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The Met Office website and another weather site both predict that exceptionally cold weather is on its way across the country. In a few days the temperature will be struggling to get above 2 degrees during the day time and this could last for many weeks. This means that we will be getting snow rather than rain, so I hope that your council has plenty of salt for the roads and is on standby. The temperature looks as if it will be about 6 degrees colder than normal for December.

I hope that the predictions turn out wrong, but it is better for people to be warned in advance.

(and the forecast at present doesn't go as far as Christmas)

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The updated forecast on one site indicates that the major snow falls will start in just over a week's time. Based on the precipitation levels given, they are forecasting 8 inches each day with strong winds at low levels, and that is for the Gloucester area.

It should be remembered that forecasts are not reliable for more than 5 days, so hopefully this will not happen.
El Loro
Penguins in their hundreds have been seen flying in to this country and landing at Slimbridge (the major sanctuary for birds) in south Gloucestershire. They obviously think that something is up. There have also been reports of polar bears seen swimming towards this country.

It's just possible that I might be making this post up as there is a flaw in this. (but my earlier posts are not made up)
El Loro
I love the snow but I hope if falls after Monday - I've got my college Monday but am OK for the rest of the week.   Snow makes all the streets look clean 

My friend is a bee keeper and he reckons I kid ye not  that when his bees plug up the hive nice and tight we're in for a bad winter.  He reckons this winter will be bad 

don't say you haven't been warned - the bees have spoken
Well that'll mean Christmas is cancelled cos last year my husband could barely work on account of not even being abole to get out of our road.
It's no joke is it Croc?  I love seeing the snow and all that jazz but when my OH can't work because of it it hits us badly.  I don't mind a day or two here and there but when its days of snow and the roads are bad then it's either he stay off the roads and lose the money or go out and risk an accident.

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