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have just pulled us over basically because of nothing, and then the little git lied about why he pulled us.  


He pulled us and asked if Mr Cinds knew the speed limit going past the metrocentre (yes it's 50) then the police officer said because of your speed you caused a tail back... (I'm saying so causing a tail back would indicate NOT speeding)....the problem with it all was the police car didn't even join the motorway until a mile or so after the metrocentre, he was basically being a dick, he even just patted the top of the car and told Mr Cinds 'watch how you drive' 

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Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Sunday night's a slow night for the bussies...

Senora, I'm so pee'd about it.  It was a basic 'I'll pull you because of your car' scenario.  DICK DICK DICK

What car is it Cinds?

A BMW 645, I was chuntering to myself all day yesterday and then again tonight over it. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Mr Blizz had the same, or similar, thing happen to him, the other day. He was driving a van and was pulled over and accused of not wearing his seat belt. He insisted that he was wearing it, where upon the policeman ignored that and said that he needed to do further 'checks'. He was not a happy bunny! 

Blizzie I am still mad about it.  Unfortunately at the time we were on our way home from my mothers 70th birthday party, so I had drank a glass or 3 of wine so I wasn't going to pipe up and make matters worse.  Husband and I were talking about it with my Dad tonight (my Dad is a retired police officer) and he was insisting we should have got the guys police number.


I am still furious, there was no reason at all for them to pull us.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Blizzie I am still mad about it.  Unfortunately at the time we were on our way home from my mothers 70th birthday party, so I had drank a glass or 3 of wine so I wasn't going to pipe up and make matters worse.  Husband and I were talking about it with my Dad tonight (my Dad is a retired police officer) and he was insisting we should have got the guys police number.


I am still furious, there was no reason at all for them to pull us.

Did he ask Mr Cinds what his ethnic identity was?

Mr Blizz reckons that they just pulled him over to up the 'White British' figures, on their statistics.  


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