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I was wondering why Marcus was in gaol last night so went looking on C4 and now wish I hadn't Red Face

He's a mucky bugger that bloke... some things just need to be kept private Sick

Crossing the boundaries of taste and decency have never worried Big Brother's self-styled Irrepressible Dark Horse, Marcus. And today, he plumbed new depths.

While nominations rolled on, Marcus thought he'd share some private information about 'Marcus time' with Halfwit and Bea. Information we're sure they could have done without knowing.

As Halfwit looked on, Marcus sat on the step in the Garden, giving his bicep a workout on the dumbbell, his other arm placed manfully on his knee. They talked about nominations. Nothing unusual there, you might think. But wait...

"I'm going to do my nominations, then channel some sexual energy," announced Marcus.

Halfwit giggled. Readers of a sensitive disposition, look away now.

"Do you think my way is heroic?" Marcus asked Bea as she joined them in the Garden. "My way. Is it heroic?"

"No," she replied. We think by the word 'way' he was referring to some sort of method for creating a 'blind spot' in order to have some privacy.

"I will show you. I'll show you that my way is heroic. Come on, let's get the duvet and I'll show you."

Bea and Halfwith followed Marcus.

"You're not actually going to..?" said Halfwit, worried.

"I might," said Marcus. The threesome walked through the Lounge and into the Toilet.

"I've got a very attractive penis, thank you for asking," said Marcus. Er, he didn't ask, Marcus. No-one asked.

"Right you take that off," said Marcus, grappling with the mirror in the Toilet, unable to take it off the wall. "Denied!"

"Beautifully ironic and weird," laughed Halfwit.

"You can't stop the champ!" said Marcus. "I'm a force of nature. You can't stop a force of nature."

Just then Big Brother reminded Marcus not to tamper with the fixtures and fittings. So instead he covered himself with a duvet and started gesturing, narrating as he went.

"You've got your tissues there. And then you just work away," he instructed. Work away? At what Marcus, at what?!

It wasn't long before Big Brother called Marcus into the Diary Room and punished him for tampering. With fixtures and fittings, that is, not himself.

"You are bad man," Halfwit told him, as Marcus skulked grumpily to the jail in the Garden. "You can go to prison and reflect."

"They can't stop me. The very nature of the Irrepressible Dark Horse just is... irrepressible," confirmed Marcus.

Let's hope he uses his private time wisely. With nothing too private, that is.

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Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
so tis only me that feels icky at the thought of Marcus pleasuring himself then? Razzer
Nooooooes! Course not, Olly - its just that some of us heard about it last night Wink

Hey, don't feel no way, girl! I was the only one who was devoid of the knowledge of the 'wankeh-blankeh' Nod Sick

I did keep asking, but nobods would divulge Ninja

They probs thought I was taking the wotsit - and I WASN'T! Eeker

I didn't see any of it - and I watch LF nearly every night!

Mind you, he's a filthy git (which none of us were seriously in any doubt of) but you do have to wonder why Bea and Knobber followed him into the bog? Ninja

HIS motive was clear! What the HELL was theirs? *gag*
Soz, but no I don't Big Grin

He's an entertainer - albeit an extremely bad one!

The guy's a genius HM - he talks soooooo much shite, all the time, and twice on Sundays! Laugh Laugh Laugh

Marcus CAN'T GO!

We've got the bores to get rid of first, anyway FFS! Mad

Lets start with erm, erm .................. shit, erm....... thingy - the one who does all the excercise and says how lovely everyone is Ninja

Erm ....... gissa a clue then - what's the first letter of her name?

Oh 'aitch?'

Ah okay then 'Orrendously bad choice of HM?'

'Orribly boring?'

'Orrifically bad singing (could sue her cos me ears is still bleeding)*

'Ornamental value only' (we've already got Sophie FFS Roll Eyes'

'Obsessive exerciser, despite fact that she weighs less than a small child'

GEDDEROFF!!!!!!!! Mad

'Oh! *shock* You still ere then?* THUD! *several bones shattered* Ninja
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Its gross!!!

I am trying not to think to much about it, or I find that I have a mental image of his doodah, and then I just feel durty!!!!

Shouldn't have touched it then Big Grin
I agree with KG a bit though - why did the others follow him into the bathroom when he announced he was off for a tommy?
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Its gross!!!

I am trying not to think to much about it, or I find that I have a mental image of his doodah, and then I just feel durty!!!!

Shouldn't have touched it then Big Grin
I agree with KG a bit though - why did the others follow him into the bathroom when he announced he was off for a tommy?

Ok... not Durty as in Christina Aguilara Dirty.,... Durty as in filled with horror and self loathing! Big Grin

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