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I came across an old Readers Digest book from when I was younger last night whilst cleaning out the 'glory hole', it is called 'Your Amazing Body' and has loads of facts in's just a few....(not sure if they're all true, but they fascinated me when I was younger)...

The average Human has as much hair as the hairy primates, but it is so short and fine we simply do not look as well covered.

Police dogs cannot distinguish between the body smells of identical twins, even if the twins live in different towns, have different jobs and eat different foods.

Compared to a dogs capacity, human smelling skills are very inferior.  It is considered that the dogs nose is over a million times more sensitive that the human nose.  Mans sense is incredible, a dogs is a million times more so.

An adult has an average of 9000 taste buds, but a baby has many more. Babies even have buds on the inside of their cheeks. Taste buds are lost as we get older, which in part explains a childs vigorous reaction to strong tastes.

There are generally 206 bones in an adult body, a baby has 350. The extra bones don't get lost, they fuse during the maturing process to accord with our needs.

The skeleton does not mature until the body is about 25 years of age.

The entire network of vessels whcih makes up the circulatory system measures 60,0000 miles, which is more than twice the circumference of the earth.

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Here's a few more....

The average length of pregnancies all over the world from any culture you might like to select will show a remarkable consistency. A pregnancy producing a male child will be almost exactly one day less than a pregnancy producing a female child.

The thigh bone is able to bear a pressure of 1200lb per square inch when we walk.

The coccyx, the pointed bone at the bas of the spine, is the only bone in the body without a function.

There are 30 muscles attached to the base of the skull. Their sole purpose is to give the face expression.

The stomach is not a vital organ. It can be totally removed without usually affecting the digestive process.

The inner surface area of the small intestine is so huge that it arranges itself in wavelike folds of tissue. It is in fact 10 times greater than the total surface area of the skin.

The most remarkable change of breathing rate occurs when we sneeze. Sneezing is one of the bodys mechanisms for ensuring foreign bodies do not enter the lungs. It is an explosive, powerful action almost certain to remove the irritant, particularly as the speed of a sneeze has been estimated at between 60 to 100 miles per hour.

Conveniently, Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is the highest man could climb unaided by supplementary oxygen.
The Devil In Diamante
sorry DD... I did hesitate before I posted it... but then considering the debate on 'spurt'.. I thought it was probably ok!

My hubby reckons the answer to my question is down to broccoli, or more to the point.. not snorting broccoli - this is a flawed answer though... cos ingesting broccoli should affect the flavour of both, or neither... 

I have given this subject way way too much thought!
My hubby reckons the answer to my question is down to broccoli, or more to the point.. not snorting broccoli - this is a flawed answer though... cos ingesting broccoli should affect the flavour of both, or neither... I have given this subject way way too much thought!
You and your hubby have some interesting conversations across the dinner table Ditty
The Devil In Diamante
one of our main veges is broccoli

i knew the one about baby tastebuds, they LOVE strong flavoured things...usually. so why does babyfood taste so bland and shit like . no wonder my littleun didn't eat it!
i now make him food thats taste a bit strong for my liking, but he loves em and eats his dinner now.
i gave him korma last night...he loved it LOL
Dirtyprettygirlthing offline 8671 Forum Posts Today at 07:15 (Edited: ) sorry DD... I did hesitate before I posted it... but then considering the debate on 'spurt'.. I thought it was probably ok! My hubby reckons the answer to my question is down to broccoli, or more to the point.. not snorting broccoli - this is a flawed answer though... cos ingesting broccoli should affect the flavour of both, or neither...
So that's why George Bush senior wouldn't eat Broccoli.

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