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I'm bang into it It's been great for making contact with old friends, someone got in touch today who I haven't seen for 18 years, but when we started going over old times it was like we were right back there again. Also great for keeping in touch with one of my best friends in the US and have also made some good new mates through others aswell and there's a few reunions and meet ups planned for next year.

I also do enjoy a good poking I have to say!
I notice when you add an "application" there is invariably some words in very small type which says the provider can make use of your detailsin whatsoever way they wish.
That is why I rarely use an application, and my security settings are so tight that hardly anybody can reach me.
Defeats the object really.
Another reason for not liking FB is the strange and frightening hopes  of its founder Mark Zuckerberg that he might have enough influence to change the world.
Pammuloooollllaaaaaaa, please join facebook.  Like Karma says, once you start using it, it is a great way to stay in touch.  I rarely check e-mail these days, I do it all through facebook.  Join, join, join and you'll get to see my snowman, Horace the second.
At first it can seem a bit weird with all the application requests but you quickly know which ones you like and will use and which one you can ignore.
FB is ace because you can communicate with people n a general relaxed way and keep up to date with everyone in a more informal way at your own pace. MSN etc you have to hold an actual convo and sometimes you don't have the time or feel like it. FB gives you the choice of instant chatting, or you can choose to answer/message as and when you like.

Am I making sense?
I used to hate & despise it... not its function... but the actual software and structure of it.... oh, and its desire to connect you with every tom, dick & harry (nooooo!)

...then I got into the games... which are fab.   Alot are beta versions, hence why you get to play such high quality games for free (fb users are in effect trialing them for the developer)...  and its very clever in that it pitches your scores against your friends... that was how my fb addiction started...

"have. to. beat. Ducky. at. Bejewelled. Blitz. *tongue sticking out of side of mouth*"

Playing the games got me used to the structure and so then I understood it enough to be able to sort my settings out to allow just enough peeps in.

For me its real life peeps I don't want contacting me....  mil's etc.   (I blocked her... oh the block function on FB is an absolute dream.... it does it sooo well, so comprehensively).  

So I have gone from a hater to an addict!
its great for me as i live abroad and can keep in touch with loads of friends and family and see pics of parties and stuff that i wouldn't usually i've also got back in touch with some lovely school mates and talking about old memories is good

not in to farmville/fishville/.cafe ville rubbish and don't accept hearts and flowers LOL

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