Skip to main content goes, another Ebay question or two... (sorry)

I've just sold a pair of shoes on Ebay and have requested the funds from Paypal, how long do i wait until I post the item????

Also, can anyone tell me what getting 'Verfied' is? I have had a look and it asks me to fill a Direct Debit form in. It says paypal will deposit 2 amounts into my bank and then they can verify me as I am the only person (besides them) who knows what these amounts are. Am I right so far?

Can anybody tell me what the DD form is for? What i mean is, what will they be taking by Direct Debit?????

...sorry to be a pain but I'm getting all confused, as usual!!!!

I hope someone can help me and explain it in dummy terms. Please don't think I'm being ignorant if I don't reply to your replies straight away, I'm just in the process of having wiped my laptop to get rid of viruses and it's taking me ages to load stuff back on......

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Paypal is instant  so as long as the buyer is verfied and the posting details confirmed you can post straight away 

to verify - fill the direct debit form in - this is for Paypal to use the info - bank account no - sort code etc - they will then pay in two amounts - only a few pence - once you see the payments you have to log into paypal and tell them how much and on what date they paid into your account - this is to ensure you are who you say you are and also an account that will be linked for you to transfer money from into Paypal and also transfer out of Paypal into
I understand your concerns - I had them at first as well  
when the buyer makes a paypal payment you will get an email telling you and also including name and address for posting - there is normally confirmed in this message meaning the buyers details as far as Paypal is concerned are OK - on odd occassions you get a message saying communicate the buyer before posting as the address they have given hasnt been confirmed
Thankyou again Mrs H, it makes more sense now. I have had the email from Paypal saying i should receive the funds shortly. I will post the item shortly, though it does say unconfirmed at the side of her address????

Would you leave it a day or two. I did state that I wouldn't post the item until the funds have been received and cleared into my account. She only has a feedback score of one as well, though I guess we all have to start somewhere...
The Devil In Diamante
not 100% sure but until you have verified I dont think Paypal will transfer the funds to your account - dont post until you have the funds showing in your Paypal account - your buyer could be a new Paypal user and is waiting to be verified as well - in the meantime communicate the seller and explain your account is being verified and as soon as the funds show you will post her goods - check the posting address with her as well
Worth mentioning DiD that although its a faff at first once Paypal is set up its virtually trouble-free from then on.  Although I usually buy and not sell.  And if you have sold something its worth checking out the feedback on your buyer, see what others have to say about them.  I always pay instantly and therefore my feedback is 100% and people usually leave feedback saying they would welcome my custom again.  Hope all goes to plan.
Thanks squiggle, I usually buy and am the same, I pay straight away and have a 100% feedback score, it's just this selling thing I think I've cracked it now though.

I have requested the monies from Paypal and it should hit my account in a couple of days. The girl who's bought the item (she got a bargain BTW ), only has a feedback score of 1, but she is verified with Paypal

The only other item she has bought was a Blackberry Curve and she paid ÂĢ195 for that, so, I guess if she was going to be a fraud, she'd have done it with that rather than the cheaper item I have sold.

I am learning slowly but surely....
The Devil In Diamante
I have had some people moan about Paypal but in my experience they are brilliant.  I bought some dining chair covers and was waiting for delivery when I got an email from Paypal to say that it could be a suspect deal.  They chased it up for me and I think the guy was going to be dodgy but when Paypal threatened the end of his eBay experience he couldn't send me the covers quick enough.
Me too. Paypal's brilliant once you get used to it - and you can often use it to pay for stuff on other online outlets, not just eBay.
At least you know it's secure and you have some form of come-back. I have also used it to just pay a person direct. If you're registered, you can just type the persons email in and send the funds straight to them, you have no need to get their Bank Details then..(great if the person is someone you don't know)...
The Devil In Diamante

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