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I'm watching it and I really don't know whether I should turn off.  Morbid curiosity getting the better of me I guess.  Why can't EastEnders hold back the distasteful melodrama for once?  I can't help thinking the whole thing is in pretty poor taste and particularly offensive, I'd imagine, to those who've lost their babies.
Stopped watching ee some  months back now.  Sorry to anyone who is a fan but IMO its just the worst soap now.  Got to the point where i couldnt watch it and the list of reasons why i cant stand it now would take me til midnight to write out. I guess some still like it though, but i stopped watching quite a few months back
Kat had her baby at home...the haemorrage (sp) that she had in bed was originally meant to be verrrry graphic...but they cut it after complaints were made and also scenes where Ronnie was stroking her face with her dead babys hand were cut...hence the dodgy editing last night. I think it's the emotional rather than the graphic that people are finding hardest with this's  sick one all round really and some support groups are concerned that it will alienate mums who have tragically lost babies....they are angry at the way Ronnie has been portrayed.
I think they will pass it off Gyps as Kat saying she hadn't seen much of Tommy, i didn't find it as dramatic as i thought it would be, down to the poor storyline, why would no-one check on a new born baby when the mum is in hospital (new Year or not( and why was Ronnie allowed home in a cab with no car seat , also Ronnies baby looked about 3 mths old when he was born but she was walking about the square with a little doll clutched to her chest, they will probably still win the best storyline over corries tram crash though
I just saw on this morning that the writers of eastenders want to keep this story line running for years how crap is that???? I think what they are going to do is Kat will instinctively know that Ronnie has her baby and it will be strung out for years and years that shes mental, has post natal depression and is loosing her marbles. 

Now can i get paid for writing the script
I just saw on this morning that the writers of eastenders want to keep this story line running for years how crap is that????

That is indeed exceptionally crap and so far fetched - why do we honestly think that EE scriptwriters are gonna be any different though? I can't believe that they get away with such flimsy, ridiculous storylines.

If they do drag this out I think I'll probably stop watching - TBH - I don't know why I still do watch it - this may well cause me to kick my pathetic habit.
Soozy Woo
When I had my son the day after I came out of hospital I collapsed  the same as Kat there was afterbirth left inside me and I  hemmoraged really bad I never saw Kat receiving any blood I had 7 pints also they gave me  a D&C operation, they would not let my son come back into the hospital to be with me only to scan his head as I collapsed whilst holding him,Kat looked full of beans in the hospital none of it rang true to me .. I dont like the storyline and  to keep it going for years..................
I never receievd any blood after I haemorrhaged depends how much blood you lose...i only lost about a pint but it looked like a whole lot more.....I just just more worried about not getting it on the newly laid living room carpet that had only been down a couple of weeks....once in the ambulance though the ambulance woman ran back in the house to check for me and came back laughing that the carpet was ok.!
Hi croc from my bedroom all the way down stairs to my kitchen and lounge my carpets were ruined my sister in law had them cleaned whilst I was in hospital but I replaced them, it was a scorching day that day but my body was so cold I could not stop shaking, in the hospital I kept saying I was cold they kept giving me extra bedding I had lost so much blood nothing was going to get me warm only the blood I had replaced ..sorry but you made me laugh saying the ambulance woman ran back into the house to tell you  your carpets were okay
why would no-one check on a new born baby when the mum is in hospital (new Year or not( and why was Ronnie allowed home in a cab with no car seat , also Ronnies baby looked about 3 mths old when he was born but she was walking about the square with a little doll clutched to her chest

And that baby had no hat on it's head! AND it was bloody freezing outside!

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