Who will be 1st out this Friday?
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Who will be 1st out this Friday?
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I've changed my mind twice
unfortunately I think it will be Bobby. Although I would like to see Kerry go first but C5 have not been showing much of her (from what I can see on their FB page). But are trying to tarnish Bobby
Sally...I hope....I've got another shipment of rabbits to shift
I've changed my mind twice
Womans perogative.
I really really really really really don't know. I think MAYbe it will be Bobby. I kinda hope so because he is mind numbingly dull. Not keen on Sally, Kerry is OK, and they are both fairly watchable and interesting, but Bobby. *YAWN* SO I will say Bobby...
ABO, I LOVE your avi! Is it some kind of space thingy?
I think Bobby will go cos he doesn't have a huge fan base to "Save" him.
ABO, I LOVE your avi! Is it some kind of space thingy?
aw thanks. It's kinda like my brain - spacey
I think Bobby will go cos he doesn't have a huge fan base to "Save" him.
But do you think Sally has?
ABO, I LOVE your avi! Is it some kind of space thingy?
aw thanks. It's kinda like my brain - spacey
Well it's really pretty!
I think Bobby will go cos he doesn't have a huge fan base to "Save" him.
But do you think Sally has?
I suspect Sally is more well known than Bobby.
I think Bobby will go cos he doesn't have a huge fan base to "Save" him.
But do you think Sally has?
I suspect Sally is more well known than Bobby.
You're probably right. I had heard of her, but not him, even though he is a 'famous model.'
I voted Don't Care... well someone had to...... although in reality I think it may be Bobby
Female has always gone in past BB's for Sally.
I like Sally
Female has always gone in past BB's for Sally.
There haven't been that many Sally's in BB
Just curious, but why does nobody think it will be Kerry? I thought lots of people disliked her.
Definately Sally.....*crosses fingers*
Sally cos it's a vote to save.
I would like Kerry to go but think it will be Sally
I like Sally too
I voted...an Kerry has 1 vote.
...bet you are wondering who I voted for....
IMO Kerry has had enough screen time to prove herself.........I think it is about time she maintained herself OFF screen for a bit longer.
Sally...but if Bobby goes fine aswell!
I think Bobby will go.
I want him to stay.
I wish it was Kerry but I think it will be Sally.....
I hope its Sally! *chucks a few more votes bobby's way*
I haven't seen too much of it as I've been away, but I hope its Sally.
Bobby is too lush to go.
I really don't want Sally to go because she's interesting, and because the cracks are beginning to show a bit, which will liven it all up (I sound like a bear-baiter ... sorry!)
I really don't want Bobby to go because he's just getting interesting.
So, that leaves Kerry. I don't think she's got anything else to show us really, so Kerry it is. Sorry shedders
Under no circumstances will the producers want to lose their eye candy and possible love interest Bobby.Sally has no chance of staying over Kerry.
What Rexi said. Right down to the apology to the shedders.....
I like Sally and I want to see more of her and Paddy.
I still think Bobby. I don't really like him that much. But hey who knows.
That's not an option.
What Rexi said. Right down to the apology to the shedders.....
I like Sally and I want to see more of her and Paddy.
You do know that "When Paddy Met Sally" pap thingy was a spoof don't you Kaffers?
What Rexi said. Right down to the apology to the shedders.....
I like Sally and I want to see more of her and Paddy.
You do know that "When Paddy Met Sally" pap thingy was a spoof don't you Kaffers?
Aww... now you spoiled it! Seriously.. I like seeing them talking.. she doesn't even need an interpreter and so far they're the only ones I see having anything like a 'normal' conversation - exchanging views and stuff and not just discussing being a 'celebrity' and how to make money, further their careers etc.
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