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Well, the one I put on my application form did NOT involve a club, too many drinks, and going for a descreet wee, only to look up at CCTV looking at me...No, I thought it best to stick with the walking into a lamp post in the middle of a busy town because I was oggling some woman over the road!!....I would go on, but somethings should remain off of the forum


I was also quite embarrased recently, as it happens, though it wasn't through me doing something stupid, but my OHs friend, who had been dancing, just over the road came over, walked in the front door, started changing her knickers, when other half said "oh, btw, "zazz" is here" I was she didn't seem to care and just said, Oh hello!!!


One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 


pirate, I have one like that, too:


Mid-80s, I was pretty young. In Las Vegas at a conference. My (much older) friends pointed out Roy Rogers to me, who was my mom's biggest celebrity crush when she was young. They pushed me to go get an autograph from him. He was sitting next to some guy. I asked the guy for an autograph, and he smiled at me and said, "I think you want this guy", pointing next to him. I about died (but how was *I* supposed to know which one??)


I'm sure there are others, since I often embarrass myself, but that's the one that came to mind.

Originally Posted by Pengy:

One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 

That's hilarious ...............I'm only 5'2" I can picture it - i'll make a mental note not to ever do that! If I can't reach anything I ask a tall passer by.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Lori:

pirate, I have one like that, too:


Mid-80s, I was pretty young. In Las Vegas at a conference. My (much older) friends pointed out Roy Rogers to me, who was my mom's biggest celebrity crush when she was young. They pushed me to go get an autograph from him. He was sitting next to some guy. I asked the guy for an autograph, and he smiled at me and said, "I think you want this guy", pointing next to him. I about died (but how was *I* supposed to know which one??)


I'm sure there are others, since I often embarrass myself, but that's the one that came to mind.

in the uk the radio one road show used to come to different towns-this one was playing in the front window of a womans clothes shop-so my mom and her mate-nosey sods-went and joined the crowd wondering what was going on-some fella next to her told her it was a radio show-she told him what a load of b*llocks it was and ranted on about buying a license and this was the rubbish you get etc..she had a proper moan..then she said 'who's on now?' the bloke she was talking to said 'me'
it was simon bates


The one that sticks out most was funnily enough on one of those driving lessons I had years ago.  I had been in a hurry and grabbed a cardigan from the tumble drier and pulled it on.  I jumped into the passenger side and had been in the car about 5 minutes when the instructor said he didn't know how to tell me but would just come out and say it......I had a pair of knickers stuck to the cardi   I was mortified!  He was a prudish bloke and didn't really laugh about it which would probably have made me less embarassed so I had to do the whole lesson with a red face and a pair of grundies in my pocket.

Originally Posted by zazz:

I was also quite embarrased recently, as it happens, though it wasn't through me doing something stupid, but my OHs friend, who had been dancing, just over the road came over, walked in the front door, started changing her knickers, when other half said "oh, btw, "zazz" is here" I was she didn't seem to care and just said, Oh hello!!!

ew Why didn't she get changed in the bathroom?

Originally Posted by Pengy:

One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 

That happened to Growly when trying to get a mahoosive beast of a turkey out the back of a freezer

Originally Posted by Pengy:

One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 



Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 




Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by zazz:

I was also quite embarrased recently, as it happens, though it wasn't through me doing something stupid, but my OHs friend, who had been dancing, just over the road came over, walked in the front door, started changing her knickers, when other half said "oh, btw, "zazz" is here" I was she didn't seem to care and just said, Oh hello!!!

ew Why didn't she get changed in the bathroom?

They weren't her ACTUAL knickers! Just like big pants, she had been burlesque dancing

Originally Posted by Pengy:

One Saturday before a bank holiday I went to Sainsbury's to buy frozen peas (at that time that was the only veg I ate)  being 5 foot tall with short arms and legs I find those really deep and wide freezers a bit disconcerting.  Anyhoo I spied my prize of frozen peas right at the back of this freezer - one packet left.  I couldn't reach them so hit on the idea that if I leant on the side of the freezer and rocked up and down  I could just about reach the peas.


I over rocked on a downward motion and fell in and then had to be rescued by one of the assistants   I haven't been back to that particular branch again but I got my peas 

true story

a hitman that went by the name of arthur-or arty for short-was hired to kill this fellas wife-the husband didnt trust him so gave him ÂĢ1.00 and said the rest would follow after he killed the wife

arty followed the wife, she went shopping at sainsburys-he decided to to strangle her-so he crept up behind her in the freezer aisle and went for her-but an assistant spotted him-so he grabbed the assistant-strangled him and threw his body in the freezer-arty turns round and realises a customer has seen him-so he throttles her and chucks her in the freezer aswell-the intended victim has realised whats happening and goes to yell for help-but arty swiftly strangles her!

the headlines in the paper the next day




this is not a true story

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

true story

a hitman that went by the name of arthur-or arty for short-was hired to kill this fellas wife-the husband didnt trust him so gave him ÂĢ1.00 and said the rest would follow after he killed the wife

arty followed the wife, she went shopping at sainsburys-he decided to to strangle her-so he crept up behind her in the freezer aisle and went for her-but an assistant spotted him-so he grabbed the assistant-strangled him and threw his body in the freezer-arty turns round and realises a customer has seen him-so he throttles her and chucks her in the freezer aswell-the intended victim has realised whats happening and goes to yell for help-but arty swiftly strangles her!

the headlines in the paper the next day




this is not a true story

you're sad pirate very sad   but that did make me chuckle 

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by zazz:

I was also quite embarrased recently, as it happens, though it wasn't through me doing something stupid, but my OHs friend, who had been dancing, just over the road came over, walked in the front door, started changing her knickers, when other half said "oh, btw, "zazz" is here" I was she didn't seem to care and just said, Oh hello!!!

ew Why didn't she get changed in the bathroom?

They weren't her ACTUAL knickers! Just like big pants, she had been burlesque dancing

You need to be more clear, I had a much worse visual

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think mine involves one of my kids and a poo related incident. Tbf I imagine that most parents have been mortally embarrassed by the kids and their bodily functions at some point

Indeed. I asked my daughter if she remembered anything. Oddly enough, she couldn't remember a THING.

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

I'm actually curious as to what application form would be asking for your most embarrassing moment? 

It was for a chef job, in a pub chain, It also asked me to describe my favourite food, my favourite drink and other rather random things about myself, I Still have no idea why the embrarrassing moments thing though

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

I'm actually curious as to what application form would be asking for your most embarrassing moment? 

It was for a chef job, in a pub chain, It also asked me to describe my favourite food, my favourite drink and other rather random things about myself, I Still have no idea why the embrarrassing moments thing though

Thannks Zazz... I'm dead nosey me! 


I have an autograph story... There was a singer called Michelle Shocked who my flatmate really liked. She was appearing at a club where I was DJ-ing. Towards the end of the night, I was fairly drunk and decided to get her autograph for my flatmate. Anyway, she was sitting in quite a low chair, chatting to some of the clubbers. I went up behind her to ask for her sutograph. Unfortunately, as I bent down to talk to her I lost my balance and ended up arse over tip with my face in her crotch.



I never did get that autograph


So . . . i did a stint of elderly care once

I was told if this old dear i was attending would not answer the door i shud not be concerned as it was usual.

I was told to sing, yes ... SING into the letter box to bring her round to answering the door!!

As expected she wud not answer - so i bent over towards the letter box

Her neighbour suddenly came out and sed, "Wot on earth are you doing?"

"I'm erm . . . "


Thank God i never began to sing - I'm a FireStarter - twisted FireStarter LOL


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