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Do those bleating about 'harsh sentences' still not understand that it's not (in this case) Just a pair of shorts. That by taking anything, big or small, with the full knowledge that they were stolen during the riots' means she condones those riots and all that that implies?

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personally I think its right her sentence was reduced..    she wasn't directly involved in the riots, she was in bed whilst the rioting was happening, she did however, 'receive' a pair of shorts that was looted (by someone else) in the riots.


yeah...  receiving stolen goods blah blah blah..  but she has 2 kids..    a custodial sentence was really harsh imo..    I am glad she has been released & had her sentence reduced. 


she'll have to wear the orange jacket of shame tho, won't she?


75 hours seeems a tad lenient, but i do think some of the sentences i've heard about  are never going to stand up, be best to moderate them now and  not have the expense of going to appeal.



I'm not sure those who see the sentences as harsh are "bleating".... but that aside.....


What bugs me most about these sentences, SOME of which I consider harsh, are the fact they don't make moral sense to me. I don't see why stealing something during the insanity of a riot situation is ANY different to making a conscious decision to steal anything at other times. In my opinion they are both equally as bad (but for different reasons) so deserve similar sentences.


As for not actually being there and getting 5 months, I do think that particular sentence was verging on the ridiculous. Especially when you hear of others, who were there, getting less than 5 months. Someone needs to sort out the consistancy of our justice system pretty darn quick I reckon.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

personally I think its right her sentence was reduced..    she wasn't directly involved in the riots, she was in bed whilst the rioting was happening, she did however, 'receive' a pair of shorts that was looted (by someone else) in the riots.


yeah...  receiving stolen goods blah blah blah..  but she has 2 kids..    a custodial sentence was really harsh imo..    I am glad she has been released & had her sentence reduced. 

I agree Ditty, the sentence she has now is much more proportional. Would someone be given a custodial sentence if they received stolen goods on any occasion not connected to the riots/looting (you know, just yer average shoplifting)?!

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I agree Ditty, the sentence she has now is much more proportional. Would someone be given a custodial sentence if they received stolen goods on any occasion not connected to the riots/looting (you know, just yer average shoplifting)?!

I doubt it, not for a single item, on a single occaision... 


I daresay some get custodial sentences when they are found to be in possession of lots of stuff.. & have previous convictions etc.. 



But this is the thing..   Cameron has said he wanted the fact that these crimes were committed as part of the rioting to be used as aggravating factors when determining sentences.



My main gripe is with the inconsistency with sentencing around the Country. .


am also non too thrilled with the fact most times people get warnings or community service instead of jail time talking generally here not just for the riot offences.. tis time there was more jail time handed down so maybe people with kids etc will think twice before acting like twats and doing something illegal..


and sorry to go against the grain but just cos they have kids it shouldn't stop em getting time if they do sorry for the kids an all that especailly if they have to do some time of their own in care but they aren't an excuse for the parent not getting a punishment.. it will also show the kids that there are consequences  for actions so they learn something as well even if it seems they are also being punished for a short while. . but the parent may be less likely to offend again if they care enough about their kids thereby possibly setting a better example to them in the future.. ..  not talking huge sentences here but doing some jail time instead of just getting a slapped wrist.. and I'm not referring to this woman's case in particular but the general punishments given across the board



gotta start getting harsher not softer on all crime punishment..



from a grumpy old woman fed up of the soft approach not working.. 


*gets me coat*

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I agree that the inconsistency of sentencing should be addressed.  However, I think the so-called harsh sentences that have been given to some of the rioters and looters are the right length and severity, and that other punishments should be brought into linewith these, not just for looters but for all theft and similar crimes.  I think the level of sentencing in this country is generally laughable, and needs to be completely overhauled so that there is a real deterrent.


I also don't really see that it makes a difference whether someone has children, is 15 or 55, when passing sentence. If people choose to steal, burgle, harm others etc, then they shoudl consider the consequences before they do so.

Originally Posted by Collymore's Cat:

I thought the riots were cracking. Any idea who wrote and directed them, and is it going to become a series?

  I doubt you'd have thought that if you were one of the people living above the shops that were set alight and had lost everything apart from your life. 

Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Collymore's Cat:

I thought the riots were cracking. Any idea who wrote and directed them, and is it going to become a series?

  I doubt you'd have thought that if you were one of the people living above the shops that were set alight and had lost everything apart from your life. 

Aww Growly. I think he was saying it VERY tongue-in-cheek.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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