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What I have been really shocked by recently are these 'Professional Trolls' who abuse every R.I.P. site going.  Shocking!  My daughter left a remark on a friends site, who had died tragicically at the age of 17, and was targetted by these morons, they hacked her account, drew the most disgusting things on her pictures and contsantly stalked her.  Obviously we reported this, her account had to be shut down and she start another.  But these people are not even kids, they are men and women (you can tell by the vocab they use)  I tell you, its a very wierd world out there!
Also, because of the above, I have managed a bit of delving, and have uncovered the most outragous and disgusting sites being allowed to continue attracting people.  Rascism Groups especially, I have reported endlessly, and nothing, nada!  Mr. FB, I foresee a big bang, and although it is wonderful for peeps like me that are virtually housebound to keep in touch with friends, I foresee it all going tits up.  Its all too big to handle.

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