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Reference slimfern Today at 21:09:
 I was quite amazed at how many folk put that up on a social network.
Frightening, isn't it? I do get worried about how many young people who don't yet appreciate how valuable their personal details can be are already giving those details away - quite probably without any chance of regaining their privacy in the future...

Although as Croc says, a lot of people don't realize their data's going to be made public - which is another reason why I have a major problem with FB...
Eugene's Lair
Funnily enough I have about 650 people on my FB - all of them fms from C4/here or people added for games etc that I don't know really and I've never ever had a problem at all with any of them.
As I said earlier, the only problems I've had on there were with family members so I would just say to anyone who is put off of FB by what they hear to maybe give it a go and see what they think.
I haven't been to FB much for several weeks but the games are great and it's wonderful to keep in touch with online friends who don't/won't/can't come and chat here
  yep I blocked a r/l mate who isn't a mate anymore because she had a baby and turned into nutter   We obviously weren't great mates to start with

And myself and Bov argue all the time and end up blocking each other kind of like a slamming the door after an argument kinda thing.  The only thing is you de-friend the person at the same time so you have to re-add them when harmony is restored
I remember the day I walked into my son's room..   he was in his cot, happy as larry, having ripped his nappy off & decided to redecorate everything within reach with the contents of it.. I remember being stunned and unable to move for a good 30 seconds
I will NEVER forget the day i had to cut Finn's vest off...the poop was all the way up his back,
pfft, what is wrong with you two... clearly you should have been taking pics so you could share the joy with your friends
Temps it's twice the work doing the potty stage first coz then you have to do the transistion from potty to loo   My first kid went straight to loo but the 2nd decided he was going to make me do it the hard way and it took MONTHS to get him on the big loo.  I regretted even buyin the potty in the first place but I suppose it was better than changin the nappies which as you mentioned, sometimes clattered the kid and clothes in the mess which was escaping from them.
Well I've only got 2 so I'm sure other people are more qualified in this but with mine I waited til the months were a bit warmer not because of the clothes but because you know yourself the shock you get when you sit on a cold loo   that;s enough to put kids off too lol then I got a big box and wrapped it in colourful paper and put lots of crap from the ÂĢshop and sweets into it and told my son everytime he actually went to the loo he could take something out of the box.  This worked well with the first one who was toilet trained in the daytime in ONE day....and then after a few months his nappy was dry every morning so that part sorted itself it.  Younger son was different though, he found the box under my bed and ate all the sweets out of it and because there was no mystery to the toys he wasn't bothered.  Took months to get him from nappy to potty to the loo but as soon as he was on the big loo he insisted he was big enough to never wear a nappy again so nights were very quick for him.

Oh and it's Ells
I never used a potty with any of my kids,straight to toilet.I used to keep a little basin in the loo that they upturned to stand on to reach the loo to pee to sit on the loo to poo ...I got my grandson a little step which folds out,he uses that to reach,his parents got him a gadget that went from a potty to a little loo seat.he progressed more up here just using the loo tbh.
I love this topic swerve!

Temps..   my daughter basically decided for herself it was time for the loo ..   the boy was different though..  he hated every change, and fought them all with the tenacity of a pitbull.   He was quite old when I decided enough was enough with the nappies.. ..  so when he wanted to go there was only the loo to go in.   He was definitely old enough to physically control himself, and to mentally understand what was going on.  

I have seen some of my friends tie themselves up in knots, and make life very very hard for themselves trying to potty train kids that just weren't ready for it.

Don't stress about it, don't make it a battle...   bear in mind that they're all out of nappies & going to the loo by the time they start school
  Ells, so sorry, I knew it was you, but I get confused when I see the full names   Loving the smartness of the second kid nicking the sweets

Ditty & co I'm not sure if he's ready or not, he just seems pretty fascinated with the loo, so thought I'd give it a whirl, if it works great, if not I'll wait till he's 2.  But i never knew you could go straight to loo, so will try that first, I'd love it if it worked

Again, so sorry for the hijack, just wanted to reply to those who offered their advice, now back to blocking the world..not the toilet

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