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Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Blizzie:

Marcus' joke? Glance

Blizzie, Growlybear, Pistol Petey, Senora Reyes you all know what i mean regarding the whole ''leave Leona Lewis alone joke''. Its an old joke and is getting boring now. And also i would like to say Leona Lewis is a big star as she has achieved alot since the x factor and you all thought she wouldnt make it but newsflash she did make it and i bet your all shooting yourselves in the foot now lol. I was right all along. I said she would be a big star years back and I was proved right Big Grin

Save Marcus

Vote out Freddie 09016 16 16 05


BTW, I voted for her and bought her album, twice (accidentally)!

I do wonder whether you think Marcus' joke was a bit pervy though. Glance
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Well, i'm sorry Suzy. "Pornography and rape" is the title of a book by a well known feminist and one which I have read among many others. I refer to Blizzie's constant posts about Marcus being degrading to women when we have a glamour model in the BB house who some could say is far more so by what she represents.

ooohhhhh good post
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Well, i'm sorry Suzy. "Pornography and rape" is the title of a book by a well known feminist and one which I have read among many others. I refer to Blizzie's constant posts about Marcus being degrading to women when we have a glamour model in the BB house who some could say is far more so by what she represents.

I think it's really sad that some women want to have fake boobs put in, but I've no doubt that it's blokes like Marcus who are paying for it.

I'm judging him on what I've seen of him in the house and I've found him disrespectful with many of the women, and Sree. I found him controlling and manipulative and am not fooled by his "Can I have a cuggle?" moments.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

HEHE dont ya love it how SOME women DEMAND respect from ALL men for NO OTHER reason than the fact they are women,
then the NEXT minute they DEMAND to be treated as EQUALS? whats that about? Shake Head

As I said in my earlier post, I respect everyone, until they lose my respect. Nothing to do with demanding respect just for being a woman.

I do find Marcus particularly disrespectful to women, and have noticed that he uses the worst insults when speaking to the female BBs.

I agree, for me it's the language he uses for women, as if they're there to be used just for his pleasure and not be be appreciated or loved in the real sense that most in a relationship find happiness and fulfilment in.

As someone who sees BB for the gameshow that it is one thing but his attitude to women is something else.

I'm sorry but i really don't see that at all. If I were to look at him on a purely superficial level, I might. But having observed him over the weeks I see a rather insecure man who has created a myth for himself and does like women, does respect them and is perhaps a little afraid of them. When he told Noirin that he loved her he sounded like a young boy with a first crush not a heartless wanker who disrespects women. I have seen a lot of men who have disrespected women and they are nothing like Marcus.

From what I've heard him say I don't see how his view is different from some men who enjoy pornography
Yellow Rose
Sorry. I want Freddie to stay.
I have not liked Marcus from the beginning.
The so-called expert who got so much wrong.
I did, though, quite like his anarchy and resistance to BB.
I liked to imagine the `BB` on duty at the time was taken aback by Marcus`s attitude.
But that is not enough to cause me to like him overall.
I don`t find him a nice man, and I think Freddie is.
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Blizzie:


BTW, I voted for her and bought her album, twice (accidentally)!

I do wonder whether you think Marcus' joke was a bit pervy though. Glance

Thats great you voted for her. Wow you bought her album twice Eeker. Thank you for buying her album.

I dont think Marcus is pervy. I have changed my mind about him

Keep changing your mind. Who gives a ****?
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Well, i'm sorry Suzy. "Pornography and rape" is the title of a book by a well known feminist and one which I have read among many others. I refer to Blizzie's constant posts about Marcus being degrading to women when we have a glamour model in the BB house who some could say is far more so by what she represents.

I think it's really sad that some women want to have fake boobs put in, but I've no doubt that it's blokes like Marcus who are paying for it.

I'm judging him on what I've seen of him in the house and I've found him disrespectful with many of the women, and Sree. I found him controlling and manipulative and am not fooled by his "Can I have a cuggle?" moments.

I suppose you don't like those moments Blizzie because it's clear that you don't like his character, but there is no "fooling" to be had.

You mention Sree. All the house mates had a major problem with Sree as did the viewing public hence he was up for nomination and sent home at the first opportunity. Sree played a low game and even the race card when it was completely unnecessary to do so.

Marcus might offend some people with his language and even with his lust for women *sigh* but here is where the irony comes into it...... society does not do women any favours all the time there is a huuuuuge market for porn and no favours at all when plumped up stars are giving the impression to young girls that all they need to be a success is a pair of hooters and a bleached stack of hair - and to even give the impression that the men are the ones being exploited at the end of the day because the model is the one going home with the money. Then there is this "freedom of choice" logic thrown in and women should be able to do what they want etc even if that means entering the porn industry, coz they is in control innit? Rubbish. Sad times indeed. For every sucessful glamour girl there must be at least hundreds who have been traeted like dirt and addicted to drugs because of trying to follow the same Barbie doll dream.
Marcus' of the world won't upset my daughters. Life size Barbie's who push their life style at them and make it seem legitimate, will.
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
You know, I respect the OP's enthusiasm, but I'm a little surprised at "save Marcus" threads, seeing as Marcus has made it pretty clear many times that he want's to be voted out!

I believe a lot of his fans on DS are either voting for Freddie or else not voting at all in order to respect their man's wishes...

But does he want to leave? Alot of times HM's say this, especially after being nominated. Whether they mean it or not, remains to be seen.
Originally posted by evviva!:
Marcus needs to stay Nod Feddie isn't able to take them all on, and Vash is too weak and wouldn't be much help or support........

Disagree, I think with Marcus gone they will be fine... Don't underestimate peoples strength... Siavash is totally able to hold his own and can see clearly what's happening.. he will help Freddie, but I think he will grow in strength now he really has a handle on Bea, it just takes a while, she has cut him to pieces, he fell apart, and it will make him stronger! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I suppose you don't like those moments Blizzie because it's clear that you don't like his character, but there is no "fooling" to be had.

You mention Sree. All the house mates had a major problem with Sree as did the viewing public hence he was up for nomination and sent home at the first opportunity. Sree played a low game and even the race card when it was completely unnecessary to do so.

Marcus might offend some people with his language and even with his lust for women *sigh* but here is where the irony comes into it...... society does not do women any favours all the time there is a huuuuuge market for porn and no favours at all when plumped up stars are giving the impression to young girls that all they need to be a success is a pair of hooters and a bleached stack of hair - and to even give the impression that the men are the ones being exploited at the end of the day because the model is the one going home with the money. Then there is this "freedom of choice" logic thrown in and women should be able to do what they want etc even if that means entering the porn industry, coz they is in control innit? Rubbish. Sad times indeed. For every sucessful glamour girl there must be at least hundreds who have been traeted like dirt and addicted to drugs because of trying to follow the same Barbie doll dream.
Marcus' of the world won't upset my daughters. Life size Barbie's who push their life style at them and make it seem legitimate, will.

Firstly, I don't like his character, pretty obvious, but I do see a controlling character. He constantly points out others' faults and tells people that he knows them better than they know themselves. He wants everyone to change, to suit his vision of how they should be.

Sree was actually quite popular in the house, in fact, compared to Freddie, very popular! He certainly wasn't my favourite, but the way he was targetted by Marcus was horrible to watch.

If we are talking about 'low games', look at how Marcus treated him - constant put downs and digs!
Plus, Marcus played the race card, long before he upset Sree by making fun of his accent. Was that necessary?

I'm not sure whether you think I'm a big advocate of fake boobs and porn, or why you might think that, but finding Marcus' coarse language and attitude to women and sex quite revolting, has absolutely nothing to do with my ideas on the porn industry, or cosmetic surgery.

I simply find everything he says and does makes me cringe and feel a bit sick, but his controlling tendencies worry me more than anything.
I certainly wouldn't want either of my daughters to end up with a man who feels the need to tell them how wrong they are, all the time, and how they should want to be. He should look at himself a bit more, quite frankly. Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I suppose you don't like those moments Blizzie because it's clear that you don't like his character, but there is no "fooling" to be had.

You mention Sree. All the house mates had a major problem with Sree as did the viewing public hence he was up for nomination and sent home at the first opportunity. Sree played a low game and even the race card when it was completely unnecessary to do so.

Marcus might offend some people with his language and even with his lust for women *sigh* but here is where the irony comes into it...... society does not do women any favours all the time there is a huuuuuge market for porn and no favours at all when plumped up stars are giving the impression to young girls that all they need to be a success is a pair of hooters and a bleached stack of hair - and to even give the impression that the men are the ones being exploited at the end of the day because the model is the one going home with the money. Then there is this "freedom of choice" logic thrown in and women should be able to do what they want etc even if that means entering the porn industry, coz they is in control innit? Rubbish. Sad times indeed. For every sucessful glamour girl there must be at least hundreds who have been traeted like dirt and addicted to drugs because of trying to follow the same Barbie doll dream.
Marcus' of the world won't upset my daughters. Life size Barbie's who push their life style at them and make it seem legitimate, will.

Firstly, I don't like his character, pretty obvious, but I do see a controlling character. He constantly points out others' faults and tells people that he knows them better than they know themselves. He wants everyone to change, to suit his vision of how they should be.

Sree was actually quite popular in the house, in fact, compared to Freddie, very popular! He certainly wasn't my favourite, but the way he was targetted by Marcus was horrible to watch.

If we are talking about 'low games', look at how Marcus treated him - constant put downs and digs!
Plus, Marcus played the race card, long before he upset Sree by making fun of his accent. Was that necessary?

I'm not sure whether you think I'm a big advocate of fake boobs and porn, or why you might think that, but finding Marcus' coarse language and attitude to women and sex quite revolting, has absolutely nothing to do with my ideas on the porn industry, or cosmetic surgery.

I simply find everything he says and does makes me cringe and feel a bit sick, but his controlling tendencies worry me more than anything.
I certainly wouldn't want either of my daughters to end up with a man who feels the need to tell them how wrong they are, all the time, and how they should want to be. He should look at himself a bit more, quite frankly. Glance
I agree with your post Blizzie
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I suppose you don't like those moments Blizzie because it's clear that you don't like his character, but there is no "fooling" to be had.

You mention Sree. All the house mates had a major problem with Sree as did the viewing public hence he was up for nomination and sent home at the first opportunity. Sree played a low game and even the race card when it was completely unnecessary to do so.

Marcus might offend some people with his language and even with his lust for women *sigh* but here is where the irony comes into it...... society does not do women any favours all the time there is a huuuuuge market for porn and no favours at all when plumped up stars are giving the impression to young girls that all they need to be a success is a pair of hooters and a bleached stack of hair - and to even give the impression that the men are the ones being exploited at the end of the day because the model is the one going home with the money. Then there is this "freedom of choice" logic thrown in and women should be able to do what they want etc even if that means entering the porn industry, coz they is in control innit? Rubbish. Sad times indeed. For every sucessful glamour girl there must be at least hundreds who have been traeted like dirt and addicted to drugs because of trying to follow the same Barbie doll dream.
Marcus' of the world won't upset my daughters. Life size Barbie's who push their life style at them and make it seem legitimate, will.

Firstly, I don't like his character, pretty obvious, but I do see a controlling character. He constantly points out others' faults and tells people that he knows them better than they know themselves. He wants everyone to change, to suit his vision of how they should be.

Sree was actually quite popular in the house, in fact, compared to Freddie, very popular! He certainly wasn't my favourite, but the way he was targetted by Marcus was horrible to watch.

If we are talking about 'low games', look at how Marcus treated him - constant put downs and digs!
Plus, Marcus played the race card, long before he upset Sree by making fun of his accent. Was that necessary?

I'm not sure whether you think I'm a big advocate of fake boobs and porn, or why you might think that, but finding Marcus' coarse language and attitude to women and sex quite revolting, has absolutely nothing to do with my ideas on the porn industry, or cosmetic surgery.

I simply find everything he says and does makes me cringe and feel a bit sick, but his controlling tendencies worry me more than anything.
I certainly wouldn't want either of my daughters to end up with a man who feels the need to tell them how wrong they are, all the time, and how they should want to be. He should look at himself a bit more, quite frankly. Glance
I agree with your post Blizzie
Thing is I do too.....I just really really REALLY dont want any of the others to win! Blush Laugh
If Marcus does go, which seems very likely i can see a huge power struggle ahead with Bea more than likely at the helm, is there anyone in there strong enough to take her on? Siavash has her sussed but i dont think he will bring her down, and she just bamboozels Lisa with words. Will Freddie fight back? Next week should be really interesting.
round and round and round we go,
and Sree had a BRILLIANT "attitude" towards women didnt he?
or did I dream he was telling some of them how to dress and speak? not to mention he couldnt keep his hands off them?,
and then MARCUS is a racisit cause he took the piss out of Srees accent, WAS that?
oh yeah when Marcus was TRYING to do the shopping list (as asked) but he couldnt, because Sree wouldnt STFU

and then there was "I let you clean my house"
and another time, "clean my shoes clean my shoes" comments from Sree, and the one that C4 decided we COULDNT see,
when Sree insulted Marcus,s culture...would LOVE to know what THAT was about,

but "clean my house" clean my shoes"
are both racisit and offensive insults in Srees culture make NO mistake about that, he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing,

and then the CLASSIC, Marcus to Sree who was going on n on, "you are only speaking to me like that cause we are in here" HE WAS!!
" wait till we are outside and then speak to me like that"
INSTANLY this is Marcus THREATENING Sree, was pointing out the bloody OBVIOUS FACT that Sree would not dare speak to Marcus OR ANYONE for that mattler in the way in which he was, in the OUTSIDE world,
in short just pointing out what a cowardly little shit he really was, bit like a kid hididng behing mummys skirt while sticking his tounge out at the big boys,
Srtee was and is a sniveling little judgemental arrogant cowardly CONTROLING shit who will never be HALF the man Marcus is, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
round and round and round we go,
and Sree had a BRILLIANT "attitude" towards women didnt he?
or did I dream he was telling some of them how to dress and speak? not to mention he couldnt keep his hands off them?,
and then MARCUS is a racisit cause he took the piss out of Srees accent, WAS that?
oh yeah when Marcus was TRYING to do the shopping list (as asked) but he couldnt, because Sree wouldnt STFU

and then there was "I let you clean my house"
and another time, "clean my shoes clean my shoes" comments from Sree, and the one that C4 decided we COULDNT see,
when Sree insulted Marcus,s culture...would LOVE to know what THAT was about,

but "clean my house" clean my shoes"
are both racisit and offensive insults in Srees culture make NO mistake about that, he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing,

and then the CLASSIC, Marcus to Sree who was going on n on, "you are only speaking to me like that cause we are in here" HE WAS!!
" wait till we are outside and then speak to me like that"
INSTANLY this is Marcus THREATENING Sree, was pointing out the bloody OBVIOUS FACT that Sree would not dare speak to Marcus OR ANYONE for that mattler in the way in which he was, in the OUTSIDE world,
in short just pointing out what a cowardly little shit he really was, bit like a kid hididng behing mummys skirt while sticking his tounge out at the big boys,
Srtee was and is a sniveling little judgemental arrogant cowardly CONTROLING shit who will never be HALF the man Marcus is, Nod

Clapping Clapping Clapping
Originally posted by Skylark24:
We never really saw how the "rascist" stuff came about , did we? We heard Marcus say Sree was insulting his culture, and then Marcus,s famous rant but there was more we didnt see I am sure. Perhaps it was BB not wanting a rascist issue brought up again

thats EXACTLY why we didnt see it, we didnt see it, it never happened, BB almost "going by the book"
and the same goes for Live feed.......If we cant SEE it we cant complain about it to OFCOM so we dont see it, so it NEVER happened, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
We never really saw how the "rascist" stuff came about , did we? We heard Marcus say Sree was insulting his culture, and then Marcus,s famous rant but there was more we didnt see I am sure. Perhaps it was BB not wanting a rascist issue brought up again

thats EXACTLY why we didnt see it, we didnt see it, it never happened, BB almost "going by the book"
and the same goes for Live feed.......If we cant SEE it we cant complain about it to OFCOM so we dont see it, so it NEVER happened, Nod
Thats maybe why we havent had Lf this year, an Iranian, Indian, American .........
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Well, we saw Siavash call Sree in to add up the shopping.

We saw Sree starting to add up and get told by a sneering Marcus "Too slow, too slow".

We saw Sree tell him to shut up.

We saw Marcus carry on baiting him.

We saw Sree carry on answering back.

We saw Marcus mimic Sree's accent.

We saw Sree get offended by that.
I thought Marcus,s treatment of Sree was disgraceful
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
round and round and round we go,
and Sree had a BRILLIANT "attitude" towards women didnt he?
or did I dream he was telling some of them how to dress and speak? not to mention he couldnt keep his hands off them?,
and then MARCUS is a racisit cause he took the piss out of Srees accent, WAS that?
oh yeah when Marcus was TRYING to do the shopping list (as asked) but he couldnt, because Sree wouldnt STFU

and then there was "I let you clean my house"
and another time, "clean my shoes clean my shoes" comments from Sree, and the one that C4 decided we COULDNT see,
when Sree insulted Marcus,s culture...would LOVE to know what THAT was about,

but "clean my house" clean my shoes"
are both racisit and offensive insults in Srees culture make NO mistake about that, he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing,

and then the CLASSIC, Marcus to Sree who was going on n on, "you are only speaking to me like that cause we are in here" HE WAS!!
" wait till we are outside and then speak to me like that"
INSTANLY this is Marcus THREATENING Sree, was pointing out the bloody OBVIOUS FACT that Sree would not dare speak to Marcus OR ANYONE for that mattler in the way in which he was, in the OUTSIDE world,
in short just pointing out what a cowardly little shit he really was, bit like a kid hididng behing mummys skirt while sticking his tounge out at the big boys,
Srtee was and is a sniveling little judgemental arrogant cowardly CONTROLING shit who will never be HALF the man Marcus is, Nod

I think you missed IMO off the bottom of that post, because sure as hell its not my opinion.
Sree made a great deal of bad judgements whilst he was in the BB house but most were because he was brought up in a different country with different morals and when he saw the women in there showing what he considered too much flesh he made the mistake of trying to impose his culture.
However he didn't deserve to be made to feel a lesser person by that piece of crap Marcus constantly and as far as him saying to Sree 'you wouldn't dare speak to him like that on the outside' well I've got a surprise for you he has been doing exactly the same to others, yes hiding behind the coat tails of BB and the protection afforded to him.

Oh and there is a question I have been wanting to ask you OHG do you and Marcus share the same Mother because whenever I read one of your posts I always hear Marcus' voice in my head, I can appreciate he's your hero but you don't have to act like him with all the arrogance, this is a forum not the pub Roll Eyes

Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
We never really saw how the "rascist" stuff came about , did we? We heard Marcus say Sree was insulting his culture, and then Marcus,s famous rant but there was more we didnt see I am sure. Perhaps it was BB not wanting a rascist issue brought up again

thats EXACTLY why we didnt see it, we didnt see it, it never happened, BB almost "going by the book"
and the same goes for Live feed.......If we cant SEE it we cant complain about it to OFCOM so we dont see it, so it NEVER happened, Nod
Thats maybe why we havent had Lf this year, an Iranian, Indian, American .........

the past few BBs have got channel 4 in DEEP doodoo, questions asked in parliament almost caused a "diplomatic incident" with India over the Shilpa thing, newspapers going mad demanding it is stopped . heads of departments on the carpet, threats of advertisers removing their adds from C4 funding crisis etc etc , ONE thing they CANT AFFORD is another "outrage"

thats why the OLD Big Brother was scraped, and we now have the NEW Big Brother, there never WAS an OLD Big Brother, Big Brother has ALWAYS been like this and the people LOVE it the way it is,

it says so on their "fourm" and websites and if every single post on their website is by people wetting themselves with extasy because of this FANTASTIC "reality" show, then WHAT are these NUTTERS complaining about?, (these "nutters" USED to be they loyal and dedicated fans of the OLD show...(which never exsisted) but are NOW just trouble makers,
PILE OF SHITE the whole thing...but interesting hehe, Nod Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
round and round and round we go,
and Sree had a BRILLIANT "attitude" towards women didnt he?
or did I dream he was telling some of them how to dress and speak? not to mention he couldnt keep his hands off them?,
and then MARCUS is a racisit cause he took the piss out of Srees accent, WAS that?
oh yeah when Marcus was TRYING to do the shopping list (as asked) but he couldnt, because Sree wouldnt STFU

and then there was "I let you clean my house"
and another time, "clean my shoes clean my shoes" comments from Sree, and the one that C4 decided we COULDNT see,
when Sree insulted Marcus,s culture...would LOVE to know what THAT was about,

but "clean my house" clean my shoes"
are both racisit and offensive insults in Srees culture make NO mistake about that, he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing,

and then the CLASSIC, Marcus to Sree who was going on n on, "you are only speaking to me like that cause we are in here" HE WAS!!
" wait till we are outside and then speak to me like that"
INSTANLY this is Marcus THREATENING Sree, was pointing out the bloody OBVIOUS FACT that Sree would not dare speak to Marcus OR ANYONE for that mattler in the way in which he was, in the OUTSIDE world,
in short just pointing out what a cowardly little shit he really was, bit like a kid hididng behing mummys skirt while sticking his tounge out at the big boys,
Srtee was and is a sniveling little judgemental arrogant cowardly CONTROLING shit who will never be HALF the man Marcus is, Nod

I think you missed IMO off the bottom of that post, because sure as hell its not my opinion.
Sree made a great deal of bad judgements whilst he was in the BB house but most were because he was brought up in a different country with different morals and when he saw the women in there showing what he considered too much flesh he made the mistake of trying to impose his culture.
However he didn't deserve to be made to feel a lesser person by that piece of crap Marcus constantly and as far as him saying to Sree 'you wouldn't dare speak to him like that on the outside' well I've got a surprise for you he has been doing exactly the same to others, yes hiding behind the coat tails of BB and the protection afforded to him.

Oh and there is a question I have been wanting to ask you OHG do you and Marcus share the same Mother because whenever I read one of your posts I always hear Marcus' voice in my head, I can appreciate he's your hero but you don't have to act like him with all the arrogance, this is a forum not the pub Roll Eyes


did I in anyway say anything personal about YOU?
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
round and round and round we go,
and Sree had a BRILLIANT "attitude" towards women didnt he?
or did I dream he was telling some of them how to dress and speak? not to mention he couldnt keep his hands off them?,
and then MARCUS is a racisit cause he took the piss out of Srees accent, WAS that?
oh yeah when Marcus was TRYING to do the shopping list (as asked) but he couldnt, because Sree wouldnt STFU

and then there was "I let you clean my house"
and another time, "clean my shoes clean my shoes" comments from Sree, and the one that C4 decided we COULDNT see,
when Sree insulted Marcus,s culture...would LOVE to know what THAT was about,

but "clean my house" clean my shoes"
are both racisit and offensive insults in Srees culture make NO mistake about that, he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing,

and then the CLASSIC, Marcus to Sree who was going on n on, "you are only speaking to me like that cause we are in here" HE WAS!!
" wait till we are outside and then speak to me like that"
INSTANLY this is Marcus THREATENING Sree, was pointing out the bloody OBVIOUS FACT that Sree would not dare speak to Marcus OR ANYONE for that mattler in the way in which he was, in the OUTSIDE world,
in short just pointing out what a cowardly little shit he really was, bit like a kid hididng behing mummys skirt while sticking his tounge out at the big boys,
Srtee was and is a sniveling little judgemental arrogant cowardly CONTROLING shit who will never be HALF the man Marcus is, Nod

I think you missed IMO off the bottom of that post, because sure as hell its not my opinion.
Sree made a great deal of bad judgements whilst he was in the BB house but most were because he was brought up in a different country with different morals and when he saw the women in there showing what he considered too much flesh he made the mistake of trying to impose his culture.
However he didn't deserve to be made to feel a lesser person by that piece of crap Marcus constantly and as far as him saying to Sree 'you wouldn't dare speak to him like that on the outside' well I've got a surprise for you he has been doing exactly the same to others, yes hiding behind the coat tails of BB and the protection afforded to him.

Oh and there is a question I have been wanting to ask you OHG do you and Marcus share the same Mother because whenever I read one of your posts I always hear Marcus' voice in my head, I can appreciate he's your hero but you don't have to act like him with all the arrogance, this is a forum not the pub Roll Eyes


did I in anyway say anything personal about YOU?

You don't need to, this is a public forum.

Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
We never really saw how the "rascist" stuff came about , did we? We heard Marcus say Sree was insulting his culture, and then Marcus,s famous rant but there was more we didnt see I am sure. Perhaps it was BB not wanting a rascist issue brought up again

thats EXACTLY why we didnt see it, we didnt see it, it never happened, BB almost "going by the book"
and the same goes for Live feed.......If we cant SEE it we cant complain about it to OFCOM so we dont see it, so it NEVER happened, Nod
Thats maybe why we havent had Lf this year, an Iranian, Indian, American .........

the past few BBs have got channel 4 in DEEP doodoo, questions asked in parliament almost caused a "diplomatic incident" with India over the Shilpa thing, newspapers going mad demanding it is stopped . heads of departments on the carpet, threats of advertisers removing their adds from C4 funding crisis etc etc , ONE thing they CANT AFFORD is another "outrage"

thats why the OLD Big Brother was scraped, and we now have the NEW Big Brother, there never WAS an OLD Big Brother, Big Brother has ALWAYS been like this and the people LOVE it the way it is,

it says so on their "fourm" and websites and if every single post on their website is by people wetting themselves with extasy because of this FANTASTIC "reality" show, then WHAT are these NUTTERS complaining about?, (these "nutters" USED to be they loyal and dedicated fans of the OLD show...(which never exsisted) but are NOW just trouble makers,
PILE OF SHITE the whole thing...but interesting hehe, Nod Big Grin
Yes....when siavash started talking one night about the "Iranian Issue" i could almost feel the BB bosses shitting themselves!! I think it cut to Sophie dancing around or something!! Did they think for one minute Siavash wasnt going to say SOMETHING ??
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I have voted 8 times to get Marcus out will vote some more later he deserves to go more than freddie and I am not a fan of either of them but fair is fair Thumbs Up
Do you think Marcus is genuine that he really wants to go? I am not sure really...
Hi Skylark Hug I am not sure to be honest but if he does stay he will blame the public Nod but deep down he will probably be pleased Big Grin
Originally posted by Skylark24:
If Marcus does go, which seems very likely i can see a huge power struggle ahead with Bea more than likely at the helm, is there anyone in there strong enough to take her on? Siavash has her sussed but i dont think he will bring her down, and she just bamboozels Lisa with words. Will Freddie fight back? Next week should be really interesting.

I think you have the wrong opinion of Lisa. Much as I don't like her I do believe she has Beas sussed. She will use her IF she is useful to her, otherwise she will just spit her out and Bea will be up and out next week. That's my opinion anyway!!!

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