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I take issue with the comment that it probably wouldn't have happened over here.

The British are great at helping out in times of crisis. Look at all this snowy weather we have just had. Loads of good examples of that great british spirit. And I am confident that had that happened over here, the crowd would have reacted in exactly the same way.
Fair play to the yanks but omg the hate on youtube for the woman who laughed when the mic went, you'd think she ran up to the little girl and stabbed her instead of just laughing (nobody even knows what she was laughing at ffs). People fall over each other on the net trying to show what caring kind individuals they are by pouring unbridled hatred on an easy target such as this one. It's quite pathetic really.
QUOTE issy:

I take issue with the comment that it probably wouldn't have happened over here.

The British are great at helping out in times of crisis. Look at all this snowy weather we have just had. Loads of good examples of that great british spirit. And I am confident that had that happened over here, the crowd would have reacted in exactly the same way.

You've misinterpreted me Issy.  I know that the British public have big hearts and good hearts when there is a time of crisis.  I'm just saying (as several people have said here, including the O.P.) that I don't believe that the crowd would have carried on singing to save her embarrassment as they did there.  I have seen people react on X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, and how they  mock and boo and take the piss if something goes wrong or they are basically shit, and I have seen how British crowds react when there is someone they dislike.  So I stick by what I said; that I seriously doubt that they would have behaved like the Yanks did.  'Take issue' all you like, but people are entitled to have different opinions.

For the record, I have no big problem with the current National Anthem: it's about the celebration of our sovreign and the Monarch, and the song is about our monarch, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring it up to date, to celebrate the country and its people, but many other things need bringing 'up to date' too, so where do you draw the line?
Last edited by starbug15
Well I may have too Rexi, but my singing sounds like Alan Partridge and I really do believe that the Brits are a cracking bunch of people and I'm not slagging us all off and saying that the Yanks are better than us; I was just saying that I doubt that The Brits would have all started singing along to save the lass's embarrassment and on an occasion like this, would have been more likely to have taken the piss and made up a facebook page entitled 'that awkward moment where you're 10 years old singing in front of a billion people and your mike f**ks up LOL,' where people would inevitably post 100s of inane and spiteful comments about how hilarious it was that this girl's act went horribly wrong:  JMO of course. 
Reference: starbug15 
Me and James AND the OP Scotty.  *blows raspberry*!    Love YOUR avatar too.  I was thinking it was a kitten for a while, but then I noticed it was a scotty dog!  I need to go to specsavers.  ,
Stop being so pedantic you little squirt!  Three does not a several make!                                     
* blows huger raspberry back*  

Go back to specsavers - it`s a dancing kitten  
The difference is Starbug that the contestants on the X factor and BGT hold themselves up for ridicule - it is part of the game, A bit like the booing on Big Brother. It is pantomime and we all like to boo the baddy or laugh at the clown.

But I am confident that no British person would boo or laugh at an 8 year old girl in a large stadium and would support her.

It is, in the end, human nature.

I agree that the British Public are unlikely to take the piss out of a little girl, but I do agree with the original poster (and the others who said that the Brits are more likely to take the piss out of people in general,) that the Brits are more likely to take the piss.  (in this kind of situation.)  I'm not sayiing everyone definately would - and I agree with some of the points posted by the people with opposing views.  But I think it's more likely that people would take the piss over here than in the U.S.

And I don't think 'the case is closed,' (as issy said) because as starbug said, people are entitled to different opinions. People are going on their own experiences and putting their own views based on what they think.  IMO, it's unfair to day 'case closed' because that's basically saying 'you're wrong.'  As Rexi said earlier, everyone's opinion is valid.  And no-one is 'wrong.' 


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