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So now we know Capello is in Murdoch's pocket. When is someone going to make a stand? What now? An elderly captain like Sol, Beckham or Bobby Charlton? Or a  crock like Steve Gerrard. I also hope Terry walks, they don't deserve him, but in a slightly different ending to Cold Sweat I hope he takes  the evil Chelsea down a division.
Garage Joe
I read on another (football) forum that "he didn't do anything wrong" and " he only cheated on his wife" - well in my eyes that is something HUGELY wrong - not football-related maybe, but wrong nevertheless.
It isn't football related. The fact that he had a relationship with another woman is surely their business to sort out.
Garage Joe
Good riddance, the thug with the dodgy family should never have been given the captaincy in the first place.  I know personal life should not really affect his "job" he can still kick an elbow people fine, but when it is his "mates" missus, a mate who in all honesty will be in the same squad, then it is a different matter.

As for the rest of the contenders, druggie hacker ferdinand should not get it, he shouldn't even be in the squad based on his poor form this season, so no, not him, that leaves erm err not many, Barry? Gerrard (well if he makes it lol) and the one I think I would never consider, but well I am shocked to say I think the armband should go to......

Fat Frank Lumpolard
Cigarettes & Alcohol
I'm not interested in football or footballers who are vastly overpaid and the majority of them seem to have the brain cell of a football boot. Whenever a footballer is in the news for either drunken escapades that often involve violence to another, car incidents relating to speeding, or whatever is footballer related it seems either the FA or club involved stand by the person just because he's "one of their own" in their world and they're trying to preserve the club or the the name of football. They're all treated as "special" for some ridiculous reason. I actually respect Capello for taking the stand he has, so few in football do, they surround them in cotton wool for their own financial reasons.
Yellow Rose
I don't see the point in taking the captaincy off him when he will still be in the same squad as Wayne Bridge anyway so there could still be possible friction to upset the team. Since when have we had to have squeaky clean footballers for God's sake, the whole thing is pathetic
At last! The voice of reason. Wayne Bridge isn't even an automatic choice, and the rest of the choices for captaincy are either crocks or as equally good  "role models" as JT.
Garage Joe
Its ridiculous, yes he was wrong to have an affair but since when has that affected his ability to be captain, and as for team morale she was wayne bridge's ex if he cared about her that much she would have been wayne bridge's wife or girlfriend- and as much as I love Bridgey I have to say I'd rather see him cut from the team than Ferdinand as captain
I don't see the point in taking the captaincy off him when he will still be in the same squad as Wayne Bridge anyway so there could still be possible friction to upset the team.  Since when have we had to have squeaky clean footballers for God's sake, the whole thing is pathetic
Thats what I think too... in a normal workplace if someone slept with a colleagues ex then he wouldn't lose his job over it, they would just be expected to get on with their jobs and leave their personal life outside the workplace
Its ridiculous, yes he was wrong to have an affair but since when has that affected his ability to be captain, and as for team morale she was wayne bridge's ex if he cared about her that much she would have been wayne bridge's wife or girlfriend- and as much as I love Bridgey I have to say I'd rather see him cut from the team than Ferdinand as captain
We don't know what goes on in the dressing room, I can't see wayne being the only one who has lost respect for JT, its likely to be a number of players that have a problem with him being captain.
john terry has been having affairs all over the place for's been well publicised and he was still given the captains armband

as i posted in the footie thread.....removing him as england captain really isn't anything other than bowing to media pressure because the media want a 'role model captain' whose squeaky clean.........john terry will still be in the dressing room......he'll still be in england squads......he'll still be on the if the problem is this 'dressing room divide' then taking the captaincy off him doesn't resolve that....

ferdinand is now captain.....a player so out of form at the moment it's debatable he should be going to the world cup at all.....currently serving a 4 match ban for violent conduct on the pitch....a player who missed many months of football for 'forgetting to take a drugs test'...and who was videotaped in a 'roasting' episode with lampard and keiron dyer.....a role model captain??.....hardly.......

gerrard the now vice captain was arrested last year and  charged with assault....though found not guilty......quite how a dj's teeth fall out by themselves though is a question worth answering.....

rooney.....well he's too hot tempered....been caught stamping on players....visited a granny prostitute whilst he was in a relationship with coleen....

lampard...cheated on the mother of his kids numerous times...another player caught on the 'roasting' tape...

ashley cole.....cheated on cheryl...banned from driving...

david james.....left his wife and kids for another woman who he'd allegedly been having an affair with...

paul robinson..may not make the world cup squad....but is a possibility....cheated on his wife within months of getting married....

if the f.a are going to take the line that players who represent england have to be good boys we're not going to be left with a team at all.....

and by sacking terry it sets the prescedent.........if ferdinand gets caught out in a scandal he'll have to be sacked will any other captain of the england football team....

wayne bridge chirping he doesn't want to be on the plane to south africa is irrelevant........wayne bridge is not a first choice england player.....he's back up to ashley cole.....and given a choice capello would take terry ahead of bridge to south africa any day of the week

vanessa perroncel is bridge's EX..he wasn't with her at the time of the affair....she's free to sleep with whoever.....of course he feels betrayed by john terry who he thought of as a mate.......but squealing he doesn't want to be on a plane with terry is setting himself up to be left out full stop.....

stephanie moore wife of the late bobby moore wrote openly in her book about her late husbands extra marital affairs.....yet he still remained as captain.......times have moved on though and these days the media have put these players on pedestals as tin gods whose every move is scrutinised....these same red tops will be printing cut out flags to stick in windows urging us to 'back our boys'....whilst sneaking around hoping to uncover stories of gold like......'gareth barry doesn't flatten his cereal boxes before putting them in the recycle bin' outrage.........
We don't know what goes on in the dressing room, I can't see wayne being the only one who has lost respect for JT, its likely to be a number of players that have a problem with him being captain.
Do you really think that? If you take into account that the majority of those in the dressing room have engaged in some extra marital activity it would be very hypocritical of them to have a problem with it, and those who have stayed faithful have had other stories in the media for drugs/ drinking/driving or fighting.

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