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but that's not her fault is it ...... the paparazzi follow her like pack hounds .... hardly her fault.
Loads of bollox. She courts all the attention - paps don't just "appear" as if by magic - she and her agent tell them where she's going to be.

Kate Winslet, who is A-list famous on both sides of the Atlantic, managed to split up with her equally famous director husband six months ago without anyone (not even the paps) knowing about it until she mentioned it recently. Proves if you want a private life you can have one, however famous you are. All you have to do is conduct it in PRIVATE.

As for the tabloids going over the top with coverage of Cheryl - they wouldn't do it unless it sold copies. Readers of these rags should blame themselves.
I seriously doubt she's wanted cameras poking in her face during the recent events in her life .... who in thier right mind would at a time like that ? I suppose they need each other.
She loves it. No-one makes her keep on talking about her "heartbreak" to Heat, etc. It's all about keeping her profile high and the money rolling in.
I seriously doubt she's wanted cameras poking in her face during the recent events in her life .... who in thier right mind would at a time like that ?
Well, she did announce the split and her desire to be left alone right before flying into Heathrow... where there are always paparazzi. Seems she could have made the announcement after returning home if she'd wanted
Agree with Deman. There are loads of famous people who fly in and out of Heathrow weekly unnoticed, but when Cheryl came back after asking for her 'privacy' oh looky! - loads of paps. Quelle surprise.

Bored with her. Bored with her marriage story. She's gonna end up like Peter Andre, selling music based on sympathy. Shame cos her debut stint on X-factor put her in a good light on merit. Now she should have an orchestra of violins following her for every photo opportunity.

I seriously doubt she's wanted cameras poking in her face during the recent events in her life .... who in thier right mind would at a time like that ?
But if you choose to put yourself in the public spotlight, then I think to a large extent, when you do that, you give up the right to have the same privacy that ordinary people can expect.  If you don't want to have every aspect of your life scrutinised, then it's a simple choice - don't make your life's ambition to be a so-called celebrity.
Reference: Growly
But if you choose to put yourself in the public spotlight, then I think to a large extent, when you do that, you give up the right to have the same privacy that ordinary people can expect. If you don't want to have every aspect of your life scrutinised, then it's a simple choice - don't make your life's ambition to be a so-called celebrity.

But as La Winslet has proved, you can be much more famous than Cheryl Cole and still keep your private life private. It's all about how you conduct yourself.

Saz is dead right. Announcing your marriage is finished and asking for privacy - just before flying into Heathrow? Riiight..

Kate Winslet, who is A-list famous on both sides of the Atlantic, managed to split up with her equally famous director husband six months ago without anyone (not even the paps) knowing about it until she mentioned it recently.
I think the circumstances made it unavoidable. The Sun got 5 girls that Ashley had been sleeping with. Don't tell me after that, you would have been able to stop the press from writing stories about you dumping him.
Crunchy  Nuts
A dignified silence while fuming privately
She did that the first time and look where it got her. She looked like even more of a fool then imo.

I think she's done the right thing and publically split from him. Give him a bit of public humiliation as well, getting publically dumped. I know it's not a patch on being publically humilated like Cheryl has been by all the girls that have came out of the woodwork, but it's a start.
But I agree if she goes back on it now she'll look like a right idiot.
Crunchy  Nuts a Mackem girl myself, I think Cheryl has shown a great deal of restraint in dealing with knobhead(lol). All she's done is splatter the media with 'stories' about her break up to make herself look good and Cashley look even more of a berk than he already was. It could have been sooooooooo much worse for him if he'd been on the end of a real Geordie slagging off (lol)
Sometimes less is more so I agree with the dignified silence approach....I felt very very sorry for her when she found out about him cheating the first time and couldn't even fault her when she took him back in an attempt to salvage their relationship....He's poohed in the nest again so imo time for them both to move on....I do think a lot of what she's doing is contradictory ,asking for privacy then using every opportunity to get column inches....I think it would be sad if she continues to use the sorry state of her marriage as a reason to further market herself.
While not justifying anything Ashley has done but I think Cheryl moving the Mother in Law into their marital home as well as bashing Ashley in the press every chance she got didn't help their marriage. If she was going to take him back she should have done that not continue to stir the situation in the media every chance she got.

Also, getting an almost replica wedding ring made and wearing it on her wedding not attention seeking at all...
I thought her mum moving in with them odd tbvh....Odd that Cheryl would want her mum in their home but as a mum with children who are married/getting married I cannot understand her mum agreeing to do so....There must always be a healthy distance in order for our kids to make their own way in life especially with their realtionships....Did her mums close involvement in their marriage have a detrimental affect?.....IMO quite possibly.
In their house or within the grounds still too close for comfort imo....TBF if Ashley had moved his mum in I wonder would Cheryl have been in agreement....I know we can't believe everything we read but I did read her and her mum done a lot of socialising together as well,often out on the town together....Again I find that odd,not the usual child/parent relationship imo.
She loves it. No-one makes her keep on talking about her "heartbreak" to Heat,
How do you know for sure she does speak to Heat ? .... I would imagine alot of what goes down in Heat ect, is hearsay .... and if she loves it as much as some of you think she does, then why did she cancell  her interview on the Jonathan Ross show which should have been broadcast on the 12th March ? Surely that would have been an excellent platform for grabbing sympathy from the nation ?
Part of me wants Cashley's ankle to stay broken, but then part of me wants him to recover because he's a damn good left back and we could do with the tit head in our squad for South Africa.

But I'd better keep my mouth shut because I'm not allowed to fancy Cheryl because it'd be seen as 'spending all my time fantasising about a girl that's already married'
Crunchy  Nuts

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