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Maybe people don't want to discuss who they voted for especially with some of the vitriol coming from some, and I stress some not all,  of those who voted labour.. [if my news feed on FB is anything to go by and the amount of times I am clicking I don't want to see this cos am sick and tired of the moaning]


also it is a private thing to many, not to be shouted from the rooftops. . you go, you vote, you accept [well you should accept in a democracy]  the outcome, whatever it is, then 5 yrs or so later you go do it all again and hope for an outcome you prefer if the previous one didn't suit you.  


Too much foot stamping and tantrums nowadays if people don't get their own way. . My area didn't come out as I wanted it too, nor did the local election either. . have to accept it and move on

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Maybe people don't want to discuss who they voted for especially with some of the vitriol coming from some, and I stress some not all,  of those who voted labour.. [if my news feed on FB is anything to go by and the amount of times I am clicking I don't want to see this cos am sick and tired of the moaning]


also it is a private thing to many, not to be shouted from the rooftops. . you go, you vote, you accept [well you should accept in a democracy]  the outcome, whatever it is, then 5 yrs or so later you go do it all again and hope for an outcome you prefer if the previous one didn't suit you.  


Too much foot stamping and tantrums nowadays if people don't get their own way. . My area didn't come out as I wanted it too, nor did the local election either. . have to accept it and move on

My sentiments exactly Ollie. We live in a democracy ( of sorts ) , which means every election we run the risk of getting a result we don't like . The only alternative ( as someone said on the radio yesterday ) is a one party state ....and I'm sure even the most diehard complainer doesn't want that .....I hope Oh and yes, my FB was the same....temporarily *unfollow* is the answer   

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Maybe people don't want to discuss who they voted for especially with some of the vitriol coming from some, and I stress some not all,  of those who voted labour.. [if my news feed on FB is anything to go by and the amount of times I am clicking I don't want to see this cos am sick and tired of the moaning]


also it is a private thing to many, not to be shouted from the rooftops. . you go, you vote, you accept [well you should accept in a democracy]  the outcome, whatever it is, then 5 yrs or so later you go do it all again and hope for an outcome you prefer if the previous one didn't suit you.  


Too much foot stamping and tantrums nowadays if people don't get their own way. . My area didn't come out as I wanted it too, nor did the local election either. . have to accept it and move on

My sentiments exactly Ollie. We live in a democracy ( of sorts ) , which means every election we run the risk of getting a result we don't like . The only alternative ( as someone said on the radio yesterday ) is a one party state ....and I'm sure even the most diehard complainer doesn't want that .....I hope Oh and yes, my FB was the same....temporarily *unfollow* is the answer   

wish someone would have explained that to the 45% in September.... more calls of fix than your average Big Brother....


As for Facebook...   they're all 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

you know I'm referring to the 45%?   In particular the ones that think I can't be Scottish

What, because you didn't vote YES? ....They're all mad!

Precisely, fluffs.   I don't tend to discuss it on FB, but I've got some friends who are more vocal (on both sides) and I have to say the general vibe was you couldn't call yourself patriotic if you didn't vote for indepenence.n  That's what makes me say I feel like they've hijacked the Saltire and stolen my Scottishness.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


im not educated or clever

but im a bit wise (probably street wise lol), in my own tiny way & this election result doesnt seem right to me

i cant give you figures cos i have NOT a clue what they mean

i just reckon the result isnt right

anyone reading this, mock me if you want, im not bothered


back ina bit

just waiting for the mothership to drop me back to asda car park


I wouldn't mock you Pirate and I do understand...everyone I have spoken to are dumbfounded by the results, I find it incredible myself. People are actually dying because of the cuts, it just fills me with despair that people voted for much more of the same and that's why I find it unbelievable   The polls for the last few years had either labour in front or neck and is strange 

not met anyone admitting to voting for them yet - it does seem a bit off

I have ....and Olly ....and another one  

I know several!

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

you know I'm referring to the 45%?   In particular the ones that think I can't be Scottish

What, because you didn't vote YES? ....They're all mad!

Precisely, fluffs.   I don't tend to discuss it on FB, but I've got some friends who are more vocal (on both sides) and I have to say the general vibe was you couldn't call yourself patriotic if you didn't vote for indepenence.n  That's what makes me say I feel like they've hijacked the Saltire and stolen my Scottishness.

I can totally relate to that!


I don't think it was a fix, but I don't think it was a level playing field and I don't think the British electorate has been well-served by the axis of liars blaming everything on Labour. 


By axis of liars I mean the Tories who are pathological liars, the Lib Dems who needed a good alibi for betraying their voters and the Tory press owned by the global plutocrat elite who purport to speak for the people of the UK but do not actually give a damn about the welfare of people of this country. 


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