemed to join them and now they have all nominated him.

Yes that's how I see it. Marcus took a gamble by siding with the enemy. It didn't work because they just went ahead and nominated him anyway. I think anyone which an ounce of sense would have realised how the block vote would have gone this week.

Marcus appeared to be very desperate to stay this week. He should have stuck 2 fingers up at Team Lisa by refusing to nominate.
Originally posted by Moomin:

I don't understand it at all - they've got absolutely nothing at all in common. Maybe it is the winning thing, or maybe he sees how popular Charlie is in the house.

Me either. all I can think of is Marcus thinks Charlie's going to win. I know Charlie spreads himself out a bit, with the I like everyone act. I would have thought Marcus would have him worked out by now, he says he can read them all. Well he's read Charlie all wrong, and the only one that really likes him is Siavash, and he's got that one so wrong too.

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