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Well, I've just caught up on Qualifying and the race proper.


I must say that Channel 4 & the FIA have produced two whoppers of a mistake. Firstly, that presenter Jones seems to see everything a an opportunity for a joke, he is an idiot and I am just going to have to tune him out from now on, what a clown.


Qualifying, well that was a massive joke. Everyone just packed up their bags and went home after deciding their positions were OK. Glad to see they have now reverted back to the standard way of qualifying for the next race. That was as bigger own goal as double points!!!!


As for the race, pretty good in places. The Alonso crash was awesome in a 'open mouthed, looks like a Hollywood movie' kind of way.


Poor start from the Merc boys made it hard for them, but they had to race so a positive for us. The Red Bull looked like it may be more competitive. The Ferrari's, jury out a little after the Kimi engine blow, but if they are as quick as they looked then maybe they are closer.


Rosberg I think is in a false position, I think he benefitted from Lewis mistake and Kimi retirement. His upbeat attitude may be short lived.


Good to see some of the commentators have been brought over from the BBC.


Fingers crossed Sky demise as a company and F1 can return to terrestrial TV on a permanent basis.


Just checked the Channel 4 'Live' list.



Australia            March 20      Highlights
Bahrain              April 3       Live
China                April 17      Highlights
Russia               May 1         Highlights
Spain                May 15        Live
Monaco               May 29        Highlights
Canada               June 12       Highlights
Europe (Azerbaijan)  June 19       Live
Austria              July 3        Highlights
Britain              July 10       Live
Hungary              July 24       Live
Germany              July 31       Highlights
Belgium              August 28     Live
Italy                September 4   Live
Singapore            September 18  Highlights
Malaysia             October 2     Live
Japan                October 9     Highlights
USA                  October 23    Highlights
Mexico               October 30    Live
Brazil               November 13   Highlights
Abu Dhabi            November 27   Live 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
El Loro posted:

News that Sky Sports will have exclusive rights to broadcast F1 from 2019. So no more terrestial television.

There is to be a "free to air" channel which will show the complete British GP and race highlights.


So sad. I would have been prepared to pay the BBC a subscription for the whole of the F1 season but they just weren't bright enough to explore that option.


There is no way in a million years I will buy into the evil empire - so I guess I must say goodbye until BT buys the rights.  (and I can't stand BT either, but at a push I would pay for F1).


Miserable of South Yorkshire. 




Hang on a mo. What does "Free to Air" mean?


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
El Loro posted:

EC, there's the Virgin Big Kahuna sports bundle which includes the Sky sports channels but it's very expensive.

I'm with Virgin, but I don't really watch anywhere near enough 'non terrestrial' TV to justify the expense. My non-tv viewing is usually cinema but mainly on blu-ray.


Also the only sport I am interested in is Football and F1 and they don't show enough Sheffield Wednesday and when they do there is a high possibility that I will be at the match.


Good thinking though.


I may have to go look for an F1 friendly pub and watch there (although not the early morning ones ).



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Had to watch in the other room!


My thoughts on the qualifying were based on seeing the highlights only, Having seen it in full this time I have to take back my thoughts that the new format was OK for Q1 and Q2, but Q3 should revert t0 a shoot out, I now feel that Q1 and Q2 didn't really work too well and although Q1 was a bit better than in Australia it's still not really going to work most of the time either. So yes, I agree with Horner that the whole of qualifying should revert to the previous version until such time as they come up with something that is more likely to work.


As with this 'NEW' version, the only way to see if it really works is to put it into practice. So any future 'New' format can be tried for one race and if it's found not to work then we revert to the old format and the NEW format goes back to the drawing board,,,,,and so on until either a working 'New Format' is found or the whole idea is shelved.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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