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Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

I think Bobby will go cos he doesn't have a huge fan base to "Save" him. 

But do you think Sally has?

I suspect Sally is more well known than Bobby.

You're probably right.  I had heard of her, but not him, even though he is a 'famous model.'


I really don't want Sally to go because she's interesting, and because the cracks are beginning to show a bit, which will liven it all up (I sound like a bear-baiter ... sorry!)


I really don't want Bobby to go because he's just getting interesting.


So, that leaves Kerry. I don't think she's got anything else to show us really, so Kerry it is. Sorry shedders

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

What Rexi said.    Right down to the apology to the shedders..... 


I like Sally and I want to see more of her and Paddy.



You do know that "When Paddy Met Sally" pap thingy was a spoof don't you Kaffers?

  Aww... now you spoiled it!    Seriously.. I like seeing them talking.. she doesn't even need an interpreter and so far they're the only ones I see having anything like a 'normal' conversation - exchanging views and stuff and not just discussing being a 'celebrity' and how to make money, further their careers etc.    


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