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these sort of programmes really wind me up, they hardly ever buy the f-ing houses in the end anyway but they always need 65 bedrooms (it's usually a couple with no kids or a couple in their 60's) 20 million acres of land for chickens , a room for their wellies , a kitchen that brings the outside in, plenty of light and if they can hear a car in the distance then it's defo a no no  oh and a library or a study is vital  and a 200ft by 200ft kitchen for when they entertain

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I just want the new neighbours 2 doors down to move out. I'd happily buy them a caravan cos they deserve to live in one. With no toilet. And no electricity. Just candlelight and a hole in the ceiling for the rain to pour through nicely on their nit infested heads and dilute their Stella cans Blimmin noisy loud animals they are Now I'm in my elder years I enjoy a bit of peace and quiet, not blimmin reincarnations of shite chavvy nightclubs and Now Thats What I Call Music 2006 on repeat. I wouldn't mind but the music's shite Ohhh I love a rant! (sorry )
and that was a good un'
That aint even lukewarm for me When I used to have to commute through London on a daily basis my FB statuses were a therapist's dream But re neighbours, I'm all for live and let live, but there should be boundaries and respect for those around you when you live in terraced houses and in close proximity of other people (we have gardens backing on to ours so they'll get disturbed by it too). Parties and all that are fine but not all day every day when there's elderly people and babies living so close.
I always get infuriated by Escape to the Country too Aimee - more money than sense if you ask me, and why don't they ever buy any? At least with Location x 3 they at least put in offers!!
And if they are interested in one on ETTC you never actually see if they buy the blinking thing!!
Everything that bugs you about it bugs me too.
I want a 6 bedroom house (one for each kid, one for the OH and one for me and my cat) preferably with all bedrooms about a mile apart (so that's a mansion) or I could go for Karmas idea and just have a nice wee one bedroom cottage (for me and my cat) and 5 caravans waaaaaaaaaay down the bottom of the 1000ft garden I plan to have 

I do have wellies so a wellie room is essential
or I could go for Karmas idea and just have a nice wee one bedroom cottage (for me and my cat) and 5 caravans waaaaaaaaaay down the bottom of the 1000ft garden I plan to have
My new neighbours need to be living on the Hanger Lane roundabout. No other neighbours so they can party to their hearts content but lots of horns beeping and road rage. They might even be tempted to go out and play with the traffic with any luck
I cant imagine anything worse than escaping to the country in a big house in the middle of a field (slightly over exaggerated) I like it quiet but I also like to  have other houses shops close to me,I often  think when I watch the program have they real intentions of buying a propery in the country or is it a day trip outing to them oh not forgetting they will be on the telly

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