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Originally posted by RENTON:
Hang on . . .please explain???

Why is it these 2 - why shud Sophie be punished???

Sorry about this but i'm losing the plot

Maybe letting them discuss nominations was her punishment? I mean, she has been up 4 times already for nomination related rule breaks - so it's no longer a punishment. Plus, others have previously been punished in different ways for nomination talk, or in many instances, not at all.
Cold Sweat
It looks like Team Lisa will ride into the final unchallenged now Shake Head

Just thought i'd share this post from somebody over at Digital Spy forums,it's somebody's version of BB without Freddie,Marcus and Siavash,it looks like this will come true and this is what the final few weeks will be like Frowner


Lisa and David are discussing what they will have for breakfast tomorrow. They are very excited about how they have frosties today.


Lisa David and Bea are smoking at the bus stop.

Lisa says 'Im glad they threw Marcus siavash and 'alfwit out. the house is much more fun without them.


Charlie and Rodrigo have had a fall out over whos spoon is whos.

Rodrigo: 'You are deeesrespecting me charlie'

Charlie: 'Piss of you freak'


Lisa and David are at the bus stop. Lisa is hunting for fag ends

Lisa: 'Oh I though i had one there, but it was just charlies old scab'

David: 'Well uh..wouldnt we be able to smoke that? Its the same as tobacco isnt it?'


Charlie and Rodrigo have fell out over Charlie coughing near Rodrigo.

Rodrigo: 'You deeesresepected me by doing that charlie'

Charlie: 'Never speak to me again, you dont exist to me anymore, you little freak'


Sophie has found a hair down her cleavage. She giggles hysterically for then next half hour.

She then farts. And starts laughing again.


Lisa Bea and David are at the bus stop

Lisa: 'The house is so much better without Marucs Siavash and 'alfwit isnt it Bea?'

Bea: 'Yes, they were bringing the mood in the house down'



David has cooked spaghetti bolognaise for the group

David: 'My cooking is lush isnt it?'

Bea: 'You are a yorkshire pudding Dave'

David: 'Oh thanks Bea...I love yorkshire puddings'


Lisa Bea and David are smoking at the bus stop

Lisa: 'The house is so much more lively without 'alfwit'

Bea and david 'Yeah'



The housemates are all in bed.

Sophie farts.

End sequence.
With their antics this week, they would have been nominated anyway. Siavash was as bad, but his repeated apologies means he wouldn't get nom'd.
Marcus is probably hated more, saving Fred, making him think he's invincible. Everyone's minds wwere made up before tehy got to talk about nominations. I don't understand why people keep talking about Sophie being punished. She was drunk and feeling really guilty about the cigarettes thing. Last week, neither Marcus nor Siavash was punished - BB made sure the vote to win kept them in. Last week BB treated everyone equally
by putting them all up - but it should have been vote to evict. This week BB is treating everyone equally in letting everyone talk about nominations. This week's punishment is MUCH better than the guaranteed eviction of Hira that BB ensured would happen by having a vote to save.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Does anyone think Marcus would screw up their plans by walking or escaping over the wall?, also to give Freddie another week in the house before he's up again you never know with the IDH just a thought though Big Grin.

I said that earlier. I really wouldn't put it past him, especially if he is serious about wanting to go. He knows he can help Freddie and I don't think he's that bothered about all the after show spiel, but even Ken got some appearances, so he will have some exposure.
cologne 1
Originally posted by SJ:
With their antics this week, they would have been nominated anyway. Siavash was as bad, but his repeated apologies means he wouldn't get nom'd.
Marcus is probably hated more, saving Fred, making him think he's invincible. Everyone's minds wwere made up before tehy got to talk about nominations. I don't understand why people keep talking about Sophie being punished. She was drunk and feeling really guilty about the cigarettes thing. Last week, neither Marcus nor Siavash was punished - BB made sure the vote to win kept them in. Last week BB treated everyone equally
by putting them all up - but it should have been vote to evict. This week BB is treating everyone equally in letting everyone talk about nominations. This week's punishment is MUCH better than the guaranteed eviction of Hira that BB ensured would happen by having a vote to save.

Dogface plays at being drunk even if all she does is sniff a can of cider/larger Roll Eyes she purposely talked about noms and should have been punished - this is no punishment Shake Head but you're right about the fact that they would have been nommed anyway. Nod
Originally posted by SJ:
With their antics this week, they would have been nominated anyway. Siavash was as bad, but his repeated apologies means he wouldn't get nom'd.
Marcus is probably hated more, saving Fred, making him think he's invincible. Everyone's minds wwere made up before tehy got to talk about nominations. I don't understand why people keep talking about Sophie being punished. She was drunk and feeling really guilty about the cigarettes thing. Last week, neither Marcus nor Siavash was punished - BB made sure the vote to win kept them in. Last week BB treated everyone equally
by putting them all up - but it should have been vote to evict. This week BB is treating everyone equally in letting everyone talk about nominations. This week's punishment is MUCH better than the guaranteed eviction of Hira that BB ensured would happen by having a vote to save.

Up to an hour before the eviction Bea was still in the frame, not so ensured really.
cologne 1
Originally posted by swg:
Still think there will be a twist, Sophie hasnt been punished yet.................

The punishment for all the noms talk - including sophie's - she wasn't the only one - was that housemates were free to discuss nominations
Ok thanks for that, sorry if i have caused confusion, i didnt realise Sophie,s punishment was included Wink

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