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Don't like him.

I know it shouldn't matter..... but he just doesn't look the part! And when he talks he doesn't seem at all confident, which means I find it very hard to take him seriously.

The Labour party are gonna go through that usual crappy thing of testing out a few leaders before finally hitting on one who works.

In my considered, but mainly ignorant of all things political, opinion.
At least he doesn't wear as much fcucking makeup as Cameron.  That bloke has more foundation/crack filler on his face than Joan Collins.
NEVER trust a multi-millionaire member of the landed classes to keep the best interests of the unwashed proletariat at heart. "Call Me Dave" wouldn't last five minutes in the real world, which doesn't matter to him because he's never had to live in it. Buty it matters a fcuk load to the rest of us, unless we WANT to be a nation of forelock-tugging serfs who know our place and bow to the greater wisdom of our betters...
I will NEVER EVER vote Tory for as long as I live. If everyone else thinks a load of Eton toffs best represents them, then good bloody luck..
17 millionaires in the cabinet and we're all in this together, yeah right...... they have no clue. I'd never vote again if I had to vote for that heap of public schoolboys playing we can do this 
Self-made is fine - Lord  Sugar has more money than most of them and he's a Labour voter. But twunts like Clegg who tried to play the "common man" card, when in reality he never needs to work because his family are fecking minted and sent him to the "best" schools where even a mediocrity like him could get a shoe-hold into the establishment...
Doesn't matter. Him and his party are history come the next elections - and most of his supporters have come back to Labour. Same as every Liberal party in the past 100 years - they fcuked themselves clinging to the Tories, ended their own chances of government for the next 50 years and handed it back to Labour.
Still, as long as Cleggie's few months in Parliament (limited power, maximum expenses) were worth it..
I am not sure about Ed Milliband to be honest  ask me this time next year got to give him a chance, I do know I trust him more than the con/dems but that would not be hard ..would it.. I cant see the tories  being re-elected no matter who is leader of the labour party to be honest IMO... the lib dems will be lucky to win seats in bi elections ..they are toast
Superficially his accent annoys the hell out of me but I think he is a shrewd and clever leader who knows how to get under Cameron's skin and can unite the Labour party. 

History isn't destined to repeat itself and Labour are already leading in the polls.  Ed may not be setting the political world on fire but that's to be expected when Labour are 'the least interesting party' of the big three.  Attention will be drawn to the increasing hostility of Tories and Lib Dems and the inept, dogma driven policies of this abysmal government. 

The two identikit Blair clones are undoubtedly better at spinning their message better than Ed but there's only so much polish you can apply to a turd.

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