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Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Toots, I'd delete all your Nurse Friends and close your profile so only friends can see it, alternatively, you can create a group and put into the group people you don't want to read your wall posts/ status updates etc.......that way, you can keep them as Friends but stop the Professionals reading everything....

...if you need any help I'll try my best to show you how? xxx

Just when it seems she was being nice, there's Devil in the last line with the come on Roll Eyes Laugh

Eeker Blush it's you with your mucky mind Temps! Nod You ok? How's Finn? Valentine

oh really...going to help him with his tennis swing are we? Roll Eyes Laugh

We're great tah Valentine had a rough few days but we're on the mind now Big Grin
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Hi Toots LTNS. Hug As long as you haven't made it personal by mentioning any names, you can say what you like. They, on the other hand are bound by the confidentiality of Nurse/Patient ethics, and should not be discussing you or your private life, away from the workplace. The best thing to do, is to delete them form your friends list, and that way they won't be able to say anymore about it. Your health and wellbeing are the most important factor in all of this, and they as 'professionals' are behaving very badly. The nice ones have been praised, and the ones with attitude are making things worse for themselves by making all of this a big deal. Valentine

I absolutely agree! Nod
Originally posted by Triggers:
Hi Toots! Valentine If you haven't named names I really don't see the problem. I also think it was very unfair that you had to change hospitals because you were unhappy with a mamber of staff.
I really don't know much about the workings of Facebook but I hope this all works out.

Thanks Triggers, if it wasn't for how it was sorted that other time i might of been more prepared to make official complaints to higher people Hug
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by TiGi:
Personally I think it's quite unprofessional of the staff to have patients on their list of friends. Asking for trouble if you ask me.

Tigi because my treatment keeps me alive and its three times a week we are bound to develop relationships and some nurses we consider friends. Ive been doing this this time around for eight years so we talk about most things that go on in our lives and know a bit about eachother. Spending so much time lines get blurred Smiler

I know all this. My Dad was a renal patient for many years. He was dialyised 3 times a week and built up close bonds with his nurses.
But that said, they are professionals and I think they should remain so.
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Triggers:
Hi Toots! Valentine If you haven't named names I really don't see the problem. I also think it was very unfair that you had to change hospitals because you were unhappy with a mamber of staff.
I really don't know much about the workings of Facebook but I hope this all works out.

Thanks Triggers, if it wasn't for how it was sorted that other time i might of been more prepared to make official complaints to higher people Hug

Did you read my earlier post Toots? About blocking some Frineds from seeing certain things? that way you don't have to delete them but they can't see things such as wall posts etc...x
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Tootall:
Hi Tupps, like ive repied later on i have tried the proper channels before, one involving me being swept under the carpet instead of trying to fix the problem. Its hard making official complaints too as these are people who i see every other day. Intodays age they are to scared of getting sued, so instead of admitting not knowing something or admitting to do something wrong they don't, so instead of fixing the problem they don't and the mistakes happen over and over again. I have to say not all nurses are like this but they are extremly hesitant to tell a collegue they are doing something wrong, just make sure they them selves are doing it right. I am not looking to sue people either or i could of done it the night i was given 16 sleeping tablets one night instead of the ONE i was prescribed! I appreciate the job they do also as i wouldnt be alive now with out them.
Rightly or wrongly i have people on here i consider friends so like to sound off to them about my experiances and get advice. Also to let others know what does go on that is tried to be hidden Smiler

My post wasn't a criticism Toots.. just a little info and opinion. Sorry if it felt like it. Hug

You have a dimella on the FB thing.. but that's easily sorted by restricting access for certain people to certain stuff, PMing people rather than posting in 'public' or deleting people. The fact that your health care isn't always up to par is far more serious Eeker <--- my face when I read your post about the alarm incident.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
The fact that someone recognised themselves from your not so flattering (i'm assuming) comment must mean what you wrote was true.

And no, they have no right to tell you what you can or cannot names were used and as someone else said, you have as much right to a whinge and moan as the next person...

Carry on and bollox to them!

Lol thank you for your reply Croc, I felt the same as you before i was approached this morning. I also feel though if a nurse makes a complaint there is something done immediately the problem is approached but if its a patient doing this its not taken as serious. Smiler
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
The fact that someone recognised themselves from your not so flattering (i'm assuming) comment must mean what you wrote was true.

And no, they have no right to tell you what you can or cannot names were used and as someone else said, you have as much right to a whinge and moan as the next person...

Carry on and bollox to them!

Will you come to court with me next week? Laugh

Lol Smiler
Toots I think the best thing would be to remove all your nurse friends and then moan as much as you like to the rest of us Hug You could even have a separate fb for your nurse friends if you really like to keep in touch with them.

Or you could speak to the nurse in question and tell her how you feel about her bedside manner and that you will tell her in future when you have a problema nd not post it on fb Hug

OR.....I can come kick her ass for making you feel bad Valentine
I also feel though if a nurse makes a complaint there is something done immediately the problem is approached but if its a patient doing this its not taken as serious.

Not true Toots. I have worked both in law and in the medical profession and any patient complaint is treated very seriously indeed.

I'm sorry if you felt my earlier post was somewhat harsh. It wasn't meant to be. I was merely trying to explain how a conflict of interest could arise.
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
The fact that someone recognised themselves from your not so flattering (i'm assuming) comment must mean what you wrote was true.

And no, they have no right to tell you what you can or cannot names were used and as someone else said, you have as much right to a whinge and moan as the next person...

Carry on and bollox to them!

Lol thank you for your reply Croc, I felt the same as you before i was approached this morning. I also feel though if a nurse makes a complaint there is something done immediately the problem is approached but if its a patient doing this its not taken as serious. Smiler

Well quite!!

And if the person you spoke about isn't one of your friends and read the stuff for themselves WTF are they doing spying on their patient?
Originally posted by tupps:
Just because someone doesn't name names doesn't mean the person can't be identified. It sounds like they have been in this instance despite no names.

But does that mean i can't mention anything that happens to me in hospital just in case some one takes offence if they feel my experience involved them and makes them sound bad? I'm having trouble working this in my head. Can i not talk about my family either? Smiler
Take heart also, that if she's persistently incompetent, the chances are she's more than likely to have more than you, who are finding her work unsatisfactory. You might even have the satisfaction of hearing quite soon, that she may be moved to a different department. She's putting people's lives at risk, and as you probably know more about your treatment, and how it should be carried out, she knows herself that she's inadequate. This will not have gone unnoticed. It's only a matter of time, before she's hauled up before her superiors, as this is in the remits of gross negligence on her part. The incident with the alarm makes me Mad
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by tupps:
Ack.. sounds a pain.. Hug

In theory you could be sued for libel if anything you'd posted was defamatory... but that would depend on what you've posted etc. In any event it probably isn't a good idea to post anything negative about the people providing the care if they are able to see it. It would be better, if you have a complaint, to go through the proper channels.

Sounds to me like what you are saying is possibly getting back to the person you've commented on or is the subject of some water cooler moments.

hi toots, it must be hell for you, so can understand how you have formed relationships with your carer's. The fact that one of the nurses got your medication wrong is great cause for concern, and as Hyacinth said, any complaints are dealt with very seriously, but believe me, having worked in the NHS for many years, complaints can be made public (as in friendships between nurses) and unfortunately, it can have a negative knock on effect, and you may be seen (in their eyes) as being a trouble maker. Just be very careful, because at the end of the day your health is far more important. Good luck toots Hug

Hi Tupps, like ive repied later on i have tried the proper channels before, one involving me being swept under the carpet instead of trying to fix the problem. Its hard making official complaints too as these are people who i see every other day. Intodays age they are to scared of getting sued, so instead of admitting not knowing something or admitting to do something wrong they don't, so instead of fixing the problem they don't and the mistakes happen over and over again. I have to say not all nurses are like this but they are extremly hesitant to tell a collegue they are doing something wrong, just make sure they them selves are doing it right. I am not looking to sue people either or i could of done it the night i was given 16 sleeping tablets one night instead of the ONE i was prescribed! I appreciate the job they do also as i wouldnt be alive now with out them.
Rightly or wrongly i have people on here i consider friends so like to sound off to them about my experiances and get advice. Also to let others know what does go on that is tried to be hidden Smiler
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by tupps:
Just because someone doesn't name names doesn't mean the person can't be identified. It sounds like they have been in this instance despite no names.

But does that mean i can't mention anything that happens to me in hospital just in case some one takes offence if they feel my experience involved them and makes them sound bad? I'm having trouble working this in my head. Can i not talk about my family either? Smiler

What you must understand is that there are no secrets on here. If you talk about anyone on the interweb, it can be read by others.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by tupps:
Ack.. sounds a pain.. Hug

In theory you could be sued for libel if anything you'd posted was defamatory... but that would depend on what you've posted etc. In any event it probably isn't a good idea to post anything negative about the people providing the care if they are able to see it. It would be better, if you have a complaint, to go through the proper channels.

Sounds to me like what you are saying is possibly getting back to the person you've commented on or is the subject of some water cooler moments.

hi toots, it must be hell for you, so can understand how you have formed relationships with your carer's. The fact that one of the nurses got your medication wrong is great cause for concern, and as Hyacinth said, any complaints are dealt with very seriously, but believe me, having worked in the NHS for many years, complaints can be made public (as in friendships between nurses) and unfortunately, it can have a negative knock on effect, and you may be seen (in their eyes) as being a trouble maker. Just be very careful, because at the end of the day your health is far more important. Good luck toots Hug

Hi Tupps, like ive repied later on i have tried the proper channels before, one involving me being swept under the carpet instead of trying to fix the problem. Its hard making official complaints too as these are people who i see every other day. Intodays age they are to scared of getting sued, so instead of admitting not knowing something or admitting to do something wrong they don't, so instead of fixing the problem they don't and the mistakes happen over and over again. I have to say not all nurses are like this but they are extremly hesitant to tell a collegue they are doing something wrong, just make sure they them selves are doing it right. I am not looking to sue people either or i could of done it the night i was given 16 sleeping tablets one night instead of the ONE i was prescribed! I appreciate the job they do also as i wouldnt be alive now with out them.
Rightly or wrongly i have people on here i consider friends so like to sound off to them about my experiances and get advice. Also to let others know what does go on that is tried to be hidden Smiler

oops got me quotes wrong again Blush
The fact that one of the nurses got your medication wrong is great cause for concern, and as Hyacinth said, any complaints are dealt with very seriously, but believe me, having worked in the NHS for many years, complaints can be made public (as in friendships between nurses) and unfortunately, it can have a negative knock on effect, and you may be seen (in their eyes) as being a trouble maker

Precisely what I was trying to get across pussycat but it appears to have been overlooked!!
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
The fact that one of the nurses got your medication wrong is great cause for concern, and as Hyacinth said, any complaints are dealt with very seriously, but believe me, having worked in the NHS for many years, complaints can be made public (as in friendships between nurses) and unfortunately, it can have a negative knock on effect, and you may be seen (in their eyes) as being a trouble maker

Precisely what I was trying to get across pussycat but it appears to have been overlooked!!

let's hope not Hug
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by tupps:
Just because someone doesn't name names doesn't mean the person can't be identified. It sounds like they have been in this instance despite no names.

But does that mean i can't mention anything that happens to me in hospital just in case some one takes offence if they feel my experience involved them and makes them sound bad? I'm having trouble working this in my head. Can i not talk about my family either? Smiler

You asked in your OP if you could be sued.. it would very much depend on what you said etc.

But in a general nutshell it means that... if someone publishes (posts) anything which would likely lower the person concerned in the estimations of what a Court would deem "right thinking people".. e.g. it attempts to discredit that person's character or reputation; what is published (posted) is communicated to a third person; from what is published (posted) it is possible to identify the person.. in theory there could be a claim yes. But as with any claim, there are always defences... which may or may not apply.

People can say what they like about people.. post what they like.. as they often do.. my point was just that if it contravened the law and someone had a mind to make a claim.. then in theory the person 'saying' whatever could get in 'trouble' and could get 'sued'.

I take it you've had no-one saying that.. so the immediate problem is that rather than any threats of legal action it is impinging on your use of FB and your relationship with the people charged with your healthcare.. so I wouldn't waste an energy on worrying about that bridge unless you come to it (which is probably unlikely).
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
delete the nurses as friends toots. Keeping them will only make you paranoid. Once you have deleted them you can moan as much you like. If say one nurse is actually a bit of a gossip you might not know that. I would get rid of them.

thats a good point The Singing Ringing Tree, I probably would be paranoid if i kept them.....mind if i kept one i'd know whos fault it wa if problems arrised again Smiler
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
Originally posted by Tootall:
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
I dunno about legally or owt but it's not a very nice thing to do if it will get back to them. Why not tell them you aren't happy with their work or report incompetence instead of putting it on fbook? Sorry you're unwell, but it seems a bit out of order to me.

Hi Raggyâ™ĨDoll, I don't get whats not very nice though. I am totaly upfront with nurses, I mentioned before the last time i was polite and made complaints by a nurse in the past, a nurse may i say the other nurses new was not up to the job, so much so they agrred she needed re training and not to put people on a machine without other nurses it was decided by a boss who came in that it was best that I was moved to another hospital straight after their surprise meeting with me.
I was not allowed to say bye to my fellow patients and on the way out of the door was told by other nurses they agreed with me, thought i shouldn't have to move but couldnt say anything!
I have a feeling who this nurse is, and she only recognised her self being mentioned by her wrong attitude and could of put me in a place where i would have had my health effected in not a good way by her. Other Nurse no about he weaknesses (putting it politely). Smiler

Hi Smiler Are you facebook friends with the incompetent ones or only the nice ones & they have leaked it back to the ones you were posting about? I think if you are friends on there with the crappy ones I'd delete them, I never see the point of people adding 'friends' on there who they don't even like, lol. If it is just that the 'nice' ones have leaked it back to the other ones then it's more of a difficult problem because there is obviously someone there that you can't trust and you can't be sure who it is.

In my previous post I thought you meant you were talking about someone on your friends list, which I wouldn't take kindly to if I was that person & saw it on facebook, but if it is something you said about someone not on your friends list and it got back to them through gossip then I think it is their problem not yours. Sorry, hope that's clearer!


Hi Raggy Doll, know i don't have people on Facebook i don't like either so i'm pretty sure it must of come to this nurses attention by accident. The only other thing i can think of is a fellow patient I knewly added who has the same opinions as me but openly blurts things out not worrying about if the wrong people hear it or he gets people in trouble. He would say too tall said this to someone neglecting to say that he did too. Nothing malicious but not thinking about whether he embarrases someone. I think hes definitely going from my friends list.

Thats a lot clearer by the way thanks Hug
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Firstly, apparently FB is quite dodgy in that respect Toots, Ive heard of people getting fired, losing out in interviews all because of something they've posted on FB.

Secondly, who is this stupid bint that is so paranoid she thinks that everything you post about is about her?

Thirdly, would I drag her out into the car park and pound her with a wispa bar? Damn right I would Mad

Fourthly, I would go on to FB and post about this psycho on your ward who has convinced everyone to delete you from FB...we can help you compose something if you like...we helped The Secretary with her FB quandary only recently Angel Laugh

Hi Temps, it wasn't her who persuaded the other nurse to delete me. I think his orders were given from above. It happened after a patient went on tv and slagged off his ward saying how bad a shape the ward was in, how lots of the equipment was broken, it was cold and how unclean it was i think. The ward got the hump and replied on the program desputing the claims and that the tv mkers could visit anytime with their cameras and check them selves. They did, and were refused entry being told it wasn't a good time|! Oh i agreed with the patient by the way.

Could I just have the Wispa bar unbashed please?

Lol the nurse who you think is paranoid knows that patients and other nurses have problems with her work.

Oh the nurses i have on FB don't talk about work so can't think they have done nything wrong Valentine
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
I use Facebook for keeping in touch with people I don't meet very often.
Since anything written on t'internet is truncated and open to misinterpretation it may be better not to have any nurses or patients as FB friends and only speak to them when you see them.

Thanks for your post garage Joe, one of my nurses is going to a different hospital to widen her qualifications for 6 months, it would be a shame to lose touch with her Smiler
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Hi Toots LTNS. Hug As long as you haven't made it personal by mentioning any names, you can say what you like. They, on the other hand are bound by the confidentiality of Nurse/Patient ethics, and should not be discussing you or your private life, away from the workplace. The best thing to do, is to delete them form your friends list, and that way they won't be able to say anymore about it. Your health and wellbeing are the most important factor in all of this, and they as 'professionals' are behaving very badly. The nice ones have been praised, and the ones with attitude are making things worse for themselves by making all of this a big deal. Valentine

Hi Tiddly~Wink good to see you Hug , I fear you too are right about the deleting of them. I think its the general consensus so far. I like to talk about my experiences to get things off my chest and to ask other opinions on whether I'm being un reasonable or am justified with my grievence Valentine
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Tootall:
Thanks Bov, I have only written about my experiences and treatment, my nurses i have on there have never disagreed with what i have wrote on there. One of my nurses i have is in my bay today and i spoke to her about it. I mentioned that i had only posted anything contravertial a few weeks ago so its strange it came up now. I mentioned what i had wrote and she had no problem with it also she recognised who it was by what i wrote. What i did write was this particular nurse always replys "I know" even when she doesnt. If a patient or nurse trys giving her help its i know! If its pointed out shes done something is wrong its "I know". This particular day my machine was alarming all the time. My blood flow was turned down to 150ml/min. This meant i was in danger of loosing a lot of blood. Her answer was to get a seat to sit next to the machine to keep silencing the alarm instead of fixing the problem. It was only when a nurse came in hearing the alarm noticing the speed said i had to come off or i'd lose the circuit of blood. "the nurses reply was i know!" Which she didn't and i said to her no you didn't you were quite happy letting it go on by sitting silencing it. she shut up. I was straight to her and not behind my back. Perhaps i get passionate as this is keeping us alive and its my life so want it done properly.
I think i may have to erase people. Hug

I'm packing up the truck with wispa bars as I type toots Mad I've armed Finn with his hardest rattle so he can get a few knocks in too Mad


Lol Temps, thanks but i need to go back on Saturday, I need some of the building left form to dialyse in, I fear there may be nothing let if you and Finn get over here lol Hug
Originally posted by tupps:
Toots.. from what you've said in your last post it sounds to me like you need to speak to her 'superiors' rather than post about it on FB. Like you say.. this your health and this is keeping you alive.

Sorry I'm late replying but am now home. If i start reporting the mistakes of this nurse (that other nurses are aware of) to people in charge I think it will be ignored, or they would rather get rid of me as its easier than approaching the nurse and saying they don't think shes up to the Job. They are worried of being taken to court themselves by their employees I think. The last time i complained higher up I said can not another nurse just put me on? (they are meant to have at least two in each bay) and i was told it might not be convenient and what if there was a emergency and she was the only one available. Anyway like i said all this involved me being made to move hospital with 5 mins notice! May i say that time they admitted something was wrong since they agreed to retrain her and not allow her to put patients on without someone watching.........then she complained i had been verbaly abusive, no witnesses, no examples and no nurses believed id do anything like that but was still forced out! I hadn't been verbally abusive by the way Smiler
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Toots, I'd delete all your Nurse Friends and close your profile so only friends can see it, alternatively, you can create a group and put into the group people you don't want to read your wall posts/ status updates etc.......that way, you can keep them as Friends but stop the Professionals reading everything....

...if you need any help I'll try my best to show you how? xxx

Thank you The Devil In Diamante, that sounds very interesting, i didn't know you could put people into groups and restrict what they see. It's either that or indeed delete them. If its not too much trouble and take too much of your time up do you think you could post some guidence on how to do that please Smiler
Hi Toots
AFAIK its not illegal,but I dont think you should have anyone on there who could be identified even without a name.Though I'd never discuss a student on FB,even without a name,I stll wouldnt have one on mine(despite getting asked on numerous occassions)!!!
Keep your moans here (or similar) where you're using a nom de Plume and cant be identified.Or else use MSN to privately message anyone if you need to let off steam.
The problem with things like forums, email, text ect is that they are just words coming off a page. There is no facial expression ect to give the recipient a clue as to the tone of the words if you follow me. So. According to how a person might be feeling or what mood they are in, they can read a message one way or if in a good mood another, because they are just words on a page they are open to misintepretaion.

Think about how many times you may have read something, got on your high horse and when you have spoken to the person that have no, thats not what I meant.

To be safe and more importantly make you feel comfortable when you go for treatment, delete them all off face book or say nothing at all on FB use other mediums to vent.

Good luck - hope this all makes sence.
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
Yeah I agree with tupps, that sort of mistake is serious not just that the woman's personality annoys you, her laziness or lack of knowledge has put you and possibly others at risk. It's the nature of facebook to trivialise these things and make it look like bitching rather than valid complaints. I read somewhere that some study has shown sites like that and twitter have meant we don't empathise with people any more because we're battered with info. Sounds like bollix like Laugh

Lol Raggyâ™ĨDoll, its because i get so frustrated and angry that i feel i need to relese it on places like here. Lol nurses if they don't like the ward, how its un or fancy doing something different they can leave and do. Where as for us its treatmen we have to have 2 or 3 days a week to keep us alive. We cannot say we'll go somewhere else or just stop doing it. Also from the nature of giving us life saving treatment there are opertunitys for things to go drasticly wrong and that can effect us and our life Smiler
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
The fact that someone recognised themselves from your not so flattering (i'm assuming) comment must mean what you wrote was true.

And no, they have no right to tell you what you can or cannot names were used and as someone else said, you have as much right to a whinge and moan as the next person...

Carry on and bollox to them!

Will you come to court with me next week? Laugh

You'd want a sweary Mary?? Laugh

Ooh no I can do that meself...I just like the no nonsense style Laugh

Its my blokey side coming out! Ninja

Careful, I'll need those towels again....EekerBig Grin

(Sorry Toots Red Face )

Hey no worrys, I know threads can go off topic and i don't mind at all in my threads Hug
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Toots, I'd delete all your Nurse Friends and close your profile so only friends can see it, alternatively, you can create a group and put into the group people you don't want to read your wall posts/ status updates etc.......that way, you can keep them as Friends but stop the Professionals reading everything....

...if you need any help I'll try my best to show you how? xxx

This is a good idea Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up I do it with my Boss so she doesn't know how much time I spend on there while I should be working! Laugh

Pmsl, i think quite a few people might be interested in how to do it then lol not just me Smiler
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Toots, I'd delete all your Nurse Friends and close your profile so only friends can see it, alternatively, you can create a group and put into the group people you don't want to read your wall posts/ status updates etc.......that way, you can keep them as Friends but stop the Professionals reading everything....

...if you need any help I'll try my best to show you how? xxx

Just when it seems she was being nice, there's Devil in the last line with the come on Roll Eyes Laugh

Are you implying smutt you think I missed temps? EekerSmiler
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by TiGi:
Personally I think it's quite unprofessional of the staff to have patients on their list of friends. Asking for trouble if you ask me.

Toots - I agree with TiGs on this.

Your association with any of the nurses should remain solely in an official capacity and not as friends. They are not your friends, they are health professionals and there to administer to your needs.

They should certainly not have agreed to be added to your Facebook page and this would certainly be frowned upon by their Matron/Manager. It is a situation which could easily lead to a conflict of interests.

They are not personal friends who happen to work in nursing - they are nursing staff you met whilst undergoing dialysis.

You have to look at it in the long term.

thinks about mentioning the nurse who married a patient she was looking after on dialysis a few years ago lol. Its just after a few years of seing people regular is it possible to not be friendly with nurses you respect and are helpful compared to others? Smiler

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