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Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

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Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

i'd delete them jackles, how rude Hug
Originally posted by electric6:
How often do you update your status, any more than once or twice a day is a bit excessive (I only update mine once a week or so)

People don't really need to know the ins and outs of everything, like how often you have a wee or eat a biscuit.

all depends on what mood I am in like I have just changed it to I am cold as I am. I don't put every detail down (a mate does though)
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

I say BOP THEM! I'm not saying i'm ruthless or anything but i did bop my mother!BlushNinja Smiler
That was rude of her to post that

but theres friends on mine and each day without fail it goes like this

just got up

Having my breakfast

Mmm should i go in to town?

Ohh i have an headache

Is hoping (her kid) will clean bedroom

Ohhh you should hear the excuse for not cleaning bedroom

i'll be back in a while just popping to shops

i'm back from shops what shall we have for tea

is watching eastenders

shall i have an early night?

off to have a bath

oh oh headaches back

now this comes up on my homepage and sorry but i just think sad act Laugh
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
That was rude of her to post that

but theres friends on mine and each day without fail it goes like this

just got up

Having my breakfast

Mmm should i go in to town?

Ohh i have an headache

Is hoping (her kid) will clean bedroom

Ohhh you should hear the excuse for not cleaning bedroom

i'll be back in a while just popping to shops

i'm back from shops what shall we have for tea

is watching eastenders

shall i have an early night?

off to have a bath

oh oh headaches back

now this comes up on my homepage and sorry but i just think sad act Laugh

Now thats just very random postings, I don't think I am that bad
Originally posted by electric6:
How often do you update your status, any more than once or twice a day is a bit excessive (I only update mine once a week or so)

People don't really need to know the ins and outs of everything, like how often you have a wee or eat a biscuit.

Dont look at mine this afternoon then Laugh
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

I say BOP THEM! I'm not saying i'm ruthless or anything but i did bop my mother!BlushNinja Smiler

Toots Valentine I am always fascinated by your dongle Big Grin
If i had facebook my updates would go something like this
6:00 alarms just gone off
6:15 and again
6:30 and again
6:45 and again
7:00 ok ok im up
7:07 having a bath
7:20 got out of bath towel drying self
7:30 drying hair
7:50 applying make up
8:15 off back to bed for quick nap before work
8:40 oh crap im late for work again
9:02 at work, already bored
9:30 still bored off for cig
10:00 Nige did something funny
11:00 still bored. Want to go home
12:00 Dinner time yay
1:00 god its only 1:00pm
2:00 watching the clock
3:00 Not long now
4:00 sorting out the post
4:40 heading home. Shattered after a grueling day at work
5:00 Just got in from work, switching telly on
5:30 Going to make some tea
6:00 Simpsons is on
6:30 Yay Hollyoaks
7:00 Dont want to watch Emmerdale but my digi box is broke so dont have much choice
7:30 Corrie
8:00 Txting a friend
8:02 Heading to pub
3:00am jkfhd/ldcjkl dvh.jk\skch p; Big Grin
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

I say BOP THEM! I'm not saying i'm ruthless or anything but i did bop my mother!BlushNinja Smiler

Toots Valentine I am always fascinated by your dongle Big Grin

Gawd don't send me to hell but my mother may be playing with it at the weekend! Disappointed Smiler
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

I say BOP THEM! I'm not saying i'm ruthless or anything but i did bop my mother!BlushNinja Smiler

Toots Valentine I am always fascinated by your dongle Big Grin

Gawd don't send me to hell but my mother may be playing with it at the weekend! Disappointed Smiler

PMSL Valentine Laugh
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by Tootall:
I have not weakened either, never mind her pitiful pleefull emails to be reinstated.......I wouldn't mind but shes just down stairs! NinjaSmiler

You may hope she's not reading this or you'll be wearing your tea.You are so harsh. Wink

My insperation were the ch4 mods right at the end!, think i'll be going for a drive through this tea time! Smiler
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i did see that comment last night and thought how rude Shake Head

post what you like, if they don't like it, don't read it Thumbs Up

or read and don't comment
my mate posted underneath and she don't watch the show Laugh

i didn't need to know about your smelly feet though Laugh

sorry i was bored Laugh Ninja
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i did see that comment last night and thought how rude Shake Head

post what you like, if they don't like it, don't read it Thumbs Up

or read and don't comment
my mate posted underneath and she don't watch the show Laugh

i didn't need to know about your smelly feet though Laugh

sorry i was bored Laugh Ninja

stick them out of the window your dad left open Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i did see that comment last night and thought how rude Shake Head

post what you like, if they don't like it, don't read it Thumbs Up

or read and don't comment
my mate posted underneath and she don't watch the show Laugh

i didn't need to know about your smelly feet though Laugh

sorry i was bored Laugh Ninja

stick them out of the window your dad left open Thumbs Up

u have been reading my comment to my mate Laugh
if i did that i would look stupid Ninja
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i did see that comment last night and thought how rude Shake Head

post what you like, if they don't like it, don't read it Thumbs Up

or read and don't comment
my mate posted underneath and she don't watch the show Laugh

i didn't need to know about your smelly feet though Laugh

sorry i was bored Laugh Ninja

stick them out of the window your dad left open Thumbs Up

u have been reading my comment to my mate Laugh
if i did that i would look stupid Ninja

*im not stalking you, honest* Ninja
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i did see that comment last night and thought how rude Shake Head

post what you like, if they don't like it, don't read it Thumbs Up

or read and don't comment
my mate posted underneath and she don't watch the show Laugh

i didn't need to know about your smelly feet though Laugh

sorry i was bored Laugh Ninja

stick them out of the window your dad left open Thumbs Up

u have been reading my comment to my mate Laugh
if i did that i would look stupid Ninja

*im not stalking you, honest* Ninja

ok i believe u Ninja
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
I don`t use facebook much anymore. I only ever used it to keep in touch with a few pals who are now on here. Pm`s on here are easier. I don`t like the nonsense on FB. Ninja

Really scotty? How interesting. Valentine

Thanks Valentine

r u talking to yourself? Confused

No. Confused

Scotty I understand what you`re saying. Valentine

Miss speedway I`m having a laugh. Big Grin
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
I don`t use facebook much anymore. I only ever used it to keep in touch with a few pals who are now on here. Pm`s on here are easier. I don`t like the nonsense on FB. Ninja

Really scotty? How interesting. Valentine

Thanks Valentine

r u talking to yourself? Confused

No. Confused

Scotty I understand what you`re saying. Valentine

Miss speedway I`m having a laugh. Big Grin

right ok, what ever rocks your boat Laugh
Originally posted by electric6:
How often do you update your status, any more than once or twice a day is a bit excessive (I only update mine once a week or so)

People don't really need to know the ins and outs of everything, like how often you have a wee or eat a biscuit.

A friend of mine has started doing that... I might stab him over the internet if it continues Skull
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
I don`t use facebook much anymore. I only ever used it to keep in touch with a few pals who are now on here. Pm`s on here are easier. I don`t like the nonsense on FB. Ninja

Really scotty? How interesting. Valentine

Thanks Valentine

r u talking to yourself? Confused

No. Confused

Scotty I understand what you`re saying. Valentine

Miss speedway I`m having a laugh. Big Grin

right ok, what ever rocks your boat Laugh

Daftness does..I`m glad it made you laugh. Laugh Valentine
I find it quite entertaining to eavesdrop on folks chats as they obviously forget they are having a public conversation!

Status updates..I can go days without updating them,but if I'm bored might do it several times a day.Some days I like to read other peoples..others I just want to know what they say to me!Depends on my mood really.Nbodys made comments about my inbetweeners updates yet!

I had my son on but blocked him as his mates kept trying to add me.Sommat not quite right with having former pupils on it
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

I saw that hun Hug thought it was very rude!!! hope your okay Valentine
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

i saw someone put that up last night (big bang i have you on FB Confused
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by TiGi:
The best bit of FB is reading and commenting on status updates, they can be a laugh

You're so nosey Razzer

Its quite entertaining when you log on first thing and see someone you know has obviously been on the sauce and has spammed the whole page with half hourly status upates!(Less fun when its you who's done it!)
I think just several times a week is enough, but if someone DID update 5 times a day - I would not be so damn rude as to make a nasty comment. I think I would delete her unless she was a RL friend, and then I would say ' is my updating annoying you? Coz you can always take me off the upating if you like, or even off your fb if you want.. I don'd mind...maybe best if it's irritating you'
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Ok this is a weird one, I live and breath facebook (don't have much of a life) and I like to change my status as often as I can and last night I put up that I was watching big bang theory, watch the show every week and love it. A so called mate put up this reply. Ok sweet we get the hint dont need to know everytime u watch it I am wondering if u saw someone put up what they r watching every week would u put that reply?

i saw someone put that up last night (big bang i have you on FB Confused

yeah u do have me yogi, I added u just before ch4 closed

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