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The money is in sight she is pulling out all the stops JJ1 and Sam who I believe she see's as her competition, I hate when she keeps saying .. my girls what is that all about.
What girls?....There's only Corin left,most of the others she was wary off in case they got close to Barbie Boy,she knows he despises Corin so she wasn't a threat.
i know Lee there is only Corin she is always saying she looks after her girls she said it again on LF again not long ago, my point is why does she have to keep saying it I dont believe she has looked after all the girls who were in the house.
And your right Marg,she didn't look after the girls who were in the house,he took precedent over everyone,no matter what he did/does ....Look how quickly she turned on Caoimhe over a silly drunken incident,that spoke volumes.
she is not terrified of him. She just fancies him and that's what stupid people (and fans) do when they fancy someone...they tend to emphasise the good points and play down the bad. It looks like she might be seeing the light though now...good for her for sticking up for Corin
I have a theory about Josie fancying JJ1 to the point of stupidity.

I don't think she fancies him as much as she makes out. Yesterday she kissed JJ1's pic during the task. It was all  show show show. Josie is not as Dozie as I like to think. Right now the gross descriptions of her bodily functions have disappeared, as have the swearing and the hollow giggling... indeed even the thumb-sucking. She is serenity itself.. almost martyred expression..... but I digress... I think she is using JJ1 more than he is using her.. way more.

Josie paints a picture of unrequited love. the big gauche girl with the personality, an everywoman winning for a change. She is peddling the Cinderella story. Except Josie ain't no Cinders, she is the pumpkin and the rats mice.

ANYONE who genuinely fancied someone as much as Josie claims to fancy JJ1 would have behaved differently. It REALLY would be torture to spend so much time with some one you were mad about and they were not as interested in you. You can only get messed around just so much, and then you pull away. Josie has never done that. Corin's reaction to JJ2 smacks much more of a genuine crush and and the aftermath. Corin repeatedly looked to know (form other people) what JJ2 made of her.. or what they thought of it. You could see she was hurt as the truth unfolded. When Corin was betrayed by JJ2 in the crossword task, she was justifiably and genuinely angry. Josie has done none of this. She has USED JJ1 so that she can play the role of fat girl so near so far from getting her Prince Charming. JJ1 is nothing but her foil. Sure, she must like him and fancy in to a point, but nowhere near as much as she says. Look at the way she ''courted' Andrew. The poor sap fell for it. She PLAYED him. All the " are you still my "'usbaaaands" is all bollox. Josie is a player (as in actor) through and through. She is I tell ya..

.... Camera's roll.... ACTION!!
.   .
Edited so that it makes some sense... was frothing at mouth on first attempt.
Last edited by Green&Pink
Reference : greenandpink
I have a theory about Josie fancying JJ1
A lot of what you say could be true I think she definitely uses him as well and not all that sure she fancies him as much as she is saying, she is playing a blinder IMO and will probably win, I hope she does not win mainly because I dont want to have to watch her in the all stars BB.
A lot of what you say could be true I think she definitely uses him as well and not all that sure she fancies him as much as she is saying, she is playing a blinder IMO and will probably win, I hope she does not win mainly because I don't want to have to watch her in the all stars BB.
She can't play the same game in All Stars Marge, so it will be interesting to see how she plays it. Bettcha we she has a completely different persona...another role... Ooooo.. 'citing.. I wonder what she will be... Hmmmm...

I have a theory about Josie fancying JJ1 to the point of stupidity. I don't think she fancies him as much as she makes out. Yesterday she kissed JJ1's pic during the task. It was all show show show. Josie is not as Dozie as I like to think. Right now the gross descriptions of her bodily functions have disappeared, as have the swearing and the hollow giggling... indeed even the thumb-sucking. She is serenity itself.. almost martyred expression..... but I digress... I think she is using JJ1 more than he is using her.. way more. Josie paints a picture of unrequited love. the big gauche girl with the personality, an everywoman winning for a change. She is peddling the Cinderella story. Except Josie ain't no Cinders, she is the pumpkin and the rats mice. ANYONE who genuinely fancied someone as much as Josie claims to fancy JJ1 would have behaved differently. It REALLY would be torture to spend so much time with some one you were mad about and they were not as interested in you. You can only get messed around just so much, and then you pull away. Josie has never done that. Corin's reaction to JJ2 smacks much more of a genuine crush and and the aftermath. Corin repeatedly looked to know (form other people) what JJ2 made of her.. or what they thought of it. You could see she was hurt as the truth unfolded. When Corin was betrayed by JJ2 in the crossword task, she was justifiably and genuinely angry. Josie has done none of this. She has USED JJ1 so that she can play the role of fat girl so near so far from getting her Prince Charming. JJ1 is nothing but her foil. Sure, she must like him and fancy in to a point, but nowhere near as much as she says. Look at the way she ''courted' Andrew. The poor sap fell for it. She PLAYED him. All the " are you still my "'usbaaaands" is all bollox. Josie is a player (as in actor) through and through. She is I tell ya..
And it's a theory I totally agree with...From the very first night I commented to OH, that Josie was not what she seems,My comment was actually that she seemed like a sly cow.. Over the course of the weeks, everything you've put in your theory I've seen...She is a very good manipulator of HM's and viewers, JJ1 is a rank amateur compared to Josie...
Senora Reyes
Josie one of the nastiest housemates ever, she's not perfect and I haven't always agreed with everything she has done but there are much worser housemates for that title like Alexandra and Dennis IMO.

I love also how people keep mentioning Caoimhe like she was some kind of saint, I actually didn't mind Caoimhe since the start of the show and I thought Josie was very harsh towards her in some aspect but then again us BB fans are all hypocrites because she got a right slagging off while Shabs was still there.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Josie one of the nastiest housemates ever, she's not perfect and I haven't always agreed with everything she has done but there are much worser housemates for that title like Alexandra and Dennis IMO.
Good to see you Darlo..

Well, it is a bit of an exaggeration calling her the nastiest HM when Dave is still in there.. I grant you that.
And it's a theory I totally agree with...From the very first night I commented to OH, that Josie was not what she seems,My comment was actually that she seemed like a sly cow.. Over the course of the weeks, everything you've put in your theory I've seen...She is a very good manipulator of HM's and viewers, JJ1 is a rank amateur compared to Josie
Senora you are in my head today. Couldn't agree more and G&P I think you are spot on too. I am heartily sick of the congratulations being lauded on lazy lump Josie because she cheeked JJ back today, where was she when he knocked lumps off his other targets. She was in bed with him, sucking her thumb & cooing over that looney idiot. Her courage only seems to have come to the fore with her pass to the final. She is one hell of a sly madam and I can't stand her. At this stage I'd prefer Sam or Corin to win.

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