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Originally posted by PuppyDooDoo:
Originally posted by MoFo:
On the few times I've had my pic taken with anyone slightly famous I've always asked them to look really excited to be photoed with me while I've stood there with a bored look on my face. It humours me greatly and one day I shall lie to my grandkids and say they were my stalkers!

Brilliant Laugh
It only works if they play along though....Ian Brown didnt and our pic looked like we hated each other as we tried to out-do each others moody look! Roll Eyes Laugh
Originally posted by MoFo:
On the few times I've had my pic taken with anyone slightly famous I've always asked them to look really excited to be photoed with me while I've stood there with a bored look on my face. It humours me greatly and one day I shall lie to my grandkids and say they were my stalkers!

thats a good idea Big Grin
I have been lifted before when I had my pic taken, everyone was jelous

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