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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Don't encourage her. You will feel the full force 

I second that...... a ranting dame is a ferocious thing...... as we know to out cost, eh Sprout




Stop it you lot, I'm dead quiet me 

 Yeah... right....

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:


I'm going to be a quiet leftie, don't want to be shoving it down anyone's throats  

Nah, that's Tulisa's job 




pleased I didn't video it 

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Didn't Labour propose this? And now the Tories want it?

Labour did, but backed down after masses of public protest, particularly by Clegg's lot.  Not that we'll hear anything from him but faint grumbles this time.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Didn't Labour propose this? And now the Tories want it?

Labour did, but backed down after masses of public protest, particularly by Clegg's lot.  Not that we'll hear anything from him but faint grumbles this time.

Yeah! Deflection.

If all else fails.. blame it on the Liberals 

Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

They use terrorism as an excuse... I reckon they'll just use that to screw alot of people over on piracy.

Remember how Local Councils used anti-terrorism legislation to spy on families they believed to be lying on school application forms? 

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Didn't Labour propose this? And now the Tories want it?

Labour did, but backed down after masses of public protest, particularly by Clegg's lot.  Not that we'll hear anything from him but faint grumbles this time.

Yeah! Deflection.

If all else fails.. blame it on the Liberals 

No deflection, just a statement of fact. What is the 'all else'? 


Who should be blamed then?


Ed Miliband? Tony Blair? Gordon Brown?  None of them are in government.


It's sensible to put the blame where it lies - and that's the government!  Clegg is a member of the government, Deputy PM, no less!


You can't be Deputy PM and not accept any responsibility for what the government does!


Firstly, Clegg opposed it when in opposition and gained political mileage - he was right to oppose it then and he would be right to oppose it now


Secondly, Clegg in government is silent because he's a venal hypocrite.


Two indisputable facts.  It can't be dressed up any other way.

Last edited by Carnelian

it's the insidious,creeping stealth attack on freedoms, it could be argued that the sacrifices made in two world wars by the previous generation meant bugger all, when we are so ready  to give up our freedoms without  so much as a raised eyebrow,and all in the name of the the  scaremongering tactic of 'war against terror'


wasn't it some other war against some thing that was going to be terriblly bad for us that gave birth to the stop and search laws?


*hawk spit*


oh, and the 'land of the free' those over the pond, really cannot abide anyone else's freedoms can they?


they have a whole raft of legislation waiting in the wings to finally exert  control and editorship over the world wide web.


can't be having a tool that brought freedom to tunisia and egypt,just being used willy nilly without 'them' not being able to control it... can we?


A cousin of mine summed it up quite neatly on his Facebook page 'When government no longer follows the will of its people its only refuge is tyranny' and this refers to ALL of the major parties we have at the moment not just the coalition government.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

A cousin of mine summed it up quite neatly on his Facebook page 'When government no longer follows the will of its people its only refuge is tyranny' and this refers to ALL of the major parties we have at the moment not just the coalition government.

I totally agree with this post and like that saying so much I'm gonna steal it 


another thing that really grinds my gears related to privacy and the law is driving licences and registration documents for  cars etc.


we are obliged by law to supply up to date details to the DVLA, we have no choice, but then , without our approval or permission they are allowed to sell this data to anyone who stumps up the readies, with very few safeguards of who these buyers are.


 this is also why i am  anti the identity cards that were proposed by one bunch of numpties or another at some point. the argument  of 'well if you have nothing to hide it  shouldn't matter', of course it matters, one of the first  countries to introduce identity cards was germany, and we all know  what happened there, don't we?

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

A cousin of mine summed it up quite neatly on his Facebook page 'When government no longer follows the will of its people its only refuge is tyranny' and this refers to ALL of the major parties we have at the moment not just the coalition government.

I totally agree with this post and like that saying so much I'm gonna steal it 

Me too

Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:

Watch prosecutions for downloading copyrighted media go through the roof. 

Is it just me? As someone who has issues with people bootlegging my copyrighted media, I hope prosecutions do go through the roof. However I doubt it, they only have the resources to deal with top end crims.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:

No it's not just you.  There are others who believe you should be prosecuted for listening to a song without paying.

I do that all day

 It's a bit different to "downloading copyrighted material!"

Garage Joe

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