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It has to be a pathetic and utterly implausible story line.  Ronnie, who's supposed to have become totally obsessed over having a kid, just sits in another room A DAY after giving birth and Charlie, just decides to get pissed while he's supposed to be looking after Kat and Alfie's baby A DAY after its birth!  Alfie doesn't think to check on his DAY OLD baby during all that time because he's so indisposed what with running a pub, despite having bar-staff on in the downstairs of the very same building to were his DAY OLD baby is sleeping?

Aside from its wholly contrived implausible character and plot twists that are require the characters to be played with absurd nonchalance to enable the plot to tick over, the story is pretty distasteful, especially to those who've recently lost their babies.
Last edited by Carnelian
Jingle Bell Riverrock
I think that they should have had Kats baby that died not Ronnies, I found it hard to feel any emotion for Ronnie but when the Slaters thought it was Tommy it was far more realistic.

I agree, but that wouldn't scan so well with the persona of Ronnie being the child obsessed damaged woman who has struggled to have kids.  Therefore, to pile on the melodrama, EE script writers have to kill Ronnie's child, hence the whole same day birth thing would have been a wasted opportunity by script writers when they could have rationed out the melodrama by having the births seperate and having a seperate and unrelated crisis.

EASTENDERS may have drawn 3,400 complaints for its cot death plot but it hasn't hurt the soap's ratings.

Furious viewers bombarded the BBC after watching Ronnie Branning (Samantha Womack) exchange her dead baby with Kat Moon's (Jessie Wallace) newborn after her son dies from cot death.

But despite the controversial storyline which aired on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, the soap won its best peak audience for almost a year with 11.1 million tuning in last night.

Fans don't seem to have been dissuaded from tuning into the show by the gruesome storyline with average viewer figures rising from 10.4 million on Monday night to 10.7 million last night.

Last February the Walford soap earned 15.6 million viewers for is dramatic live episode which saw Stacey Branning (Lacey Turner) revealed as Archie Mitchell's killer.

The BBC has continued to defend its shocking storyline despite mums who lost children to cot death complaining it was insensitive and sick.

Broadcaster Anne Diamond, whose son Sebastian died from cot death in 1991, said she was horrified by the storyline.

She said: "I was shocked to find cot death itself is no longer dramatic enough for today's screenwriters.

"It wasn't enough that poor Ronnie Branning should lose her newborn son. She had to lose her senses, too, and swap her dead baby for Kat Moon's healthy son.

"If I had known that was what they were planning, I would have raised the roof."

But EastEnders boss Bryan Kirkwood claimed the show's fans were warned about the plot before and given help line details as the credits rolled.

He said: "We took care to ensure viewers were aware of the content in advance.

"We also provided action line numbers at the end of the show."


I was right... sort of, it got alot of viewers and thats just gonna tempt the producers to create even more controversial storylines

I would say to Ms Diamond that we lost a good friend to a hit and run driver a couple of years ago. Neither us nor his parents expect the people in charge of the tellybox to ban material about people in such incidents, even though every time such an occurence is shown it is deeply upsetting.

The point being made is that the circumstances don't add  up.
Garage Joe
She said: "I was shocked to find cot death itself is no longer dramatic enough for today's screenwriters. "It wasn't enough that poor Ronnie Branning should lose her newborn son. She had to lose her senses, too, and swap her dead baby for Kat Moon's healthy son.

This! Exactly this. What is wrong with the EE script writers
sky news have just said Ronnie (Samantha Wommack) has quit the show
Yay! There IS a God!

Its not the issue of Cot Death she is annoyed about it is that EE are basically saying that the mentality of a mother whose child does from cot death is to swap the baby, and are blaming the cot death for the baby swap.

Totally agree. The cot death storyline on it's own could have been handled sensitively and possibly even helped to support viewers who had or were experiencing a similar experience (and especially those who maybe hadn't had any counselling of any kind).

(I know I've already said this on here but I can't remember where)
Well Karma the EE script writers said the storyline would end when one of the characters involved left

Which is a bit pi$$ poor, in my humble.
Typical production..!  Get the sensational headlines and a few weeks of episodes and then cop out when an actor leaves the show.  Cot death isn't about until the next big event - it's with you forever.  People spend their lives adapting and trying to find a point where the rawness is less heightened.

It's not about "oh well, that's over and done with - nexxxxxxxxxxxt"

If they, the writers were going to do any good in this the storyline will run and resound for as long as there's an affected family member still in that show.  That means this sad situation is to the forefront for an extremely long time to come.

Does anyone get what I'm trying to say..?

* I think I just ranted a bit.  Sorry all.  xxx
I get what you're trying to say. I thank God that I've been blessed in my life with healthy children and grand children. I honestly don't know how I'd have coped with something like a cot death's not something that can be shrugged off a few months down the line (I'd have thought). it's a life changing experience and not something that should be treated so flippantly jusdt t6o get ahead in the ratings. Poor, poor, sensationalist and insensitive script writing. Evidence that EE really and truly is a pile of cack!
Soozy Woo
That's the word - or the feeling I get coming through my tv screen, Soozy - an air of flippancy.  As if they've ticked another 'issue' off of their list.

Col, it has to run and run if it's to have any credibility.
My problem is that the whole story was overly contrived from the start .
It could have been so much better - Croc's post proving the point.
I agree. One issue yes, the two combined are too much. I don't really understand why EE has to be this relentless sorrow and pain. We (as a nation of watchers) have complained about EE storylines for years, but nobody there give a flying monkey's. I'll stop watching, that's the best solution.  Anyway, I've had 5 books for Christmas that need reading.
cologne 1

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