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I'm really incensed by this extradition.  I have no knowledge of whether this guy is innocent or not but it is one sided and I cannot for the life of me understand why Tony Blair signed up for this treaty and why David Cameron has done nothing to redress the inequality.


What's also annoying is the fact that when they (The Americans) first charged him, it was on a lesser charge that wasn't an offence in either the UK or the USA. So they went back to their courts and changed the the charge to ensure he will qualify for extradition.


I also can't understand how the ECHR didn't see this as against his human rights?  It does give a certain amount of creedence to the belief that terrorists are better protected in the UK than British Citizens. 


I'm also annoyed that the UK will gladly hand over any citizen without the need for a court here in the UK hearing one shred of evidence yet the UK has had numerous counts of 'blue on blue' deaths where no American is ever required to attend in case they are charged in this country.


With our flip flop premier continuing the act of sucking up to the American government, British citizens have no hope and their rights have been eroded and we as a nation weakly protest and do nothing 


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