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The Sunday Times had this news this morning. I thought at first it must be an April Fool's joke but it's been on the BBC news as well.


The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon.

Internet firms will be required to give intelligence agency GCHQ access to communications on demand, in real time.


The last Labour government had thought about doing this before but there was considerable opposition including from the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. So it looks as if this government has completely changed its mind.


For more on this. There's a video clip of the Conservative backbencher David Davis which is worth watching. He has criticised the proposal as unnecessary.


The authorities already can intercept calls etc if they can provided they get permission from a magistrate so why do they need this?


It looks as if the information collected would be who rang/emailed who and when, and the website addresses of every website visited rather than what was said or written. They would have to get permission to get the detail of what was said or written.


It's supposed to be necessary in the fight against terrorism and serious crime. Serious crime covers many things. Some obvious like drugs, traffficking. It covers money laundering. I as an accountant have to comply with money laundering rules and I know that money laundering covers anyone who fiddles their tax.


Next, we will have the Post Office having to open all letters to make a record of who has written them and who they are writing to.


Then CCTV cameras will be positioned along all roads and in buildings to see who is talking to whom.


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Originally Posted by El Loro:

The Sunday Times had this news this morning. I thought at first it must be an April Fool's joke but it's been on the BBC news as well.


That was my first thought when I read it too, El.    Unbelievable.  I don't even think I'm as bothered about the privacy angle as how much money it'd take to set up.  Surely a fortune?     I doubt it'll get passed.. at least I'd like to think not...


Yes, they did get considerably mileage out of casting Labour as the authoritarian party on this one.  Deservedly so.  Even so, the Lib Dems were supposed to be the libertarians.  The Tories too, but their idea of libertarianism is the liberty of the monied classes to get away with as much as possible. I'm not remotely surprised with the Tories, but it pretty much goes against everything the Lib Dems claimed to be against.  Typical grandstanding by that **** Clegg.


Protecting us from terrorism is a smoke screan.  We are sleep walking have sleep walked into a Big Brother state.  People can be jailed for saying things on Twitter and all electronic communication (which is pretty much all communication these days) can be monitored.  The framework is in place for any future government that wants to take a punt on dictatorship, without any acts of Parliament even required.


Just think, even this thread could be grounds for a knock on the door in the middle of the night by a future e-Gestapo.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Thanks for your replies Nuts and Carnelian  I think that it may be true that it is happening on some level already, but it is still shit.  I understand that they are worried about terrorism, but FFS, prying on peoples' emails and voicemails.  Who would do that?  Oh wait!  ...  

Could be just the start.  We're all getting riled about it because we know that even IF they could do it now, and monitored these comments, we'd still get away with it because our freedom of expression would be guarded legally.  But who knows what a future gov't (even this one) could decide was in 'the state's interest' if it had its back against the wall and still wanted power? 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Thanks for your replies Nuts and Carnelian  I think that it may be true that it is happening on some level already, but it is still shit.  I understand that they are worried about terrorism, but FFS, prying on peoples' emails and voicemails.  Who would do that?  Oh wait!  ...  

Could be just the start.  We're all getting riled about it because we know that even IF they could do it now, and monitored these comments, we'd still get away with it because our freedom of expression would be guarded legally.  But who knows what a future gov't could decide was in 'the state's interest' if it had its back against the wall and still wanted power? 

Well in the event that the government IS watching this forum....  Then I shall say 'Dave Cameron is a bellend.'  I guess you can't really get into trouble for telling the truth though can you?  

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Thanks for your replies Nuts and Carnelian  I think that it may be true that it is happening on some level already, but it is still shit.  I understand that they are worried about terrorism, but FFS, prying on peoples' emails and voicemails.  Who would do that?  Oh wait!  ...  

Could be just the start.  We're all getting riled about it because we know that even IF they could do it now, and monitored these comments, we'd still get away with it because our freedom of expression would be guarded legally.  But who knows what a future gov't could decide was in 'the state's interest' if it had its back against the wall and still wanted power? 

Well in the event that the government IS watching this forum....  Then I shall say 'Dave Cameron is a bellend.'  I guess you can't really get into trouble for telling the truth though can you?  

Unfortunately, you can!

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Thanks for your replies Nuts and Carnelian  I think that it may be true that it is happening on some level already, but it is still shit.  I understand that they are worried about terrorism, but FFS, prying on peoples' emails and voicemails.  Who would do that?  Oh wait!  ...  

Could be just the start.  We're all getting riled about it because we know that even IF they could do it now, and monitored these comments, we'd still get away with it because our freedom of expression would be guarded legally.  But who knows what a future gov't could decide was in 'the state's interest' if it had its back against the wall and still wanted power? 

Well in the event that the government IS watching this forum....  Then I shall say 'Dave Cameron is a bellend.'  I guess you can't really get into trouble for telling the truth though can you?  

Unfortunately, you can!

Oh buggar!  

Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

Lol @ the bringing in another piece of completely unworkable legislation.

Indeed ... for a start, I bet they wouldn't want their communications monitored ... all those smutty affairs, all those dodgy deals, all those fiddled expenses - in fact, the more I think about it I would welcome this law if it meant that we could see all that those in power are doing.


Or ... would they be exempt??

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

Lol @ the bringing in another piece of completely unworkable legislation.

Indeed ... for a start, I bet they wouldn't want their communications monitored ... all those smutty affairs, all those dodgy deals, all those fiddled expenses - in fact, the more I think about it I would welcome this law if it meant that we could see all that those in power are doing.


Or ... would they be exempt??

Yeah, I'll bet there's a few getting the flutters and trying to 'clean' their hard drives 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



It really doesn't matter what we think... it will go though, like the NHS bill and most people opposed it 

SOOOOOOOO true!  Bloody annoying but sadly, true



I dare not go on a rant, my blood pressure would go through the roof 

LOL, I LOVE a rant, and love it when other people rant too.  And when people rant about peoples rants.  Very entertaining ... 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Well..  if they make a start on my email inboxes...  that should keep them busy for a year or two... 


would be nice if they could delete all the spam as they go through it all too 

See, I don't get any spam. Mind you, I'm very careful as to what sites I visit and if they want my mail addy just to look, well I dump them 

Originally Posted by nuts:

I still think it's a generalising thing though and they know the peeps to monitor 

Presumably they will run some sort of keyword checker through everything, just like Google ads.


In face - can't we just vote Google next time? I don't like what they do but at least they are efficient about it

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:



I dare not go on a rant, my blood pressure would go through the roof 

LOL, I LOVE a rant, and love it when other people rant too.  And when people rant about peoples rants.  Very entertaining ... 


I'm going to be a quiet leftie, don't want to be shoving it down anyone's throats  

Nah, that's Tulisa's job 


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