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A lot of Klien's supposed underperformance, I felt, came down to lack of reliability of the car, not lack of ability by him. I thought he had plenty of ability.
Similar thing happened with Massa, if you remember, especially wwhen he first went to Ferarri. Many people were clamouring for him to be sacked and saying he 'didn't DESERVE' to be at Ferarri.
Freak accident withstanding, look at him now!

And I bet half those people who were baying for his blood are all simpering and saying how wonderful he is.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Renault are set to sue the Piquets over their claims of race fixing.
From what I can gather it seems that Piquet Jr claims that he was told to crash in The Singapore GP to fcilitate Alonso winning it.

Renault, of course, deny any such skullduggery. Smiler

Now it may well turn out to be true, but I have to admit that the timing of this does smack a bit of sour grapes.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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