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Josie is NOT being forceful enough with him, because she is terrified of him!
she is not terrified of him.  She just fancies him and that's what stupid people (and fans) do when they fancy someone...they tend to emphasise the good points and play down the bad.

It looks like she might be seeing the light though now...good for her for sticking up for Corin
greenandpink ~ CHARLATAN DAVE OUT!! offline 1,715 Forum Posts Today at 12:19 PM Last Edited: I mean dozy cow Josie. She is one of the nastiest BB HM in a while.
I wouldn't say she was one of the nastiest HM   Goodness me, there are far worse.

I am glad she is finally getting JJ told and I hope her motives are morally right.
Yes and blaming sam as a bad influence on gentleman John James.
Oh gawd,Sam a bad influence?....That reminds me of parents who lay blame on their kids wrong doing's on their friends,my boy's a good boy it's that other boys fault....Fingermouse has been nasty long before Sam went in the house,it's HIS fault,no-one elses,his.
Josie never "needed" John James.  On the contrary, I think her association with him has prevented her from gaining the full potential of her fan base.  I know that personally, I had been put off supporting her due to her friendship with him.

What turned it around for me was when Sam came in and tried his very best to ruin Josie's BB experience, and in the word's of Dave, make her pop.  John James showed absolutely no loyalty to Josie at all.  In fact he was often seen in the background smirking along to Sam's "pranks" and verbal abuse on Josie.

I don't like to see people being picked on.  Sam has picked on Josie and more recently on Corin.  The majority of the other housemates have found this to be the height of hilarity.  I think it's pathetic.
Reference: Lee
Or maybe for once stuck to her guns,he's wrong,we know he's wrong,she knows he's wrong,tell him he's wrong and leave it at that.

As I've said earlier, I don't have LF so I don't understand the context in which it was said.  However throughout the series Josie often has said John James has 2 personalities, one horrible, one a nice guy.  Perhaps she was referring to the nice guy personality when she said he's a gentleman.  Afterall he is far nicer to Josie than he is to most of the other housemates.
Josie never "needed" John James.  On the contrary, I think her association with him has prevented her from gaining the full potential of her fan base.  I know that personally, I had been put off supporting her due to her friendship with him. What turned it around for me was when Sam came in and tried his very best to ruin Josie's BB experience, and in the word's of Dave, make her pop.  John James showed absolutely no loyalty to Josie at all.  In fact he was often seen in the background smirking along to Sam's "pranks" and verbal abuse on Josie. I don't like to see people being picked on.  Sam has picked on Josie and more recently on Corin.  The majority of the other housemates have found this to be the height of hilarity.  I think it's pathetic
Her relationship with him impacted that house in a big way,HM's are intimidated by him and therefore her because of him....His fans supported her,as did all those who were so engrossed by the Nomance and will they won't they....Sam watched her tear into him when he wasn't there to defend himself,he got there tit for tat commenced,both being nasty to each other but Barbie Boy said nothing until it suited him to use this last week in a pee poor attempted to validate him backstabbing Sam ...He smirked at Sam much in the same way Josie has smirked and laughed at Barbie Boys attacks on several Hm's for weeks on end.
Reference: Cologne
She said yesterday: He's been my rock. That implies need to me

Emotionally she has, and continues to need him.

I was referring to posts which are implying she needed him to ride on his coat tails to the final, but no longer does now that she's got the pass to the final.  Basically implying she's using him.  Something I strongly disagree with.  If there is any fakeness in that relationship it is not coming from her side.  She is clearly head over heels for him.

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